26. Their I Love You's

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Harry's POV

How I missed to kiss her lips, how I missed the softness of her kiss! Yes she kissed me back unexpectedly, finally! I slowly pulled away but I sucked her bottom lip after. Her breathing is shallow, her hands are on my biceps, but she slowly slid it down. I sighed, maybe she doesn't want it, and maybe she's not ready. "Don't get me wrong prince but I'm afraid." She said putting her hands on her face. "Don't worry, it's fine princess. We're not gonna do it if you can't." but then she removed her hands from her face and put it on mine, pulling me back to her lips. "But I want you." She whispered and kissed me again. I intertwined my fingers with hers and pinned her hands over her head. I kissed her forehead, her nose, her chin and then up her lips for the final touch. I then released her hands and removed my shirt, I removed hers too and I heard her say "Oh my gosh." And she breathed so deep. I smiled remembering how we shared our love when we are still in LV, well now I don't want to be fast and rough, I will be soft and gentle for her because I don't have the heart to hurt her and make her cry, she's been through much enough. "Don't be nervous princess, it's fine I won't hurt you." I comforted and calmed her down, so she won't be in pain when we do our thing. "Trust me and just hold onto me princess." She nodded her head.

"Okay but please just be slow." she begs innocently, I just kissed her head for an affirmative answer and our night started just like that...

Morning light shines on my face again, I feel so great, greater when I felt Jennifer's arm across my body. Last night was so passionately romantic, she deserves it, she must've to know how much I love her, how much I need her and how much I've missed her. I shifted my body so I can face her, she's peacefully sleeping with her naked body. I caressed her face with my knuckles and that woke her up because she suddenly moved and startled a little. "Shhh princess it's fine, you're safe." I whispered as I'm hugging her in my arms. "I feel something hurtful down there." She whispered, trying to reach for my face...really, if only we can remove your blindfold it would be better. "You are funny, the pain will be eased away later when you take your bath."

"Are you sure?" she asked me.

"Yes I'm sure. But you should eat your breakfast first princess. What do you want, maybe I could request?"

"I want you." She then giggled hugging me tighter. "What? We've just done that last night, you will be sore, it's going to be more hurtful and I don't want you to feel it." I heard her sighed and laughed. "Alright then, maybe you could request me a waffle with strawberry syrup and a hot chocolate drink." Yeah maybe. If they won't give what my princess wants, I am willing to beg for them again so she can have what she wants. She's living fine here but this isn't the life she deserves, she deserves better, away from destruction and harmful incidents and creepy people.

"Sure, wait for me here and I'll get your food." I'm about to stand up from the bed but she held my hand saying. "Wait I didn't even tell you and kiss you good morning." I just laughed at her cuteness and everything. "What if I won't?" I teased her. "Alright then go ahead and get my breakfast." She then turned her back to me pulling the blanket over her head. "You should put some clothes too. Aren't you aware you're naked?" I heard her gasped, curling her body like a ball, feeling embarrassed of what I've said. "Give me my clothes now." she commanded me. "You don't need them anyways, you're sexy you know."

"La la la la la la la la..." she's mocking me. I just climbed out the bed to take her robe and put it on her, she'll take a bath later so she'll be putting her clothes later on. "Here's your robe, put it on." She uncovered herself and handed her robe. She's hardly putting it on so I helped her. "Don't be too embarrassed anymore, I've seen your body already and..."

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