11. Broke-Back

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Jennifer's POV

"I don't like him." When my dad retorts it, I feel like I should die.

"But dad, I love him." Yes I love him, like duh; the time when I cried in front of him is just an act. "I told you about it already."

"Jennifer Lynn!" oh shoot! He spat out my real name, I hope Harry didn't notice it. "Listen to me."

"Jennifer?" Harry looked at me, oh fvck no! I hope he's not gonna question me but,

"Yeah, Jennifer Lynn is my real name, what?" I intently looked at him.

He breathed, "No-nothing." He looks down, I can feel he's confused, he's thinking about me, I mean about Jennifer. He might be thinking this is only a coincidence because if it isn't, I'm a dead mess.

Then my dad continues, "Harry I'm sorry but I really don't like you."

I get into him, "Excuse me dad but I am the one liking him, not you so please don't interfere."

"Why? He's not good to you, and besides you're getting married." He's making a story again.

"No, whatever you say dad I am not going to be married with the man you gotta say. Harry is the only man I do love, why can't you just accept and understand that? And stop telling me what my life should be because I'm too grown up now!"

"Don't you ever talk to me like that." He pointed his finger on my face. "You're just my daughter." Yeah I'm just your daughter.

"Whatever dad! I love Harry and nothing's gonna stop me from loving him. Right Harry?" I held his arm. "Please say you love me too."

He just stood up, "I need some air, I'm sorry." He said and walked out.

I ran before him. "Harry wait!" I held his hand. "Let's talk."

"I need some air Lynn, my mind is in crisis and I need to settle down myself. And what now? You are getting married."

"I am not! God Harry please pull me away from hell, please. I love you, you pushed me away back then, but now I'm still here, because I love you Harry." I hugged him tight.

"Let's talk next time Lynn, let me cool down."

Yeah nice, he ran away! He doesn't even want me to explain. I've already told him I love him. What if I should talk to him as Jennifer? Perfect, yes! Tonight I'm gonna meet him, I mean stalk him, wherever he goes, and I'll make him talk. I reconsider my Jennifer rule!

Tonight, he's going to the club, you know what I am talking right? Yes, he's going to be a playboy again, find a girl and probably fvck her. Of course I am not gonna let him do that, not because I'm jealous or something but because I pity the girl, she's gonna be dumped, poor girl.

I found him sitting on the bar stool, drinking alone. He's not dancing or flirting with girls. Why? Because he's problem, and you Jennifer Lynn is his problem!

Well then, I'm sorry.

Hours have passed but he's still there. So I fixed myself and approached him.

"Any problem playboy?" I leaned on the counter.

"Honey?" he looks surprised. "What are you doing here?"

"Partying obviously, and then I saw you so . . ." I formed a smile inside my mask.

"I like your mask, plain white, for the first time, I saw you in white." He chuckled. I have no choice, I just saw it at the store nearby.

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