25. Body Touch

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Harry's POV

It's our 148th day here today, well we get better and better because Enrique and Ryan aren't hurting us anymore, I feel relieved because I know that Jennifer is safe and she couldn't be hurt anymore. I smiled seeing here smiling now. "Princess." I whispered, tickling her sides. She's laughing so hard, pushing me though she can't see—yes she has still her blindfold, she haven't seen me yet. I stopped tickling her. "Do you want to play?" she pouted, moving her hands to reach for her pillow. "How can I play if I can't see?" oh, of course you can still play. "I'm just going to ask some random questions and you answer them correctly. If you can't answer my question, you'll get your punishment." She hummed. "What if I answer it correctly?" she asked me, hugging her pillow tight. "I'll kiss you." I swear I would kiss you. "On the lips?" I can hear the hope in her voice. "Woah, don't be assuming princess." I teased chuckling, but I seriously want to kiss you right now. She pouted, "I'm not assuming silly, I'm just asking." She tried to hit me with a pillow. "Fine but I heard the hope in your voice. Why, do you want me to kiss you on the lips?" I whispered. "You are really silly, now you sound like you're the assuming one." She giggled; she really is good on turning tables.

I stared at her for a moment, just appreciating her beauty, her bruises were healing, and they don't even tie her up anymore. "What if I tell you that I really want to kiss you right now?" she bit her lip and her breathing get slow but deep, she didn't move or say anything. Maybe she wants me too, or maybe she's in mind she's fighting whether she is going to let me kiss her or not. "Maybe next time." She tried to smile from her pursed lips. I said "Okay" and instead of kissing her lips, I kissed her cheek. When I pulled away, she tried to hide her smile and she turned as red as tomato. I have this wide grin across my face, seeing her cute just like that, blushing! "You are blushing." I said, pinching her cheek. She buried her face on her palms, shaking head saying "No I'm not." I can't help it anymore! I climbed on the bed beside her and suddenly hugged her tight. I want to say I love you but if I did, something's going to happen. "You know what let's start our game." I put my head on the pillow sitting on her lap. "Is it okay if I lay my head here?" I asked so I won't bother her, all I want for her to be is to feel safe and comfortable around me. "Wait, you are not wearing any perfume today." Oh she noticed that. "I forgot, don't worry tomorrow I would." I'm using that perfume because if ever we're out of here, I want her to remember this scent—to remember me. "Alright. So what's your question?"

I clasped her soft hands with mine asking "What's the title of this song?"

Heart beats fast, colors and promises

How to be brave

How can I love when I'm afraid to fall

But watching you stand alone

All of my doubt suddenly goes away somehow

One step closer...

"I don't know, I didn't even heart that song." She answered. I just kissed her knuckles and continued singing.

I have died everyday waiting for you

Darling don't be afraid I have loved you

For a thousand years

I'll love you for a thousand more

She held my hands tighter like she doesn't want me to let go...I will stay right here with you for always.

Time stands still

Beauty in all she is

I will be brave

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