17} execution part 3

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You are awoken by sharp knocking on your door.
"(Y/N), get up and meet me downstairs. Wear your training gear." Your father shouts through the door at you. Ugh! I don't want to train today. You groan and roll over, falling out of your bed and landing on your floor.  You hastily  change into your black training gear and fix all your weapons to your being.
Jogging down the stairs you find your father waiting at the door with 4 other Templars. The 4 of them turn to you and bow their heads. You recognise them from your training, you were top of your class but they made up the remainder of the top 5. Your father looks confused at their actions until he turns to see you.
"Ah, (Y/N)! This is Luca, Krista, Cara and Jack. They will be working with you today." He says smiling as he introduces you.
"Yes I know them. What will they be helping me with?." You don't recall any briefing or instruction on a mission.
"As you know, I have to be present at the execution today. The Auditore brat will surely also be attending and I don't want any unnecessary confrontations. You will monitor the execution, any sign of him and you will detain him. Understood?" You nod, your face showing no emotion. Your heart is beating so fast and hard you are certain everyone can hear it.
The five of you move out, riding ahead of Rodrigo's carriage.
"I know I have no right to ask it I need a favour, can I trust you to keep this secret?" The others exchange wary looks but soon they all nod in agreement. You sigh, relieved.
"If you see the young assassin then please, let me take care of him." You try not to let them hear the desperation you feel but some must have crept through. You register pity on their faces and see their sympathetic eyes.
"We will give you a signal if we see him." One of them replies and they all nod. 
"Thank you." You let out the breath you were holding and focus on your surroundings.
It's. Not long before you reach the city and your father gets out of his carriage, the 5 of you walk over to him and await your orders.
"The assassins may be here to target me or another member of the order when we are in the open. I want Luca and Krista with me on the ground. The rest of you, take to the roofs and watch out. Move out." You and the other 3 each climb into the roofs, you on one side of the main road and the Cara and Jack taking the other side. You walk parallel to your father, occasionally jumping from one roof to another and keeping an eye on the crowds. You can't see anyone there, you can't see Ezio.
You finally reach the courtyard by the palazzo della signora and wince at the sight of the temporary gallows set up in the centre. You quickly scan the area and leap into a nearby hay bail. You jump out and brush yourself off, jogging towards your father.
"The area is clear, Jack and Cara are in positions on the rooftops. I'll patrol the ground with Krista and Luca." He frowns at you, making you tense.
"What was that you did just now? To get down from that roof?"
"It's more efficient and it meant I didn't have to risk being seen climbing. You know how the guards can be nowadays so I thought-" you can feel yourself blushing as you talk, he notices and interrupts.
"It's an assassin trademark, don't do it again." He dismisses you and heads to his place to the side of the crowd.
You turn your eyes to the people, searching for a white hood. As your eyes roam, a ray of light hits your face. Looking up you see it coming from the girl, Cara. She reflected the light from her dagger onto your face. She slowly moves the beam of light along the ground, you follow until it lands on a mans back. He is wearing an all white robe and you can see a sword dangling from his hip.
"Don't draw attention to yourself, they are looking for you." You whisper into his ear making him jump. He turns his head and looks you over.
"What are you doing here? You shouldn't be here when things get ugly." He whispers back, moving to stand next to you.
"I've become accustomed to death, I don't need to shield myself from it."
"Nobody is dying here today apart from those who seek to murder my family."
"Listen, I gave Alberti the documents to prove your family innocent. Let him handle this."
"I don't trust that man, I'll liberate them myself."
"You honestly think you can take on all these guards?"
"No, not alone." He looks at you expectantly but you shake your head.
"I can't. Not today, not when my father is here." You glance towards him and see him talking to Alberti. Your brows furrow and your heart jumps. Is Alberti one of us? Or is he just an acquaintance of father's?
"Your father? Who is he?" Ezio looks down at you with raised eyebrows and curiosity in his eyes.
"Not important. You should go before..." You trail off as you hear boos and see Giovanni, Frederico and Petruccio all being shoved onto the stage. You see the fear in Petruccio's eyes as the rope is put around his neck and you zone out, subconsciously whimpering and stepping forwards. You can't hear anything going on around you as you focus on his fear, pushing your way to the stage. You feel an arm on your shoulder and turn to see Ezio, his mouth moving. You slowly shake your head as the ringing noise clears. Your hearing finally comes back to you.
"-re you okay? I told you you shouldn't be here."
"I'm fine." You would continue but hear one bone chilling sentence that stopped you mid thought.
"I have received no such documents." You spin around and lock eyes with Alberti. He grins and you feel your heart stop. The world seems to slow down as the lever is reached for and you rush forward when you see it being pulled down. The world speeds up again when it is fully down and the three men are dangling by their necks. You cry out softly and feel your knees wobble. Once again zoning out and not hearing Ezio as he screams. I didn't stop it. I'm useless! I can't even save the only true family I have ever known. You feel a tug on your arm and snap out of it.
"(Y/N), we have to go now!" Ezio shouts down to you, you had sunk down to your knees and tears were flowing down your cheeks. Looking up you see many guards circling you. You stand up and draw your sword.
"You run, get Claudia and Maria out of here. I'll hold these guys off." You get into a fighting stance as one of the guards runs towards you, raising his sword. You block his sword with your own and throw his arm back, spinning him so he stands in front of you before slicing his neck.
"I'm not leaving you! There are too many guards here." He also takes out a guard.
"I'm fine, my father wouldn't let me die fully anyway, just punish me enough for aiding you. Now RUN YOU IDIOT!" You shout at him, pushing him away from the guards. With one last look back,, he darts down the street.
"Stop this and follow him, the girl is unimportant!" Your father calls, sending the guards after Ezio. A guard makes to run past you but you run him through, having to kick him off your bloody sword.
"You'll have to go through me first!" You shout back, baring your teeth and facing all the guards.
"I tire of your nonsense, seize her." You sense movement behind you but not in time to move. Your arms are captured and your sword is taken away from you. You struggle but to no avail. All but three of the remaining guards rush off in search of Ezio. I hope I gave him enough time. Is all you can think as Rodrigo steps towards you.
"You are a filthy traitor and I should have you killed." He says as he looks down on you.
"I couldn't just watch as you murder the only family I have ever had!" You spit back.
"Ungrateful wretch!" He slaps you, hard. You barely feel the pain through the adrenalin and rage. He steps towards you and brings his knee up into your abdomen. You feel a sharp pain and fall out of the guards grasp onto the floor. As you are about to pull yourself up, his foot connects with your ribs and there is a crack. Pain radiated from your chest and you turn to lie on your back.
"I am ashamed to call you daughter." He kicks you again and drags you up by your hair. "The only reason I'm not killing you is because you don't deserve to die!"
He lets go of your head and it smashes on the ground. Spots appear in your vision and you feel small rain droplets falling onto your body. Soon it begins to pour down and you are grateful for the cool water on your skin. You begin to cry silently, not due to your physical pain but for the loss of 3 of your closest friends and family members.
"You are weak and pathetic. Crying over the filthy assassins!" He turns to the guard nearest you and nods.
"I thought I raised you better. Come home when you've healed and don't even think about running away. Or I may just have to pay a visit to your mother." He turns and walks off. You turn your head to the side but see the guards foot too late. It smashes into your face and renders you unconscious.

I hope that was okay, it's a bit longer than my other chapters have been since I haven't updated in a while. Please comment and if I get a vote I'll update this the next day, if not I'm guessing it'll be done by Wednesday. Bye guys!

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