10} Liar

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Thought I'd do two chapters in one day because I feel as if I have neglected the few people who have continued reading my book by not updating last week. Also, if you are one of the few following this series then I am truly grateful for your support and I hope you keep on reading! Thanks guys now on with the chapter!

You barge into your fathers office, not bothering to knock.
"You used me! You used me to get to the Auditores!" You shout at your father.
"Ah...so you found out at last. You had to sooner or later but I hoped to get just a little more information out of your...relationship before telling you. Oh well, we had enough information to successfully frame Giovanni and his family. You did well, I am proud of you (Y/N)."
"Giovanni didn't do anything wrong!" You scream at him.
"They were Assassins, their very being was wrong my dear." He sighs and adds a few tuts, "have I taught you nothing at all?"
You feel your anger bubbling up and fight as hard as you can not to lash out. Then your stomach flops as you realise something. He is referring to them in past tense, why would he do that?...unless...
"What did you do to them?" You demand, crossing the small space between you and your father, "if you hurt them I swear I'll-"
"YOU'LL WHAT!?!? What will you do to me?" He shouts, making you flinch a little. He starts to laugh at you which pushes you over the top. You draw back your arm and swing it towards him, a stinging slap landing on his left cheek. He is silent for a moment before standing up. You gulp.
Crap, shouldn't have done that! You think as he walks around his desk. He moves so fast you don't see it coming but you sure do feel it. You are thrown to the floor by his punch. You feel the blood trickling from your nose and your lip stings where it has been split. You push yourself up on your forearms, glaring up at your father.
"I am your father and you will treat me with respect! You swore an oath to the Templar order and this is just part of the job description! You knew that when you joined us there was a high probability of you killing, lying and cheating, if you weren't prepared to do this then why commit to us?"
"Because....because I didn't...I didn't want to go back to mum and spend the rest of my life in a stupid whorehouse. I don't want to be like mum!" You whisper, almost to yourself.
"I know, that's why I took you in. To save you from that cruel life. Remember your allegiance to me, (Y/N). Remember what the Assassins did to you?" You shake your head. Please no, anything but that memory! I don't want to remember!
"Please, they aren't like that, they are...different! Maria, Giovanni, Frederico, Petruccio...Ezio. They wouldn't hurt me!" You insist quietly, staring at the floor and trying to wipe away the blood coming from your nose.
"But they are the same. They lie, they manipulate! Even their motto;
Nothing is true, everything is permitted, invokes inequality and injustice! They are nothing but false advocates of Liberty. They must be stopped, do you understand?"
"Yes, father." You lie. I don't understand and I sure as hell won't let you kill them!
"What will happen to them?" You ask, acting defeatedly.
"Tomorrow, the guards will go to their house and arrest the 4 males. From there they will be held in custody for one night. They are scheduled to be executed the day after tomorrow." He states coldly, no emotion present on his face or in his voice.
Your heart rate spikes as does your anger. A tear rolls down your cheek.
"It's such a shame you had to be so defiant at first." Your father sighs. "It means that now I'll have to lock you in until the arrest, to make sure you don't do anything stupid." He waves his hand and you turn to see who he's signalling. Ferdinand stands behind you, arms crossed and leaning against the door.
"I'd gladly keep her away from that bastardo assassin." He smirks and grabs your wrist, dragging you up the stairs and into your bedroom. Throwing you to the floor and sitting against the door.
"Get comfortable, we're going to be here a while." He chuckles.
Great, I have to put up with him and find a way to save the Auditores! Your hands reach into your pockets and brush against the soft feathers. You gasp and crumple to the ground. With a small cry you let out all your pent up grief and cry into the cold floor.

I hope this chapter was okay, thanks for reading! As always, and questions, comments, ideas or suggestions then just comment and I'll answer as best I can! If you like the story then feel free to follow me, although this is my only story, I'm planning on starting a fullmetal alchemist story or an Attack on Titan one (although that's kind of a different fandom). Once again thanks for reading and I'll update again soon! Bye

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