31} Old Wounds

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I'm trying to update every weekend/Friday so bear with me and I'll try to be consistent with that schedule, love you all 😍


Ezio's pov

The guards start dropping like flies and I'm suddenly glad of the thieves' presences on the roofs. Pretty soon it's only me and two brutes on the ground, squaring off.

Not a moment after committing myself to an attack on the first of the guards, he freezes and a pained groan escapes him. Falling forward he reveals a shivering, dripping figure baring two daggers behind his once tall silhouette.

Their clothes are soaked and there's a barely noticeable quiver in their shoulders. What strikes me as more interesting is their familiar gear and (f/c) cloak. She made it out without me...? Not sure if I'm happy or embarrassed.

She hurls on the other brute and slashes away with both daggers, each hit merely bouncing off his thick armour. She goes in for a strike and the brute takes a swing at her with his sword.

I swear the smile on that girls face is noticeable to even the thieves on the roofs. Without any hesitation, she counters the sword and throws it upwards with all her strength. Darting forwards she sidesteps the man and comes to a rest behind him, leaping up to match his height and thrusting both blades into the unfortunate man's underarms. With a cry and a slight gurgle, he falls to his knees. She ruthlessly drags her blade across his throat, cutting through his jugular and windpipe.

She walks toward me and lifts both blades to put them back in her belt, also lifting her drenched hood.

"Sorry, I got the party started without you." (Y/n) wobbles on her feet a little but stays afoot. "I was beginning to think you wouldn't show."

I open my mouth to retort but soon close it again for a lack of words. I settle for pulling her in and wrapping my arms around her cold body. She stiffens and a small gasp escapes her mouth as her body starts to go limp.

"(Y/n)!?" I gently assist her to the ground and notice a big red stain on the left shoulder of her top. She grimaces as a pull one of her arms out the baggy shirt and move it down just far enough to see her wound.

"It's deep, maybe all the way through." A calm voice says from behind. "She needs help, and quickly"

"Antonio, if I carry her back to your hideout can you fix her up?" I'm pretty sure the desperation is evident in my eyes and my voice but I couldn't care less.

"You have a job to do Ezio, don't let this distract you from your goal. You heard so yourself, Emilio knows your in Venice now so this job will only get harder." I know he's right but I don't want to admit it.

"This job can wait, (y/n) living is more important than that man dying!" I hiss, trying to stay calm.

"Don't be an idiot. This is why I didn't want to work with you," she grunts and tried to stand, heavily reliant on my supporting arm around her waist. "Your emotions get in the way too much! It's just a scratch and I can handle myself."

Antonio notices how unstable she is and pulls out a long piece of cloth, tying it around her arm and shoulder to form a sling.

"That should take most the weight off of it," his eyebrows furrow with concern at her shaking and stumbling "but are you sure you're going to be able to walk? It's no trouble for-"

"I'm fine!" She yells as she starts striding away. "Which way to hideout?"

Antonio pulls out a syringe much like my hallucinogenic darts and flicks it check for air in the yellow liquid. He sneaks up behind her and delicately holds her as he emptied the content into her good arm. She yelps and violently staggers backwards, her heel catching on a raised cobblestone and tripping her up. Before she can hit the ground I catch her with both arms and hold her by her waist, steadily sinking to the ground from the awkward hold.

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