Chapter 2

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"The more you weigh the harder you are to kidnap..stay safe eat chocolate.."


"Assalamu alaikum Bhai and Ayesha, you people are late." Hana said in a disapproving tone while taking a seat next to me in the car.

Hana was my child hood friend and so both, Hana and bhai share a relationship like a sister and brother maintaining the border line as per the Islamic rules. They are so called perfect people, Islamically, well according to my elders to which I disagree. Why do people have to be so perfect?
Hana was all time niqabi and my brother had a beard..isn't that too much? Yeah that was, already for me.

"Walaikum assalam." we replied in unison.

"It was all because of bhai, you know I am so punctual." I replied sarcastically.

Not even a second passed by but soon both rolled their eyes towards me.

"What? Am I not?" I asked with a puppy dog eyes.

"No." they both blurted out.

"Whatever." I said shrugging it off.

"By the way I have a good news for you people." Hana said in excitement.

"What? You are finally leaving this town and going really far. Oh my gosh I have never got such a good news in my entire life." I said faking in double excitement while she slapped her hand against my shoulder.

"No idiot, my nikah date is fixed and to your dismay I will be living in the very same town as you are living in." she said winking at me.

"Masha Allah Congo Hana" Ahmish Bhai smiled after turning back from the passenger seat.

"Jazak Allahu khairan Bhai." Hana replied.

"Aww I thought I got the good news but you" I pointed my hand towards her and then said "will never let me live in peace." I pretended to fake a sad face.

Immediately I changed my face to a happy one and said "okay apart from jokes, congratulations habibti I am so so happy for you." I squealed, giving her a hug, a long hug may I add?

"Aww thank you darling." she said batting her eye lashes.

"Eww don't call me that, save that word for your hubby." I giggled and she blushed.

"Aww someone is blushing huh? By the way where is Bhai?" I wondered.
We were so busy in our bestie talks that we didn't realise the car was parked and Bhai was no where to be seen.

Anyways, as soon as I discovered that it's only me and Hana in the car I blurted out "Hana I am going to meet Hazal after a long time, I am so excited."

Hana rolled her eyes towards me "shut up, I am nervous plus its our last day in the college and all you are worried about is only him."

What? How could she say that? Wasn't she eager to meet her fiance? The same way I was eager to meet my boyfriend. What was the harm in that?

"My little sister is worried about whom?" Bhai asked suspiciously while coming back to his seat and buckling the seat belt.

Hana and me exchanged glances.
What should I do? Should I tell him? I don't know how will he react? But someday I will have to tell him as I and Hazam have planned to get married soon. Yes I should tell him soon.

"Nothing its just about my favourite professor who is ill and will not be able to attend the ceremony." I lied. It was haram to lie, but who cares? I only need to get out of this problem.

Hana was looking at me as if I have murdered someone. Huh? If I would have not lied I would have been definitely murdered. she doesn't know how protective brothers are because she doesn't have a brother. All she have is a sweet little sister and that too is younger.

"Ohh I see, by the way Hana this is for you for your good news and Ayesha this is for you, compensation to what I ate." Bhai handed us a big pack of dairy milk. Thank God he was convinced with my lie. Wait? Where was my other dairy milk? Abbu said he'll give me two?

"Ahhhmmiisshh bhaiii." I shouted and
Bhai already had his hand pressed against his ear.

"Stop it Ayesha, I nearly had a mini heart attack." Hana exclaimed.

"There you go." Bhai said giving me another chocolate.
Gosh Why does he irritate me so much? What does he get? I think it's the way brothers show their love to sisters. They don't admit their love and just show it by irritating them.

We chit chatted and soon was on the entrance of our college. Bhai told us to go inside while he had some work. Obviously he had to offer salah in masjid because it was duhr time already. Hana rushed me to go in the room where she offered her salah while I was busy using my mobile but Hana being Hana pleaded me to offer salah too so I offered only the fard salah quickly. While hana was offering her sunnah I messaged Hazal as to where he was and to which he replied that he will be soon in front of me. I was eager to meet him, I had missed him so much during the holidays. I can't wait to be officially with him. As soon as Hana finished her salah we decided to take a last round of our university as it was still time left for the function to start.

"So when is the nikah?" I broke the silence while we moved together.

"Umm on the 15th of the next month, around one and a half months left." Hana replied

"How can you marry a man whom you don't even know and never had a conversation with him?" I asked in surprise.
Yes she has never talked to her fiance saying that it's haram because he still appears in her non mahram's list. And to our surprise her fiance also didn't try once to stalk her. She says if a girl is engaged that doesn't mean it is allowed her to talk to her fiance. She doesn't even talk to boys in our university saying its haram and Allah has ordered to save our chastity for our husband. Why have I got such religious people in my life? Am I the only brat in their life?

"You know my father is my first love and I want him to decide who will be my last love and I am sure he won't let me down plus I know that the guy I am going to marry is pretty religious, and this is the only thing what I want in my husband." Hana snapped me out of my deep thought.

Just then I saw Hazal making his way through us. I didn't have words to describe his elegant personality. He was wearing black jeans with a black blazer. He's a man with perfect height and strong muscles. Okay if I start his description then the sun which had shown it's face just few hours before, would leave us in darkness but his description won't stop. I grabbed Hana's hand and made my way to Hazal.

"Hey." I was going to hug him as I had missed him so much but then my so called best friend pressed my hand and glanced at me with a hint of 'no'. How does she know what is my next step? May be we our soul sisters. Ever since I and Hazal were in a relationship, Hana would never let me meet him alone in person. She had never let me touch him or had never let me cross my limits. She says that do whatever you want when you are married to him. She always kept an eye on me making sure I wasn't doing anything wrong. May be best friends are for keeping you on the right path. She does not accepts our relationship but she also doesn't judge me like others and I respect her deeply.

"Hey, I missed you." Hazal replied.

"Aww missed you too." I said making my eyes meet his.

"Ahem, we should leave." Hana interrupted still lowering her gaze while we were lost in each other.
I was so gonna kill her. It was not even five minutes and she was demanding to leave or may be she was right because Bhai would be arriving here anytime soon. Hazal and I nodded in agreement and departed our ways.

While making our way towards the ceremony hall I literally said to Hana
"I am so thankful to Allah that he gave me such an amazing boyfriend."

"Well. Then you should rather be thankful to shaytan."


I know it was boring enough. Was it? The real story has yet not started. These chapters were just the part of intro.

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