Chapter 4

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"If you are giving others more priority than your own family, then you need to understand that you're heading the wrong way."


"Come sit habibti." Abbu said calmly
Wow he looks pretty calm so am I saved?

"So coming straight to the point. Do you really want to marry him Ayesha?" Abbu said glaring at me.
Ya Allah I have got the best dad in the world. He did not even utter a word of arrogance towards me and yes that's the quality which my dad possess. He can sort out things with sabr.

"Ye eesss Ab bbuu." I replied with a stammer.

"Ayesha how could you do this to us? You very well know that relationship is haram in islam. Ahh forget about the relationship even looking at opposite gender is not allowed. We trusted you and gave you everything you needed and all you gave us in return is a broken trust. You could have just told us whom you want as your future spouse by keeping it in a halal way but why relationship?" Ahmish Bhai said with the his jaw clenched.
I could see he was hurt, badly hurt. His eyes were full of regret and anger. He could have just badly scolded me for all what i did but he would never do that rather he will hurt himself from inside. He will blame himself for what I did wrong. The feeling of regret over powered me soon and tears trickled down my cheek. I so wanted to go back and change my past, I so wanted to bring the trust back which my family had on me, I so wanted to bring that moment back when we would sit and tease each other without any tensions, I so wanted my parents to see me the way they used to see me with love in their eyes, I so wanted my perfect happy family back but all I could do is to sit helplessly and go through the pain of watching them going through the pain that I caused.. yes I..ya Allah what have I done?

"Ahmish what's done is done, we need fix the future now. Children make mistakes and it is the duty of the parents to fix the problem and lead them to right path. Innallaha ma'as sabireen (indeed Allah is with the patient)." Abbu told Ahmish bhai soothingly.

"And Ayesha call that boy now and tell him we want to meet him tomorrow, but but but don't raise your hopes high. It's not a yes from me because I need to scan the boy first whether he is suitable for you or not."
Abbu informed me with a warning.
Oh my gosh did he say yes? Okay okay he said he wants to meet Hazal but that's the first step of course. I am feeling like I am on the cloud. Yay.

"I love you Abbu and ammi" I quickly said while giving ammi a side hug.

"I said don't raise your hopes high and no more haram talks." Abbu again warned.
Yeah yeah I know that. Soon Ahmish Bhai stood and made his way out of the room with a disappointing look. Is he still angry?

I straight away went to my room, closed the door and did my happy dance. When I am really very happy my body moves in the automatic rhythmic beats of my heart and I call it my happy dance.

All of a sudden my mobile phone started ringing and it was none other but Hana. I immediately tapped the green button.

"Guess what?" I blurted out happily.

"Walaikum assalam" she replied sarcastically.
Ooppss I forgot to say salam.

"Sorry assalamu alaikum, you know ab...."

"Abbu agreed to meet Hazal." she said in a happy tone after cutting me off.

"How do you know that." I asked shockingly.

"By your speaking tone habibti and I am your best friend, I know you more than you know yourself." she answered to which I chuckled. That was a cliche statement. Nobody can know someone more than the person himself.

"Okay talk to you later sweety I have to call Hazal to inform him that Abbu wants to meet him tomorrow." I informed her.

"Ohh okay catch you later and Allah Hafiz." with that she disconnected the call.

I later informed Hazal and he agreed for the meeting. It was soon evening and I was lazying on my bed with millions of thought in my head. I had a feeling of both nervousness and excitement on the pit of my stomach while thinking about tomorrow's meeting. If Abbu will confirm Hazal for me then I would be the luckiest girl on earth but what if he doesn't approve? What if he doesn't like Hazal? Then what am I going to do? I shrugged off my negative thoughts as it only invites anxieties and nothing else.
I had one more difficult job to finish off today and that is calming down my big angry brother. Why on earth these big brothers are so possessive about their sisters?

I checked Ahmish bhai's room but he wasn't there, further I checked the entire house but couldn't find him, where was he? I guess he must be in the garden. I made my way to the backyard of our house and there he was sitting on the swing with Abdullah. This was the most peaceful place of our house and we three hanged out here at the end of the day.

"What's up guys?" I asked while sitting on the swing on the side of Abdullah.

"Abdullah can't people see there is a sky up there." Bhai said sarcastically while pointing towards the sky.
Abdullah turned towards me analyzing the moment and I laughed mentally at his confusing look.

"Huh abdullah tell someone I know that, I am asking what is going on here." I replied while Abdullah gestured asking me what was wrong.

"Abdullah tell someone that it is none of their business." Bhai said in a hurt tone.

"Abdullah tell...."
"What is wrong with you two? I am not a pigeon to pass your messages. Sort your problems out." Abdullah cut me off and made his way towards the house.

I turned my face towards Bhai "what's wrong?" Yeah yeah I know what was wrong but I need something to start the conversation.

"As if I need to tell." he replied while ignoring me.

"I am sorry Bhai." I pleaded with a puppy dog eyes.

"No Ayesha you don't need to, it is my fault and I should be sorry because I was the who was responsible to take care of you, to know what's going in your life now. What will I answer there?" he said while pointing his finger towards the sky.
Argh I knew he would be blaming himself.

"No Bhai I am responsible for it and I should be sorry. I promise I won't let you down next time." I said while my eyes started to blur.

"Ayesha see you can't plan a halal future while being in haram things. Who has seen the future? Only Allah knows what is written in our Qadr. There is an ayah in the Quran which says 'They planned and Allah planned and Allah is the best of planners' and who knows what you're destined to wear first, a shroud or a wedding gown? You know how much Abbu and ammi are hurt? They won't show you but I know they are very much hurt because you broke their trust. You broke the trust of the one who did everything so that you can live in peace and you know once the thread of trust is broken it can never be mended without a knot in it." said Ahmish Bhai in a serious tone.
A house guilt started to built inside me and soon I had my cheeks filled with tears.

"I aa mm ssoo rryy bha aai." I said with a crooked voice.

"Ayesha I didn't need to hurt you habibti what I all need is you to judge between what is right and what is wrong and I can't see you cry please wipe off the tears." he said with a sigh while squeezing me.
The atmosphere is quite sentimental now and all I need to do was blow up the atmosphere with happiness.

"So am I forgiven?" I said while wiping out my tears.

"I never said that." he said while rolling his eyes towards me.

"See what I have brought for you, dairy milk caramelo." I smirked while taking out the chocolate from my pocket and still he looked away.
How could he?

"Now if you haven't forgiven me then I should eat it all by myself." I said tearing the wrapper simultaneously.

"Give me that." he said with a puppy dog eyes.

"First say you forgave me?" I bribed him while showing him the chocolate.

"Okay okay I forgive you." he said while snatching the chocolate from my hand.

"You're such a girl." I teased.

The rest of the evening went chit chatting with my angry brother who was now calmed and was worried about the next outcome. My further life would be decided tomorrow. Will I be able to get the love of my life or is there something else written in my Qadr? Indeed Allah knows and I do not.

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