Chapter 5

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Assalamu alaikum readers..:)
Some people thought that in the previous chapter Ayesha's parents will shower their anger on her but I wanted to show the patience ones parents should have while solving sensitive cases of their children. Because anger results in nothing but regret. As it is said a moment of patience in a moment of anger saves a thousand moments of regret. I hope I am right and jazak Allahu khair for such lovely votes and comments. I know there are not so much people reading it but still your one comment makes me smile. Stay awesome stay tuned ;)


"Halal is a must not just about what we eat but also what we wear and what we love."

It was a sleepless night thinking about the consequences of the meeting. The clock ticked seven in the morning and there I stood in the kitchen to make some dish for Hazal as he was invited for the breakfast.

"Ammi...." Ahmish Bhai entered and stood right there as soon as he saw me.
He then started rubbing his eyes resembling a fake shock.

"What?" I asked in a rude tone.

"You, as in Ayesha the sleeping beauty is standing is front of me in the earliest of morning and that too in the kitchen. Am I dreaming or are you not in your senses?" Ahmish Bhai said while keeping a hand on his chest.

"Huh neither of your options are right. I am here to prepare breakfast." I informed while making a face
Ahmish Bhai came closer to me and with his one hand grabbed my hand while with the other touched my forehead.

"What are you doing Bhai?" I asked surprisingly.

"Just checking the fever, I thought your sudden behaviour is due to illness but nope you don't have any fever but may be your brain is affected by something tragic " Ahmish Bhai said with a smirk.

"And that tragedy is Hazal." Abdullah said while grabbing an apple and taking a seat on the counter of the kitchen

"Don't you people have any work early in the morning?" I said while snatching the apple from abdullah and having a long bite.

"Hey that's my apple." Abdullah protested.

"It was baby brother, it was, but now its mine." I stuck my tongue out at him.

"Don't call me that I am no more a baby." Abdullah nagged.

"Ohh my Allah habibi who is she? She looks exactly like our daughter. Isn't it?" Ammi and Abbu entered the kitchen, I guess after taking a morning walk

"Yeah habibti I never knew our daughter had a twin." Abbu said feigning a shock.

"This is ridiculous. You people always nag at me to wake up early in the morning and help ammi in the kitchen but when I am actually trying to do it then you people are making fun of me." I stomped my feet in a serious tone.

There was silence of seriousness until everyone broke into fits of laughter.

"Abbu you too?" I complained.

"Okay no one will laugh at my daughter." Abbu warned everyone and after a second Abbu again fell into fits of laughter followed by everyone.
I had no option but to join them because this is the thing I craved yesterday. Thank god everything is back to normal and my family is back with it's charm. I cannot loose them at any cost. Just one more test to go with Hazal and my life would be completely perfect.

Later I helped mom preparing breakfast for Hazal. Okay okay not only for Hazal but for all the members of the family. I seriously did not know what she was doing, I just stood there handing over the things she asked me. To be honest I didn't even know what was name of some of spices. Gosh I need to learn how to cook before I get married or my mother in law sooner or later will kick me out of the house.

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