Chapter 12

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"There are two means of refuge from the miseries of life: Quran and cats"


Ayesha's POV

I had a dream about Hazal that he had picked me up and tugger me under the covers. I could feel his touch and gaze on me. He gave me a light peck on my forehead and my eyes flashed up.

"Haz" I was about to say his name and saw Ahmad staring at me. Thank god I stopped mid way. Wait, how am I here sleeping beside him?

"Umm ahem I am so sorry to..."

"How dare you touch me without my permission?" I cut him off with anger

"But you are my...."

"I am your nothing, better get that in your head as soon as possible which will be good for both of us" I blurted out and he lowered his head and kept silent. Why doesn't he fight back? If he looses his patience and mock at me then I will have a reason to divorce him. No problem I will provoke him until he looses his patience and do something bad and then I'll show my family how wrong their decision was.

"And how dare you picked me up? Leave me alone for God sake. Either I'll sleep on floor or you leave the room because I have the habbit of sleeping alone so please leave." I said in a huffed tone to irritate him
He silently stood up and made his way to the door. Really? Doesn't he have to say a word of arrogance to me so that we can have a fight?

"You are my wife, my responsibility and I am your protector. If I need to pick you up hundred times from the floor to prevent you from catching cold I'll do it without saying 'uff'." He said with his clenched jaws and with that he left the room slamming the door behind.
What? Doesn't his blood boil at my rude words? Ugh I need to work on irritating this man.

I turned to check the time at the side table and noticed a bouquet of roses and chocolates lying there. I picked it up and it had a note hanging in between the roses. I opened to see it's contents. 'Marriage is not weddings and hand holding selfies; it is dedication, loyalty and admiration. People look at Romeo and Juliet and wish that they have similar love stories as theirs but they forget the purest love story of our beloved prophet (PBUH) and Ayesha (RA) where he died with his head on her lap. I somewhere dream our relation ship to be the purest which resembles our prophet's and fortunately our name also resembles as theirs. Thank you for being in my life. Jazak Allahu khair my Sana's ammi.
-Sana's Abbu ;)'

Ya Allah he's so good but I have to do this to get my love. I hope he doesn't gets much hurt and moves on with his second marriage.

I lay on the empty bed regretting what I did to Ahmad but it has to be done to achieve my goal no matter how much I am hurt to hurt him. I wish I could simply break our nikah but my family wouldn't be convinced.

Turning and twirling I finally slept after an hour. In my dream I felt someone giving a light kiss on nose.

I guess I am continuing my dream from where I left it, I thought to myself whilst sleeping

Wait, someone is really kissing on my nose and cheek with wet lips. I will not leave this Ahmad now, how dare he touch me again? My eyes drastically flew open.

"How dare you ev......." I trailed off as I saw that someone sitting beside me.

Wait he kissed me?
Or she kissed me?
Ugh doesn't matter he or she.
The cat kissed me?

"Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa Ahhhmmmaaddd save me" I shouted at the top of my lung as I am damn afraid of cats and there was no one other than Ahmad who could save me from this situation

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