Chapter 18

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"There's a beauty in being rejected, misunderstood, unseen and unsupported by people. It teaches you to rely on Allah for everything."


Ayesha's POV

Oh my Allah he's asking me why was I rude to him all time after the nikah? Shall I tell him or should I lie? Will he understand me or will he go against me? I was standing while my heart and mind were debating continuously. Ahmad told me about his family and it was like someone has ripped my heart out of my chest. How rude have behaved with him? How much he must be hurt? If I would have been in his place I would have definitely broken into million pieces and would be in shock. But Ahmad said Muslims should not let them go through depressions because we know relief is waiting for us after every hardship. Alhamdulillah he was so much into islam or else the loss of family all together is a big shock to recover. I couldn't stop my brimming tears because Ahmad had so much pain piercing inside him and addition to that I gave him more. I feel like cursing myself.

"Ayesha are you okay?" Ahmad asked while clicking his fingers in front of my eyes smacking me out of my debate.

"Yeah I am sorry for the rude behaviour but promise me you won't freak out if I tell you my reason?" I told him waiting for his response.

"Okay I don't promise, but go on." He said keeping his hand on his beard curiously

"I love someone else." I said softly trying to acknowledge his expressions.

"What?" His mouth drop open but he soon recovered his shocked face.

"Then why on earth did you agree for our nikah?" He asked furrowing his brows.

"My family wanted you as my husband and they didn't liked my choice. I couldn't go against my abbu's decision because he is suffering from a heart disease and I didn't want him to go through any sorrow." I told him the truth while he was in deep thought hiding his pain.

"Hmm so what now?" He said scratching his beard.

"I was behaving rude because I want divorce from you." I said biting my lip and crumbling the bed sheet with my sweat hands.
Will he understand me? Which husband on earth would divorce his wife because she loves someone else?

"Astagfirullah Ayesha how can you even think that? Do you have any idea how much Allah hates divorce?" He said with a sigh.

"But I cannot live without him." I raised my voice.

"Right now I am tired, we will talk later about it." He stood up and made his way to the room exit.

"Hey you can't do this to me, please I beg you." I stopped him.

"I need some time to think." He turned his face towards me with a weak smile and left the room with the unspoken words leaving me impatient behind.
Ugh what will he respond? I have been really too rude to the poor innocent man who has just recovered the trauma of being departed with his family.

I set the alarm for tomorrow morning and layed on my comfy bed trying to sleep but I couldn't stop thinking what would be Ahmad's decision. I kept on changing my sides but couldn't return to my deep slumber because I had slept till late in the evening.

"Meow." The little cat came with it's wagging tail.
Ugh why does she always come to this room?
I jerked my cover out and ran past her out of the room. I knocked Ahmad's door and barked in.

"Your cat is annoying me." I nagged at him as I opened the door and saw him shirtless boxing with the punching bag bag. Woah his body was perfect with six pack abs and I stared at him in an awe. He had a frown on his forehead but as he realised he was shirtless he turned facing his back towards me.

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