Chapter 19

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"Never think you can choose better for yourself than Allah can. It is he who created you, it is he who knows what is best for you."


Ahmad's POV

She loves someone else, she loves someone else, oh my Allah someone else.
Ugh this very thought was piercing my heart to the deepest pain ever. Why does this always happen to me? Astagfirullah I shouldn't complain, this is the test from Allah and patience is the only thing I have to use while he's testing me. Everyone has tests and everyone will have problems and trials and everyone will be put to difficulty, everyone will have moments of grief, moments of sadness, moments when things are not as they feel or would like them to be. But the difference is the believer is patient, the believer believes in a decree of Allah, the believer seeks the reward of Allah (SWT) at that time. My heart dropped in my stomach when she told me she loves someone else but I had to act like I wasn't hurt although deep down it was hurting like someone has ripped my heart out of it's place.

Now here I was standing with her in front of the mirror and she was curious to know about my love story. She wants to know how do I love her as we never met each other before our nikah. She was staring at me for the answer and I was standing dumb. There was so much to tell her but not a word escaped from my mouth.

"Hello, will you tell me?" She asked again gazing intensely at my eyes.

"Umm it's a long story, will tell you later because now I am feeling sleepy." I said stretching my arms while yawning.

"No are you kidding me? I won't be able to sleep the entire night." She insisted and caught my arm. Ugh her touch melts my heart.

"Okay I'll tell you some parts of it. But not all." I informed her and she caught my arm more tightly.

"I want to listen to the entire story." She said while smiling.

"Something is better than nothing. Do you want to know some of it or do you want me to leave?" I said affirmatively and she made a face uttering an okay signal. I did not want to be rude but it was not the time to tell her all about the past.

"I saw you prostrating while you were offering salah. It was the best position when I saw you bowing to our Lord. As soon as i saw you my heart melted. Your love towards Allah made me love you and my love for you was for the sake of Allah, no mind games and no grudges. It was not for the looks but for deen which is the purest of all."

"But.." She cut me off confusingly

"Stop till I complete. I know you are wondering where I saw you and how did I approach your dad. Well I saw you in your post graduation ceremony when I went to drop my sister and one of her friend there in your college. My sister suspected my love for you and instantly asked her friend about you. Fortunately her brother and Ahmish were friends and so it made everything easy for me. I dropped the proposal to your dad in masjid and the rest you know." I said in a breath while recalling my past.

"Sheesh Bhaiya lower your gaze." Shirana said when I was gazing at beautiful Ayesha in the university while she was busy in her salah. She was not beautiful because of her physical beauty but because of her inner beauty. I uttered astagfirullah and lowered my gaze as it was haram but I couldn't resist the urge to stare at her because I saw her after such a long period of time. I craved for her presence.

"Is someone in love?" Shirana teased and I said a big 'no' hiding my blush but my sister is way too clever. Shirana being shirana extracted the information about Ayesha and insisted me to take the proposal as soon as possible. To be honest if she wouldn't have been there beside me then Ayesha wouldn't be standing right now in front of me. I miss my sister badly.

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