Chapter 32

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"If beauty and fame brought ideal relationship, then celebrities would have the best marriages."


We were going back home after the rukhsati of Hana and it was almost maghrib time. Hana wasn't happy to see me in hijab would be an understatement. She was one of happiest person to see me like this including Ahmad. And I was the happiest person to see my best friend getting married to her Prince charming as she had planned, as per sunnah. She always use to think and make me think that how will she get a family who would not ask for lavish parties but for only a simple nikah. Alhamdulillah Allah makes ways for people who strive hard in the way of Islam.

The car halted in front of a traffic jam which brought me back to reality. I saw Ahmad mumbling something under his breath.

"People have so many good qualities. Aren't you really a fan of someone?" I said bringing back the topic which we had talked about earlier.
Ahmad glanced at me and turned his face towards the jam still mumbling something.

"Indeed people have qualities in them which are beyond awesome. Some have good looks, some have a quality to act, some are singer with beautiful voices while some are elegant writers. But you know when I see those qualities, who do I fall in love with? Allah, Al Musawwir (the shaper of beauty). Allah shows his perfections through different people to witness his signs and we in return run after them instead of running after Allah."

"Awww really?" I said getting over his cute lecture.

"Stop that awwwwww of yours." Ahmad said exaggerating the awwwwww.

"Awwwwwwwww." I said again and Ahmad rolled his eyes towards me.

We reached home soon and I made my way inside leaving behind Ahmad because he had to go to masjid. Shirana was sitting on the couch using her mobile and we greeted each other.

"So tell me how was the nikah?" Shirana asked curiously.

"Alhamdulillah great, the couple were too cute. You know Hana said I gave her the best wedding gift by wearing hijab and all thanks to you." I said excitingly.

"I don't want your thanks, I want a jazak Allahu khairan." She said making a pout like a child.

"I said thanks, isn't it enough?" I laughed at her gesture.

"No never, a thanks can never be compared to jazak Allahu khairan. Thanks is just a polite expression of gratitude while the latter is a dua. The best thing you can do for someone is to make dua for them. Thanks is taught by the modern society while the latter is taught by the best man among us. It is sunnah to say the latter one. The prophet (peace and blessings be upon him) said 'whoever has a favour done for him and says to the one who did it, jazak Allahu khairan, has done enough to thank him.' [Tirmidhi and Abu Dawood]. And Umar bin Al khattab (Radi Allahu Anhu) said 'If one of you knew what is there in saying to his brother, jazak Allahu khairan, you woild say it a great deal to one another. [Musannaf ibn abi shaybah]. Your mother cooked food for you, give her dua; your dad brought chocolates for you, give him dua; someone gave you a glass of water, give them dua; someone passed you thing you needed, give them dua. Use this word often, it will cost nothing but will be witnessed on the day of judgement for the other person." She concluded.

"Okay so jazak Allahu khairan."

"Wa antum fa jazakumu'Allahi khairan. Jazak Allahu khairan is for males, jazaki Allahu khairan is for females while jazakum Allahu khairan is plural. I could have said wa iyyaki or other things but know that it is not from sunnah. 'When Usayd ibn Hadayr (may Allah be pleased with him) said to the Prophet (peace be upon him) : O Messenger of Allah Jazak'allahu khayran! The Prophet said : Wa Antum Fa Jazak mu'Allahu khairan..
(And you too, May Allah reward you too with good) [Saheeh]." She winked at me.

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