Chapter 11

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"Speak only when your words are more beautiful than the silence"

Ahmad's POV

I hurried after my isha salah because Ayesha was all alone in the house. I wish I could share this happiness with my family but unfortunately they aren't here with me when I need them the most. While returning home I bought a bouquet of rose and some chocolates for Ayesha to thank her, thank her for being in my life, thank her for leaving her real home and settling here just for my sake, thank for being my half deen, thank for understanding me at the orphanage when Sana asked she was her ammi and thank for saying yes to my proposal. I hurried towards our bedroom and realised that she had already slept. She was peacefully sleeping on the floor with her head resting on the couch and an album on her lap. I silently gazed at her and she looked the most innocent creature on earth. Poor girl, I am proved to be a bad husband on the very first night of our nikah as she had to wait. She was waiting for me from so long that she couldn't resist the urge to close her eyes. I tip toed silently towards her and picked up the photo album silently keeping it back to its original place. I really can't stand things scattered everywhere in my room. I picked her up silently because I don't want her to get up from her beauty sleep as she must be tired after a hard day. I placed her on our bed and tucked her under the covers. She was smiling? Did she acknowledge that I had picked her up and placed her in the bed? Her hairs were falling on her precious eyes. I removed her hairs slowly to the side and tugged them beneath her ears.

I distracted myself from her and kept the bouquet and chocolates on the side table of her bed side and went towards the cupboard to arrange her clothes because I really can't stand my room in an untidy manner. I arranged her clothes while smelling her fragrance and put the bag out as it was no more needed here.

Later I went to bed after doing miswak laying beside her. I recited all the duas as recommend before going to sleep and turned to right as per sunnah. I swifted left and right while focussing to sleep but couldn't sleep. I saw Ayesha twirling around and I smiled because I still remember the days I prayed for her and now I have her by my side. Allah has created everything in pairs, heaven and earth, night and day, sun and moon, shore and sea, light and darkness, alhamdulillah Ayesha and Ahmad, our prophet (PBUH) and his wife Ayesha (RA). I still remember when I went to Yusuf uncle for her hand. I had a feeling of nervousness more than excitement. The first question he asked me was 'what is love?' And to which I answered 'love is when you want Jannah for someone just as badly as you want it for yourself.' Alhamdulillah he looked satisfied with all my answers but still considering Ayesha was the real test. I had asked uncle to do a simple nikah as per sunnah if her answer would be 'yes' plus the nikah will take place as soon as possible because dragging nikah to a long time isn't considered good in islam. A nikah should be as simple as possible because it is stated that 'the marriage that has the greatest blessing is the one with lesser financial burden'. It's sad that our lives have become so materialistic that if a couple wants to have a simple sunnah nikah, people would talk and say it's because they're poor plus when a wedding party comes along we see practising people going and supporting the haram. Free mixing, dress up and more make up than a clown in the hall and blasting music. If that doesn't anger of Allah then I don't know what will. Nowadays it's a trend to throw an engagement party, people have forgotten that there is nothing like engagement in our islam. People do not realise and they are following a culture from other religions which is a bid'ah [a practise which our prophet (PBUH) did not initiate] and bid'ah is something which wipes out our good deeds.

I had always protected my eyes from looking at girls, just so as I look at my wife for the first time, she will be the most beautiful person I have ever seen. I had waited for that moment and when she entered the room in her bridal dress my mouth was struck in an awe. My gaze was stuck at her and the first thing which I could mutter was Masha Allah because Allah is not late at taking back the blessing which we are extremely proud of. But she did not even had a glance at me. Why? May be because she was too shy to look up. I recited her Surah Ar-Rahman, the meher which was agreed upon and without which I can't even touch her. Alhamdulillah I was there beside her when the hot tea was about to fall. I would have never forgiven myself if the tea would have fallen on her. It is stated in Quran that 'men are the protectors and maintainers of women' [4:34] and now I was her protector. Although the hot tea was burning on my skin but it was worth it because she looked at me for the first time. She had light brown eyes with long eye lashes, a straight nose and a dimple chin. She was slightly smiling when she looked at me and averted her eyes in a minute. Did I look so bad?

It was time for departure and everyone in the house looked sad. Of course they had a strong reason to be sad, the daughter which they had brought up from 22 years back was now leaving their house and going to the other forever. Ya Allah how will I do that tough thing when I will have a daughter someday in sha Allah. She had tears in her eyes and I all I could do is stand and see her like that. I wish I could do something to soothe her. On the other hand Ahmish gave me a lecture on not hurting her sister and all. Of course he has few duties regarding his sister and if I would be there in place of him i would rather have given him a more long lecture.

She looked really sad and I can't stand the people I love crying like that. The whole car ride was silent because I didn't want to force her to talk. I wanted to give her enough time to over come her sorrow of departing from her family. It really isn't easy and I know that. To cheer her up I decided to take her to my place where I go often when I don't feel good, the orphanage. Alhamdulillah I am a doctor and I earn enough to take care of the orphans as it is stated in Quran "They ask thee what they should spend (in charity). Say: whatever ye spend that is good, is for parents and kindred and orphans and those in want and for" [2:215]. And so I try to spend my earnings in an islamic way. They need it live a simple life more than I need a lavish life. I ran to open the door of the car with a smile. She has sacrificed such a big thing of her life so can't I even open the car's door for her with a smile? These little things make a big difference in our lives as according to islam it is stated that 'the best of you are those who are the best to their wives' and smile itself is a charity. As she came out of the car and walked past me a group of dogs came running and barking. I know she was terrified and I picked her up so that the dogs would not bite her instead they have to go through me to reach her. And she said that I used her to shoo off the dogs. I laughed at her statement because no one can understand a girl, I remembered Sama when she said that. I always had small cute fights with her and I always use to say that 'no one understand you girls' and she use to say in reply that 'you boys can never'.

I went to bring some chocolates and balloons for children which I always do and when I returned I saw Ayesha sitting in the middle surrounded by my children. I gave the chocolate and balloon to everyone and sat beside Ayesha while giving her chocolate and she smiled, I guess she loves chocolates.

When Sana asked me she was her ammi I was dumbstruck. What should I say? Yes or no? If I say yes then will Ayesha like it? Or if I say no then poor Sana would be heart broken. I glared at Ayesha thinking what to do and Ayesha said she was her ammi. Wow I am in love with this girl. I silently gazed upon Ayesha and Sana in an awe when she was sitting on her lap. I dream of one day when I will have a daughter just like Sana and she will be playing on her mother's lap.

As I heard the adhan I rushed towards masjid to offer maghrib salah and after returning we headed towards our house. Now I can call that house 'our' leaving behind the word 'my'. I did not say anything because I think Ayesha was still sad and needs time and she slept through the half way. I bought food for Mc. Donalds while Ayesha was sleeping because we were tired and there was no one to cook in the house.

She was awake by the horn of the car. Damn I woke her up I am so bad ugh. I parked the car to the parking lot and while I was picking out her bag and went to the main door I saw Ayesha struggling on the door while ringing the door bell. Doesn't she know that there is no one in the house except me? I stood there while gazing on her she looked so cute when she's irritated. I opened the door and went to show her our room. Why does she make faces whenever I say 'our'? Is she mad at me?

I left her in the room alone to get settled as this place was new to her. After some time I heated the food as she would be hungry because ammi told she has not eaten since morning. I entered the room with greeting but she didn't return it. Doesn't she know that it is the right of a Muslim over the other to greet back? I smiled while noticing her long wavy hair for the first time. She looked so cute with that hair open and loose outfit. We were silent while eating but I enjoyed the meal because at least now there was someone who was giving me a company while eating in the house.

I left to pray isha salah and found Ayesha sleeping on the floor. And now she was sleeping beside me. My gaze fixed on her and I couldn't resist the urge to kiss her and gave a light peck on her forehead.

"Haz.." Was all she said and her eyes flew open. Damn I again woke her up.

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