Chapter 3

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"Dear girls, you are the daughter of a respected man and would be the wife of respected man, don't let stupid boys play with you. They will give you nothing as much a stain on your character.."


"Ayeshaaaaa come down for breakfast now." came ammi's voice third time from downstairs.

"Coming ma." I shouted.
I was lazying around my bed on Sunday morning. I checked my mobile which indicated the time as 10:12 am. I love Sundays because it allows us to sleep until we are itself bored of it and the only thing which I don't like about Sundays are that the very next day is Monday. Well now I was one week off. I would join my job next week as a teacher in a school. The function went all good and we bid our last good byes to everyone in university with teary eyes. I was really happy until I realised that I won't be able to see the love of my life. Gosh how would I survive without his presence each day. His breath taking face was the fuel of my everyday life. I should better get married to him soon or else I would go mad without him.

"Ayeshaaaaa appiii ammi is saying you'll not get the breakfast today." Abdullah peaked from the door, my another brother, snapping me out of my day dream, he was 15 and naughty more than one should be at that particular age.

"Tell ammi I'm coming." I informed him lazily.

"Now." he protested.

I dragged myself out of the bed, relieved, brushed and went downstairs with Abdullah. I greeted everyone and grabbed the TV remote as soon as possible while smirking at Abdullah to which he made an annoying face and I stuck my tongue out at him. Abbu was reading a newspaper as usual, Bhai was having his breakfast silently like an innocent child and ammi was making roti in the kitchen.

"Beta, when ammi calls you, assume that Jannah is calling. You know how much Islam has raised the status of a mother." Abbu told me while a little smile played on Ahmish bhai's lips.

"Yes habibi nowadays mothers call for their children and they do not respond. They don't realise that there will come a time when they will cry for her and she won't be there to respond." Ammi nagged while making her way towards me and placing the roti on my plate.

"Sorry it won't be repeated." I apologised.

The rest of my breakfast went watching my disney series until Abdullah snatched the TV remote from my hand.
"Abbdduullaahh I swear I'll kill you, my series is half way through." I shouted.

"You girls only see that Disney princess, I want to see cricket and that's final." he shouted back while running away from me.

I started chasing Abdullah and then tickling him while I heard Abbu saying something about my mobile ringing. I continued tickling Abdullah and didn't care what Abbu said. Tickling was Abdullah's weakness and so was mine. We tickled each other and ended on floor with fits of laughter.

When I returned to my seat Abbu handed over my mobile to me and went to his room with a blank expression that I couldn't read. He was always the man with a smile on his lips. Did I miss something here? I checked my mobile and what I saw next made my hairs stand. Oh my gosshh Abbu just received a call from Hazal. I am so killed today.

I quickly went upstairs locked my door and immediately dialed Hazal's number. Why wasn't he answering my call? Where did he go in just 5 minutes? I tried again and then thankfully he received my call.

"Aysh why did you disconnect my call suddenly?" Rang Hazal's voice from the other side.

"Tell me what did you say when you called?" I asked as my heart beat was raised to such an extent that I thought I'll surely pass away.

"What's wrong?" He asked curiously.

"For God's sake Hazal just tell me what did you say?" I blurted out ignoring his concerns.

"Okay calm down missy. I said that 'hey love, howz you? I am missing you soo much' and then you disconnected, did I say anything wrong?" He asked worriedly.

I face palmed my head and sat on my bed while shock made me go numb. Ya Allah what do I do now? Abbu heard that? How will I confront him now? He was proud of me but now how will I show him my face? He woukd be and will be ashamed of me. Will he approve my relationship with Hazal?

"Hello you there?" A voice from the other side of the call snapped me out of my thoughts.

"Yeah, I'll call you later." with that I disconnected the call.

I started pacing around my room with blurry eyes while biting my nails. The thought of confronting it with my parents itself brought shivers then how was I actually going to confront them? I had to think something as soon as possible.


"Abbu I love him and I can't live without him please Abbu let me marry him, he's so handsome and I am sure you'll like him too." I said with a puppy dog eyes while practising in front of the mirror over millionth time. I had been practising to talk to abbu since an hour. I thought it isn't working so I decided to talk to Hana.

I dialed Hana's number and soon on the very second ring she answered "did uncle agree?"

"I have not confronted him till now as I am still practising." I replied hastily.

"What? It's an hour since you last called me and all you did since then is practising ? Be a man and confront him with the truth." Hana jerked at me.

I rolled my eyes to her reply although she couldn't see me and said "I am not a man."

"Oops. Whatever it is just go, confront him and be a women." I mentally giggled. What? I can't really giggle openly as per the situation.

"Abbu is calling you." Abdullah told me while entering into my room.
Ya Allah I am so dead now

"Okay." I said with a sigh hiding my emotions in front of him.

"Seems something is serious, did you do something wrong?" Abdullah asked worriedly.

Now what do I tell him. My baby brother is making me more nervous.

"Go go best of luck and don't forget to inform me later." came Hana's voice from the other side.

"Okay then talk to you later." I said while disconnecting the call.

"Nothing baby brother tell them I am coming in a while." I told him calmly with a low sound.

"Okay but don't call me that, it sounds eww. I am not a baby anymore." he protested.

I shrugged it off because I was in no mood of fighting.

One last time I practised my drama and made my way to my parents room.

I entered opening the door slowly with a creaking sound. Why on earth the house is so silent. I guess it's the silence before the storm.

"Why am I having a feeling that I have been called to the principal's cabin?" I asked in a soft voice.

Abbu and ammi were sitting on the bed and Ahmish Bhai was sitting on the couch and his eyes were throwing daggers at me.

Ya Allah save me.

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