Author's Note

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"You are the author of a book that you will receive on the day of judgement, make sure it's worth reading"


Assalamu alaikum warahmatullahi wabarakatahu my awesomely awesome reader. Yeah don't kill me coz it's not an update of the story but an authors note. And you don't really have to read it if you aren't interested. Umm so I have been battling my life to tell you people this, like I should post this or shouldn't. I don't know even I should convey this to you all or not but I ended up writing this. I wanted to tell you people why I started with this book, my real aim of writing it. No it's not because I want your votes and comments or your praises for me (indeed all praises are for one and only Allah SWT, so if you find my work praise worthy then remember it is Allah who has bestowed me with this ability and I am no one without Allah) but of course I appreciate your each and every vote and comment. And I would say if you like the chapter then vote it and if you do not then don't. I know the silent readers are being honest in their votes so no offence to them. To be honest if I wouldn't have got such reviews then I doubt I would further write this story. Your one comment makes me jump in excitement but that is a secondary issue to me. Ahem now coming back to the primary objective of writing this book. Umm so I wrote this book to spread some basic knowledge of islam which majority of people lack behind. No no don't take me wrong that doesn't mean that I am the most knowledgeable, I know nothing and I will learn untill my last breath, do not assume that I am better than you, of course you, who is reading this is more awesome than me, may be you have done those good deeds which I could not do and there's only one who can judge us, but if I know something about islam then it is fard on me to convey to my sisters/brothers in islam. Our prophet (PBUH) said 'convey from me even if it is a single verse'. Being an introvert I couldn't spread it to too many people around me but wattpad has given me a bigger platform where I can write about islam and spread the message through. There are so many Muslims who want to adopt more and more rules of islam and I am among them. What initiated me to write on wattpad is I can see people who are standing at a place where I was once. I didn't know much about islam but I was hungry to learn and I still am but alhamdulillah better than before. Each day is passing by just like a tidal wave on the shore but who knows the day when a tsunami will trap me in it and take me out of this so called shore (temporary world). So everyday I want to be a better person and I suppose so do you. I don't want your votes, I don't want your comments, I don't want your praises if they are a burden to you (of course I appreciate it and it bugs me when you don't) but I want you to follow somethings which I post, something which is related to islam, something which will make you a better person in the eyes of the Creator. I don't desperately want to drag my book to #1 yet I am the most selfish girl you'll ever meet. You know why? Because every time I post a verse, every time I post a hadith and you act according to them or you pass them on to others, I am rewarded. I am rewarded and that's what my primary goal is with this book. I will not gain anything with the votes or comments except happiness but when you do not vote or comment (or do it) but still act upon it, my creator is happy, he's pleased with you as well as me. And there's nothing which can make me more happy than the happiness of my creator. I write to please the Creator and not the creations. Dear silent readers I appreciate you (may be I am the first one to say this, lol) because I know I am not so good in writing (please don't come with an argument which says I am) but I imagine when my good deeds will be weighing less than the bad deeds on that day, my silent readers will not be silent that day, they'll drag me to Jannah in sha Allah giving me some good deeds as sadqaye jariya. And I suggest each writer to write something which will gain you good deeds even after you die. Mind it when you post something which is forbidden in the eyes of the Creator it will also gain you bad deeds that is gunah jariya no matter how small it is. I chose this lane (i.e. story writing) because people are more interested and attracted towards stories than plain hadiths or Quran verses. I would suggest each and everyone, whether you are a reader or a writer, to read 'Fitnah of Islamic stories' written by TheStraightPath. Okay I had enough of blabbering and now I conclude my note by a hadith (lol it feels like I am giving a speech face to face in front of audience, which I could not do in my entire life). The prophet Muhammad (PBUH) said "The example of guidance and knowledge with which Allah has sent me is like abundant rain falling on the earth. Some of which was fertile soil that absorbed rain water and brought forth vegetation and grass in abundance. (And) another portion of it was hard and held the rain water and Allah benefitted the people with it and they utilised it for drinking, (making their animal drink from it) and to irrigate the land for cultivation. (And) a portion of it was barren which could neither hood the water nor bring forth vegetation (then that land gave no benefits). The first is the example of the person who comprehends Allah's religion (Islam) and gets benefit (from the knowledge) which Allah SWT has revealed through me and learns and then teaches it to others. The (last example is that of a) person who does not care for it and does not take Allah's guidance revealed through me (he is like that barren land)". [Al Bukhari].

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