Chapter 17

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"Everybody has a chapter, they don't read out loud."


Ahmad's POV

Ayesha's family came while she was still sleeping and I told them that she was tired and so she was sleeping. Instead of waking up the tired irritative Ayesha we rather chit chatted. Masha Allah she is so lucky to have such a great family. I really enjoy their company and equally miss my own family. When Ayesha went with Ahmish and Abdullah to show them the house. Abbu asked me about our relationship. He was concerned about Ayesha and so I told him it was all okay to ease him which was ofcorse a lie. He told me that Ayesha was not the way she used to be. When she shifted to hostel for further studies she slowly and drastically changed. She is type of person who is influenced swiftly by the surroundings and company she keeps. He said he doesn't know who was she influenced. Ammi told that Hana and Ayesha were with each other but Hana came more close towards islam and became strong by coming in contact with the outside ruthless world while Ayesha got influenced by it. It is said by Umar bin khattab (RA) 'if you see that one of you have slipped, correct him, pray for him and do not help shaytan against him.' I decided to change her and correct her as much as it is in my hand.

I was now standing and knocking at the door, waiting for the door to be opened. She opened and the door and her gaze fell on the chocolates which were in my hand.

"You think you can bribe me." she said with a raised eyebrow and her gaze still on the chocolate.

"No I just came to give them. Ahmish brought them for you." I informed while making my way to the side table for placing them.

"You should not have raised your voice at ammi and Abbu" I said to her.

"Ammi and Abbu"? Ayesha raised an eyebrow again.

" umm yeah they insisted me to call them that" I said to her.

"Anyways it's non of your business what I do and what not." She said shrugging it off.

"It is Ayesha, it is. You are my better half. Say alhamdulillah when you sit with your family, because there is someone somewhere, wishing to be a part of your family. And parents are a treasure, you will not even have much and they will be buried sooner than you think." I told to make her realise the mistake she did.

"Look whose speaking, the one who had quarreled with parents doesn't live with the family." Ayesha said which was like an arrow on my heart causing the worst pain ever.

"Who told you that?" I asked while closing my fist.

"I have eyes to see that." She said
How can she assume things like that?

"It's not true." I informed her

"Then where are they." She asked curiously

"They are no more here" I uttered

"I know they are no more here. Why doesn't they live with you and where are they?" She smugly said

"Ayesha you don't understand, they are no more in this world except my one sister" I said tightening my fist

"What? How? I am so sorry Ahmad." She said with trembling voice and turning her face towards me. I could see her tough face turning to a softer one. Her feeling of negligence towards me turning to a regret of disappointment. Her hatred slightly turning down towards me. My heart skipped a beat when I heard her calling out my name. Is it that melodious or am I having Ayesha mania?

"You don't have to Ayesha, I thought you already knew. Do you know the case of Mina stampede during hajj?" I asked her controlling my emotions
She nodded to that

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