Chapter 28

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"Just keep reminding yourself that it's all just temporary."


Ayesha's POV

"Assalamu alaikum." Ahmish bhai uttered with some glow in his voice.

Ahmad and I greeted back while Shirana was still standing as a big ice Berg and Ahmish Bhai coughed.

"Isn't greeting back fardh on every Muslim? The Quran says 'When a greeting is offered you, meet it with a greeting still more courteous, or (at least) of equal courtesy." [Al Quran 4:86].' Ahmish bhai said lowering his gaze after clearing his throat and I could see Ahmad looking confusingly between the two which made me giggle.

"Walaikum assalam warahmatullahi wabarakatuhu don't you know there's an exception for non mahrams greeting?." Shirana said lowering down her gaze recovering back from her shocked state.

"Woah okay someone is still mad at me for spilling coffee." He said folding his hands on his chest.

"Ayesha bhabhi I never knew you people welcome the guests like this." Shirana said in an embarrassed tone.

"Ahmish will you let the guest of honour enter the house." Ammi came from the hall towards us.
Ammi and Shirana greeted each other as if they were long lost mother and daughter. May be because Shirana misses her mother too much.

Ahmad looked at me with confused look and asked me what was the matter and I gestured to inform him later. Ammi took Shirana to the other room and so was Ahmad taken by Abbu to the drawing room.

"Ahem so finally your Juliet is here." I said teasingly to Ahmish while pinching his cheek.

"Stop it Ayesha." Ahmish bhai said strictly with a slight blush.

"Aw my big brother is blushing. hmm? What if I told mum about it?" Abdullah said with a smirk.

"Shut up Abdullah." Ahmish bhai said twisting his ear.

"Bring me my favourite vedio game or else your secret will be out." Abdullah shouted whilst running from Ahmish bhai's grip but poor Abdullah I caught hold of him.

"How do you know about the secret?" I asked him.

"He over heard our convo last time." Ahmish bhai answered.

"Ya Allah Abdullah don't you know 'The Messenger of Allaah (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) said: Whoever listens in on other people's conversations when they do not like that will have molten lead poured into his ears on the Day of Resurrection. [Al-Bukhaari (7042)]. And why are you threatning Ahmish bhai. Go I disown you as a brother." I shouted at Abdullah while taking the advantage and twisting his ears. Who would let the opportunity of taking the revenge from the brothers go from hands? But soon Ahmish bhai twisted mine and Abdullah's ear simultaneously.

"I should disown you both rather. One is treating me for dairy milk and the other for vedio games."

We relieved ourselves from his grip and ran straight away to Abbu.

"Abbu Ahmish bhai." We complained panting while Abbu and Ahmad looked indulged in some kind of serious talk.

"What?" Abbu asked sternly because of being disturbed and Ahmish entered with do-not-tell look.

"Nothing he was just saying that you all can go to masjid for salah and then we can have dinner." I winked at Ahmish bhai and and soon the men's of the house left for isha salah while we women's of the house offered salah in the house.

"I am so glad Ayesha that you started offering salah. Masha Allah I can see a positive effect of Ahmad on you." Ammi said to me as I finished offering my salah while Shirana was still in progress.

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