Chapter 4: Scaredy Cat

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The cat is Mika ⬆️
Previously on CreepyPasta Neko,

"Ben what have I said about asking illogical questions?"

He asked me. I knew he wasn't in the mood so I didn't joke around with him like I usually do.

"Do not ask them."

He just nods in satisfaction as we continued our walk to the mansion until we were finally at the doorsteps.
Mika's POV
I felt like a feather.

Everything was just so light and peaceful.


Never mind.

That sounded like a twig snapping, but where did the snapping come from?

Oh god, please don't tell me I got captured by some weird rapist or something like that.

I got scared and opened my eyes to see that it was the guy with the blood on his sweatshirt.

I looked down to see he was carrying me bridal-style and I panicked and sort of....uh....p-punched him in the face.

He dropped me to the ground and held his face in pain. I was about to run away but someone got on top of me and pinned my hands above my head.

I couldn't see who was holding me down because I was on my stomach.

I started whimpering as my ears flattened on my head while my tail wrapped itself on my legs.

I tried squirming out of the guys hold but he was just so strong.

I started crying silently while praying this guy would let me go.

Jeff's POV
When I was about to open the door Ben stepped on a twig and it snapped. I glared at him and felt something squirm in my arms. I looked down at Mika to see he was looking at me with beautiful grey eyes that could just..... WHAT THE HELL AM I THINKING???

As I was staring in his *coughbeautifulcough* eyes he suddenly punched me in the face. I dropped him as I held my face in pain and I see him about to run away.

Before I could say anything Ben pounced on the poor defenseless kitten getting his hands and holding them above his head. He started to whimper as his tail wrapped around his leg and his ears laid flat against his head which I thought was pretty cute.

He tried to squirm out from under Ben but had no such luck and he started crying.

I, Jeff the Killer, actually felt BAD for someone and decided to HELP out which wasn't like me.

"Hey, Ben let Mika go I think he's had enough harassment for one night."

"Fine, I was enjoying the cute little sounds he was making though." Ben said as he got off of Mika. He picked him up bridal-style with no difficulty because Mika was smaller then Ben *coughsurprisinglycough*.

Ben's POV
"I think it's about time we enter the mansion don't you?" I asked because we have been in front of the door for over 10 minutes.

"Sure, whatever."

Was the response I got.

Jeff opens the door and starts to walk in with me floating behind.

We were going down the hallway when I heard a whimper.

I looked down and saw the cutest thing ever.

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