Chapter 14: Broken Kitty

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Everyone was standing in the office when it dawned on them all. "Mika's gone but how? He didn't come through the living room and I doubt he would jump out the window! He had no reason to do that!" Slenderman 'looked' at them all.

"One of them at Zalgo's mansion can create illusions and lead people to where they want them to go, that is what the most likely did. Zalgo gets what Zalgo wants after all." Smile was the first one out of the door, zooming down and opening the front door and out into the forest. Not long after, they were all out in the forest looking for their kitty, their Mika.

Grinny Cat came out from the house, in his human form, and ran to where he smelled his little kit. They followed him, knowing where he was going for he has done this before. He ran as fast as he could and he stopped, stopped at the tree that had blood and shorts on it. Smile ran and picked the shorts up, the shorts which they all knew Mika used to be wearing. The dog hybrid brought the shorts up to his nose and sniffed. He changed back to his dog form and picked the shorts up with his mouth, starting to sniff around to see if he could find any trace. He got lucky because he could smell the blood that was on the tree, the only good thing about that was that there wasn't a lot of blood. He sniffed once more, trying to find a trail, which wasn't as easy as he thought it would be. Grinny has also switched forms and was sniffing the blood. They were led to the same spot, a trail behind the tree. "There's another scent here, it must be the person who took Mika." Slenderman translated what the animals were trying to tell the rest of the group.

Everyone followed the two animals, who had managed to get a faint scent, to what seemed to be an old pathway. They continued following until Sally spoke up, breaking the tense silence that had surrounded everyone. "We already know where Mika is. We do, so why are we still trying to pick up faint smells?" Everyone looked at her before Jane was on her, shaking the girl in her arms around. "Where is he?! How do you know, how do any of us know?!" Jane didn't mean to yell, but their little kitty was gone and how was she supposed to help herself? Jeff and Ben made a noise, alerting the others that they were thinking something. "We do know where he is, we really do. He's at Zalgo's mansion. We should have thought about it earlier but we didn't and look how much time we have already wasted." Ben was the one to speak up and let the others know that they really did know where there kitten was. They all thought about it and then some took off sprinting.

Slenderman made sure the runners didn't go anywhere, for he wrapped his tendrils around them all and teleported them all back to his mansion. Some of the killers started yelling, trying to leave the mansion so that they could go and rush to Zalgo's mansion. "Shut up! I know all of you are concerned but what good will we be if we are either injured or dead? We need a plan, we cannot just rush in and expect to get Mikaela back." Everyone  quieted down, for they didn't know that was his name. They also go quiet for they understood how true Slenderman's words were. "As much as I want to barge in there myself and save my son, I cannot. That is because they will defeat us and take Mikaela for themselves." Heads were down, spirits were low, and hopes of rescuing the poor kitten were dwindling.
Mika was tied up and atop a big king size bed with a memory foam mattress. He only had on his slippers, underwear, and the big shirt. There were tears streaming down his face as two large red imprints, definitely going to be a bruise later on, were spread out across his legs and his neck. His wrists and ankles were raw from the struggle he up trying to escape. The door to the bedroom opened and more tears escaped the boy's eyes, a whimper involuntarily left the shaking boys mouth. The tall figure standing in the doorway chuckled, a deep sound that shook the boy to his very core. The figure walked in and closed the door, nearing the bed.

Mika rolled himself to the corner, where he curled up and prayed to all the Gods that he knew of. The figure growled at the movement and sat down on the bed, reaching out and touching the boy's tail. Mika flinched and surprised a whine, his tail was the most sensitive part of his body. It seemed as if the monster knew this, so he grabbed the base of the tail. This made the neko curl up in a smaller ball and moan slightly. "D-don't touch m-my tail, Zalgo..." Zalgo chuckled and brought the boy onto his lap. "You're mine now, I won't let you go for you are mine now. Try to escape and you'll get punished, struggle and you'll get punished, don't listen or do what I say, guess what! You get punished and you wouldn't like the punishment. I know you won't but I will, so I'm telling you this out of the kindness of my heart," there was a chuckle, "the one getting punished is you, so don't do anything if you want to keep your chastity."

Mika curled up even tighter and tried to shift, but he couldn't. Fear struck him hard as he realized he couldn't shift, shift to his original form, the form he was used to being in. He looked up with terror stricken eyes as even more tears escaped. "W-why can't I shift? Why can't I shift?!" Mika let his voice rip out of his throat in the form of a scream. Mika tried shifting again and again but it kept failing, causing the young boy to break down. Zalgo chuckled once more and stood up, taking the unresponsive boy into his arms. "Don't worry about that, it will only last for at least a week. You won't be able to switch and you'll be sensitive all week because the medicine forcefully pulls out your heat. So you will also be in pain for release for at least a month. Even if you do get a mate, you'll only be horny and try to mate all month. This week especially," he chuckled as Mika could do nothing but whimper in fear and squirm in the monster's arms. "P-Papa, Papa, I want my papa. L-let go of me, monster!" Mika was desperate at this point, using all his strength to struggle and call out for his father, the father that took him in not too long ago.

Zalgo was pissed beyond belief when what was his was calling out to someone that was not him. He squeezed the neko within his arms until he went limp and quiet, no longer making a noise. Zalgo smirked, he finally got his neko to submit to him. Now, he got to move on with his plan, the plan that would make Mika officially his.
Grinny called up for a meeting with everyone in the house. "Why did you call us all here?" Grinny had a grim look on his face as his ears were perked back. "Mika is in danger."

Everyone gave him a look, including Slenderman. "Well, of fucking course he is, isn't that fucking obvious?!" Jeff growled out, not expecting an answer. Grinny growled out at him and everyone else that was in the room. "Smile, get your ass up here and help me explain!" Smile Dog was already in his human form, as was Grinny, so he walked up next to the cat. "I don't know what you want me to explain." Smiley was anything but happy with this situation, his queen was gone and he wanted him back.

"Explain to these imbeciles what happens when one is forced to go into heat and mating as well as not being allowed in their animal form!" The look on Grinny's face was enough to scare most of the insane people in the room. "The hell would I need to explain that to..." The realization hit Smiley harder than he would like to admit.

"That would be the equivalent of being sold off as a slave and have to be raped for the rest of your life, and if he were to become your mate, it's like a forced marriage, only stronger for you will be bound for the rest of your life. That is what's going to happen to Mika if we don't hurry up and find and rescue him from Zalgo."

Slenderman snarled as his tendrils went wild with anger. "I need to call my brothers and make sure they help us with this, we cannot do it alone." Slenderman managed to get it out before teleporting to call his brothers to help.

Laughing Jack stood there, not smiling, for once. "I didn't think the situation would get this bad. Let's hope we can save our kitty before he gets broken."

There were nods of agreement as they all split up to ponder, hoping that it wasn't too late for their kitten.
AN UPDATE SO QUICK? Oh my lord, the world is ending!

Well, here you go, two chapters! I'm pretty proud of myself!

Please point out any mistakes, I would greatly appreciate it!

Word Count: 1,635

Published: October 30, 2017

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 29, 2018 ⏰

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