Chapter 13: What Went Down?

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I'm so sorry for leaving this story as long as I did! And on a cliffhanger as well! Ain't I just the meanest person ever... well, anyways, here's the chapter!
Mika's POV
There was complete silence before Slenderman picked me up and brought me close to his blank face. "Was he the one who gave you this bruise?" I nodded my head, " I saw this big thing, he was just as big, maybe even bigger, than you. I... I couldn't move my body and I was so scared. He told me that I was special and that I wasn't the 'rarest of the rare'. I don't understand him. When I could start to move my body a little bit I was hopeful and I thought of you and how I could be free of whatever was chaining me down but he wrapped something, it was like your tendrils but more firm, around my neck and waist. He started to squeeze really hard and I couldn't breathe because of the fear and pain. I had thought for a moment that he was a monster worse than the devil and he reacted badly to that. He tightened the hold he had around my waist and throat and choked me. He had said something along the lines of, 'I'm as much of a monster as Slenderman is'. Papa, which one of you is worse?"

Slenderman examines the bruises along my body that the thing, Zalgo my mind reminded me, gave me. He ignored my question in favor of putting me to sit on his shoulder. "I'm going to kill him. He's trying to take what's mine." Slenderman snarled our as he put me on his shoulder. I latched onto one of his tendrils that he held out for me so that I wouldn't fall.

"Papa, who is Zalgo? You didn't answer me the first time." Slenderman shook his head as another tendril wrapped around me protectively. "Zalgo is my enemy. Long ago there was a war between us and it destroyed all the nature and humans that were unlucky enough to be close to the war. It was devastating on both sides, so to make sure it never happened again we decided to send our own to each other's homes. We check on each other and make sure that aren't planning anything or making sure nothing has changed. He must have gotten word about you so he is now after you. Did he say specifically why he went after you?"

I nodded my head trying to think back to what he said, "he told me that he wanted me so that he could preserve my beauty. I think there was some hidden sexual intent behind those words. It feels like I was back with L-Leo again." I started to shiver as I remembered Leo.

I felt a pat on my lower thigh. I looked down and saw Ben there, floating so that he could actually reach me. "Don't think about it too much."

I relaxed once he said that and I reached down to hug him. He reached up so he could hug back and I purred into his ear. He chuckled and pulled away and went back down to the ground, in front of the television so he could continue to play his game. I relaxed on Slenderman's shoulder and I allowed the upper half of my body rest against his head. His tendrils softened a bit as he pulled my body closer to his face. "Sleep my dear child, you need it." I smiled and snuggled into him before shifting to my cat form, I knew that this would be more comfortable. My soft jellybean paws thumped softly against his shoulder as I decided that I would snuggle into his neck. I circled it as best I could on his shoulder before laying down and resting my head on my paws. I yawn and slowly let my eyes shut close, waiting for sleep to embrace me gently.
They all watched as Mika fell asleep atop Slenderman's shoulder. Once Slenderman was sure his new son was asleep, he lifted him up with his tendrils and teleported him to his bed, the couch in his office. He laid the kitten down and set a soft blanket over the small frame. Slenderman then teleported back to the living room where everyone was gathered up. "We need to do something about Zalgo. He will not stop until he gets what he wants so we need to protect Mika for as long as physically possible. We will need to make a schedule and have plans for the worst case scenarios. Do you all understand what will be needed from all of you?" They all showed their own signs of agreement before they split once given the signal. Some went to play games, some went to kill, and others went to their rooms.

Slenderman let his shoulders drop, in a rare show of stress, and teleported back to his office to take his mind off of everything. He teleported to his desk and sat down, taking out a pen, ready to sign and complete the paperwork on his desk. He uncapped the pen and went to work and throughout the rest of the afternoon were the sounds of a pen scraping against paper and the soft purring of a kitten.
Mika was stretching his kitten body before deciding to switch back to his more human form. He transformed and went to Slenderman's desk where he knew he kept extra clothes for these types of situations. The boy, teen really, pulled out some soft shorts that only went down to the upper half of his thighs and a shirt that was just as long as the shorts, if not longer. He took out some slipper boots and slipped his tiny feet in them. He closed the drawer if which the clothes were stored in and noted how his Papa wasn't there. He waddled towards the big door that led into the office. Mika touched the handle and twisted it open. The door creaked for a brief moment before it was silent once more. He continued to waddle his way through the house until he was out in the living room. He looked around but there wasn't any sign of life. He looked around in the kitchen and there still wasn't any sign of life. The boy shivered in trepidation, his intuition warning him that something wasn't right. He knew that but he couldn't quite place his finger ok what was wrong, and that bothered him. He meekly called out the names of the people who accepted him into their home. The feeling of wrongness got bigger and bigger the longer no one showed up. Mika went up the stairs and knocked on all the doors, yet no one answered the poor boy. He was tearing up by this point and he ran down the stairs and to the front door. He opened the door and stepped out, looking around but stopped when he saw the lighting. The moon was red and it basked everything it touched in the crimson color.

Mika could do nothing but watch as the moon got darker which created shadows of monsters. The trees swayed as if they were trying to get Mika to become one of them, beckoning him towards the forest. The boy unwillingly took a step towards the dark forest, not in his right mind. He wondered into the forest as his feet dragged him in a direction unknown to him.

Mika managed to snap out of whatever trance he was in when one of his feet tripped over a decent sized rock. His body tumbled and the only noise out in the silent night was a small yelp from a kitten. Mika sat up and cradled his scratched up knee that had taken most of his fall. The boy licked his knee as his ears twitched on the top of his head, with his tail fluffing up in fear and curling around his torso. His body was leaning upon a tree trunk as he continued licking his knee, trying to make it feel better. There was a rustle not too far from him and he jumped into alertness. He looked around, trying to find something that was around, completely missing the figure that was sneaking up from behind him.

A terrified scream pierced the peaceful night and alerted the people within Slenderman's mansion, including the monster himself. Ben paused his game and looked at Jeff, while the proxies stopped eating their food looking up to see what everyone else was doing. "What's going on!" Sally asked everyone, yet no one responded. Smile Dog came down the stairs and looked around before he went running down the hall. Everyone looked at him before some kind of understanding snapped in place and they rushed in the direction of Slenderman's office. Smile Dog has already transformed, not caring that he was naked, and had slammed the door open to Slenderman's office. Everyone rushed in and expected Mika to be laying down on the couch but there was nothing. Slenderman transported into the room and looked about, "what is going on?" No one answered as they understood the gravity of the situation.

Mika was gone.
I'm so so so sorry for not updating but I might start up again but please don't expect too much out of me! Thanks for reading and please point out any grammar mistakes!

Published: October 26, 2017

Word Count: 1,593

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