Chapter Three:Jorden's Second and Phoebe's First Year

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(Phoebe Hohnsen, Age 11,Looks just like in the picture but has dark brown eyes.)

Phoebe's POV

Our mom stood by the train waving at telling us how proud of us she was I smiled while my brother just frowned and rolled his eyes then the train left. "Come on let's put out things away." "What about squeak?" "Keep him in your pocket then." I nodded then put him in my front pocket. Squeak was a small brown mouse. I did had a cat named Carmel while Jorden was at school but when he came back we found out that he was allergic so I had to give her away, luckily mom let me have Squeak as a pet. As I put my things away I bumped into a red headed girl and dark haired boy. "Oh, I'm so sorry." She smiled, "It's quite alright, accidents happen." I smile then notice that Jorden was gone I started to get nervous. "Are you alright?" The boy asked me. "No, not at all, I told them, "I can't find my brother and-" "Hey, your that Evans girl, right?" A boy with curly hair that interrupted me said, "Yes I am." She told him. "Well James been looking for you, come with me." "Not yet, we're trying to help this girl find her brother." I blushed in embarrassment fearing that i'm keeping her from her friends I then quickly say, "I-It's alright he's older than me he probably has some friends that's he with or something." She smiled slightly asking if I was sure I shooked my head telling her that i'm positive. She then said goodbye and with her friends while I left was left alone to find my older brother. I sighed but then I heard a voice say," Oh there you are, Sis". I smiled. He showed me to a compartment saying, "It gets really crowded sometimes, but lucky for you, he said with a grin, I saved a compartment for just the two of us." I thanked him while stepping inside it was nice and cosy I then asked him if he could tell me about Hogwarts. He nodded then told me that they sort you throughout a bunch of tests and if you get one of them wrong they will feed you to a three headed monster dog. I was shaking at this point. "W-What if you refuse?" "Then you have to fight a dragon." He told me suddenly the train stopped. "See you at the sorting little sis, He then pause for a moment, or not." Then laughed while walking away. I was now weak kneed. "Hey, are you going to move?" A voice say, I looked up it was the dark haired boy from earlier I now heard the red headed girl whisper to to him. "Come on Sev, be nice." She now said to me, "Are you alright? You don't look so good." "I think i'm going to die." I muttered. "How so?" Asked the dark haired boy interested. "My brother told me that they test you and if you fail they feed you to a three headed monster dog and if you refuse, I gulped shaking remembering what he had told me. Y-You have to fight a dragon." The girls eyes got big while her friend just frowned asking me while we walked to our destination, "Are you sure that he's not making it up? I mean that sounds highly impossible for a school to be committing mass murder on future students." "I don't know." I said honestly looking down. "Come on guys, lets go see." The girl said while taking our hands we then joined the others there we got into boats that took us to the castle. I suddenly thought to introduce myself, "Hello, my name is Phoebe Hohnsen. What's yours?" The red headed girl smiled then said, "My name is Lily Evans." She then nudged the dark haired boy. He muttered, "Severus Snape." then the other girl with us in the boat said her name was Sybill Trelawney. By that time we landed to the castle,I was still worried about what was going to happen but Lily put her hand on my shoulder telling me that it was going to be okay. I gave her a small smiled following them inside. The was a lady dressed in black wearing a pointed hat, she started to explain the rules of the school to us. A boy with black hair wasn't paying attention instead he was conversing with a few boys next to him. The lady whose name we now know as Professor Mcgonagal, told then to pay attention. Once she was done we then walked off to go the the great hall, and let me tell you my brother was right on this when he wrote bout the great hall, it was beautiful. There in the end, stood a old and a worn out hat. I looked at the hat for a minute as it came to life it then sang a song once it was done we al clapped, Professor Mcgonagal started to call out names I waited patiently for mine but I heard her call out Lily's, it yell out Griffindor I smiled. It was mine turn next I got up shaking out of nervousness then I heard it say, "Hahaha, you thought this was going to be some kind of test of horror?" He laughed I blushed out of embarrassment, "I'm going to guess that Jorden Hohnsen is your brother." "Yes that's him!" "Well it's hard to determine a house since you two are nothing alike but you belong in Hufflepuff!" It shouted I got off looking around for the house table, lucky for me a table started to wave I went over there blushing harder. I sat with the Hufflepuffs watching others get sorted, a boy with brown hair and scars was sent into Griffindor, Severus was sorted into Slytherin and finally the black haired boy from earlier was sent into Griffindor. I smiled at them, hoping that they will settle in nicely with their house mates.

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