Chapter Seventeen:Betrayal, Blood and Tears

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(A song and quote to express Jorden's feeling about his sisters death)

There was a faint sound of a click followed by loud bangs and screams once there was silence a hooded figure with a red mask walked away as nothing had happened. 

                                                            Jorden's POV

I started walking back to Voldemort's hide when I saw Malfoy, "God damnit!" I muttered since I wasn't in the mood for his shit right now, "Wow Hohnsen, I thought you would clean up a bit before seeing the dark lord but then again you are already filthy." I glared at him saying, "I'm warning you Malfoy, If I hear one more fucking thing come out of your mouth. I'm going beat you senseless, got it?" He said nothing but at soon as I passed him I heard him mumble, "I wonder what his problem was?" "That's it." I said then started beating the shit out him I didn't even care that he was begging or bleeding. Three and four random losers finally ripped me off of him, they took him to the infirmary while I headed inside. "You're late." He told me as I walked in, "Actually I was early but a had to vent out something and lost track on time, What did I missed?" "I suspect you got rid of our little annoyance?" "Yes, you should have heard their screams." He gave me an evil smile, "Excellent, just what I expect from my right hand man." I nodded then asked, "Sir, Did you ever found out the prophecy yet?" "No, but a sent a spy to discover that for me." "Nice." I said while grinning soon Snape came in bowing down telling him, "My lord, the prophecy tells of young boy that will be your end." I turn facing him while asking casually, "You want me to snipe the little bastuard?" "Not yet, He told me while raising his hand, I want to hear more." I nodded after Snape was finished we plot to find the kid and kill him. Soon word came around that there were two kids that fit the description I was sent to spy on them then report back I reported that the Longbottom kid was a pureblood and the Potters were half bloods. I gave him more information but I couldn't tell him were they where now since they went into hiding. He nodded then told me to get Pettigrew I nodded then as fast as you can say go, Pettigrew told us where the Potters were, What a wuss but when we made it I was told to keep watch for survivors I nodded then climbed a nearby tree to surveillance as he went inside the house, I could hear screaming from inside the house suddenly there was a bright flash of light almost knocking me out of the tree. The house was completely busted and there was no sign of Voldemort anywhere. I went inside the house only to bail when I heard people talking, I figured he ditched me but I soon discovered that along with him "dying" that he killed my sister. That day I went to her grave I laid down a dozen primroses and said nothing knowing that her death was all my fault, I should listen to her when I had the chance. I felt tears fall from my eyes as I thought all of this to myself soon I left. 

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