Side Story:Romeo and Juliet

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(A song fitting Phoebe and Sirius relationship.)

I was talking to Severus while we were studying for the up coming potions test, "I know there's something going on. I mean they sneak out in the middle of the night and the head master does nothing about it." We were currently talking about the mauranders. "Maybe he doesn't know?" I offered but he shook his head, soon we started heading to dinner, I saw Sirius walking up to him as I was talking to Remus, they started talking then Severus motion me to come over I excused myself the met with him, "Black told me of a way to enter the shrieking shack." I felt a shiver crawl up my spine, "Isn't that place h-haunted?" I asked nervously. "Maybe, but I wanted you to come with me." "Why? "Because if it's a trick I want you there to help me." I took a deep breath then said, "I'll go but I don't think that this is a good idea,Severus." Later that week we snuck out to the shrieking shack. I was nervous but was glad that I wasn't alone. I was walking to the shack when a giant black dog approached me, I almost fell over out of shock due to its size. It kept coming closer but I was frozen in fear, soon I was pinned against a tree. Suddenly I heard an inhuman howl and I saw a werewolf, I was shocked until I realized that it was Remus, "Oh no." I muttered as he came closer, the black dog was growling at him, "Leave him alone!" I yelled at it, the black dog seem to be sad for some reason suddenly Remus jumped on me pinning me to the floor, I screamed then started begging him to let me go, when I thought that it was too late the black dog jumped on him and they started fighting, I was so scared that I didn't move until it was over suddenly I felt someone shaking me.

                                                                                   Sirius's POV

I was walking around in my animigus form when I saw Phoebe walking without thinking I walking over to her happily but confused. She stopped moving when she saw me, I walked up her as she walked into a tree, just then I heard Remus howl then he came rushing over here, "Oh no." I heard her mutter when we saw him, I growled at him trying to protect Phoebe but she started yelling at me to leave him alone. I kind of was hurt that she didn't know it was me, but then Remus started to attack her, she screamed then started telling him, "Please Remus, Stop! You don't know what you're doing! Please,It's me, Phoebe. Remus, don't!" She was crying so without thinking I tackled him so that she could escape but after I knocked Remus out, James and Peter started dragging him back to the shrieking shack. I notice that Phoebe was still here with her eyes closed. I changed back then walked over to her, shaking her shoulders lightly, she opened her eyes then hugged me while crying. I blushed a bit but hugged her back while trying to calm her down, once she was better, she told me that a giant black dog had pinned her to a tree but then Remus came and she was attacked by him but the dog fought with Remus. I was a bit upset that she was scared of me but more worried of the question of was she okay? "Are you hurt anywhere, Phoebe?" She shook her head, "No, I don't think so." I sighed in relief, "Come on, I'll walk you to your dormitory." She smiled at me, "Thank you,Sirius." I smiled back, then hugged her goodbye as we parted ways. Afterwards, I headed back to the others. That morning I told Remus what happened last night. 

                                                                                  Remus's POV

I couldn't believe it, I could have killed one of my friends without realizing it. I felt like a cold blooded monster. I was relived that she was not hurt but I knew what I had to do in order to protect her from me. At breakfast I met up with her and I told her.

                                                                  Phoebe's POV

I was talking to Severus who had gotten caught last night and now had detention. "I'm sorry,Severus." "It's alright. He told me then asked, So, Did you see anything?" I realized that I had to lie to him but luckily Remus asked me to come with him so I excused myself then followed him, "Yes Remus?" "Phoebe, I don't think we should be friends anymore." I frowned sadly then said, "If that's how you feel, I understand. Don't worry i'll keep your secret." He gave me a weak smile thanking me then I sat back with Severus, "What did he want?" He asked me, "He doesn't want to be friends anymore." I told him sadly. "Well they were horrible people anyway." He told me nonchalant but I just stayed quite. 

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