Chapter Thirty Five: A Love Like Hers

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(A song to match Tiger's feelings toward Lupe.)

I started noticing my feelings for Lupe during the summer of her sixth year at Hogwarts. We spent a lot of time together along with Draco and my cousin. Once I noticed these feelings I tried to see if they would go away on their own, they didn't. I was scared and worried so I headed to Harry's house to talk to him. We sat down in his parlor, "What's wrong, Tiger?" He asked worried, I looked at the ground telling him, "I think, I might be in love with Lupe." He was silent for a bit then asked, "Have you told her yet?" "No, I said while shaking my head, I don't know if she likes me back." "I'm sure it would be fine." He said while giving me a small smile I returned it as well as giving him a hug. After I left, I decided to listen to Harry's advise and tell Lupe. Right now i'm at her house, I took a deep breath and knocked on her door, she answered it with a smile, "Hi Tiger. What's up?" "Hey, Can I talk to you?" "Sure, let me get a coat." I could feel myself getting nervous, Come on, Tiger, I thought, Just tell her. Suddenly she appear before me wearing a wool coat. I took a deep breath then said, "Let's go for a walk." She nodded then followed me, We walked in silence until I heard her say, "So, what do you what to talk to about, Tiger?" I took a deep breath then said, "Lupe, I was wondering, if you, Um, If-If-" "Tiger are you okay?" She asked worried but I didn't answer her due to the fact my lips were on hers. I now realized what I had done. "L-Lupe, i'm-" I started but she stopped me with a gentle smile. "It's okay, Tiger. I love you too." I felt my face heat up as she said that. I hugged her tight happily crying telling her my doubts she just patted my back comfortably until I calmed down, after I did we spent that night talking until I had to bring her home but that night was the best one of my life.

Lupe's POV

I was so happy when Tiger kissed me, I had a a crush on her since my first year when I saw her again after I heard she was dead. However, I was a bit scared to tell her cousin that we were dating because one, he was known for his temper at Hogwarts and two, my parents didn't really approve of my relationship choice, nor gender choice as well. So that was another thing we were going to talk about, If I could stay with them since my parents disowned me for being gay. I could feel myself shaking as we entered her cousin's house. "Jorden, I'm home and I brought Lupe over." Tiger called out, "Oh okay, I'm in the living room. Do me a favor and be quite, i'm working." "Okay." "Wait is Malfoy with you?" He asked with a hint of possessiveness. "No, Draco isn't here." She told him then he replied, "Alright, whatever, have fun or something." Tiger led me to her room I sat on her bed nervously while asking, "So, How are we going to tell him?" "I'm not sure but it's going to be fine." I gave her a small smile but suddenly I asked her, "Hey, what's Jorden doing?" "Oh, he just doing some repairs that happened during the war." She told me casually I nodded my head in understanding we talked for a bit longer until her cousin called us for dinner as we started walking down the stairs Tiger told me that we'll tell him after dinner. I took a deep breath then headed downstairs to join them dinner was casual but it was after dinner that I feared. Tiger then told him that we were dating he was quite for the longest time, I was scared, I could tell that even Tiger was scared of her cousins reaction however he surprised me and maybe her by saying, "Oh cool." Tiger was quite for a bit but explained my living situation and asked if I could stay with them he told her, "Sure, if it's fine with her i'm good, he then added with a grin, That just means I get to see more free porn." "Jorden!" Tiger said in disgusted. "I'm only kidding, jeez." He said while putting his hands up in defense. I smiled a bit happy that things were okay, later he did threaten me, "If you break Tiger's heart male or female, I will kick your ass." However he then offered to burn my other house down but I refused. He scoffed and said, "Suit yourself. Then added, Oh, Do me a favor and don't mention this to Tiger." I promised I wouldn't however Tiger asked me he threatened me I said he did and told her that I promised not to say, she just smiled a bit and told me that's his way of showing he cares for her I smiled as well and over the years Jorden has extended his heart to his niece and nephews.

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