Chapter Nineteen: Unknown Confessions

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(A song and quote that represents Jorden's feelings on his life so far.)

After a few weeks living with my uncle and aunt I had developed a new habit,Drinking alcohol. I had found some fire whisky in the cupboards while looking for a bit to eat. I tried it, it felt great but next morning I felt like shit, it was worth it. One day my uncle came into my room we yelled at each other and I think blackout.

                                                                        Allen's POV

I noticed that the alcohol that we had kept for special occasions was disappearing. Erika wanted to set ground rules but I was just worried that he could have gotten the idea from his parents. I sighed then told her that I was going to talk to him. She told me to be careful as I went up the stairs. When I went into his room I saw that he was drinking an entire bottle of hard whisky that my brother had boughten over one time, I sighed then said, "Jorden, you need to stop." "Fuck you! He slurred, You don't know anything about me!" "Well, I want to, You just keep yourself hidden up here." "Liar! You don't care. You don't care what i've been through. I killed my sister. She's dead because of me. If we didn't fight that day then she would be here. I-I'm a monster." "What happened to her, Jorden?" I asked him calmly hoping that he would answer my question. "I-I killed her." "How?" "We met up and fought then she ran off. I-I didn't follow her. I'm a horrible person." "Jorden, What else happened?" "She screamed then died." I gasped as he passed out I placed a blanket on him and left with my mind racing. He didn't murder her someone else did. I presume it was who-must-not-be-named but the worst part was that he blamed himself for her death but now that I know this information, What can I do to help?

                                                                     Erika's POV

I had enough! I had enough of that boy mooching off of my husband and my household. I marched up into his room to give him a piece of my mind. "Jorden! Do you know that your uncle actually cares about you!" "Do you know that you're a bitch!?!" He slurred at me I got mad and yelled, "You're a rotten child! Your sister would have never been like this if you had died!" "Yeah, because she's so perfect. You keep saying that but what about me? You never accept me as myself! She did and now she's gone! I have no one now! Thank a lot for reminding me, i'm alone!" He screamed at me I left that room realizing that I was wrong, He did care about her and I probably sounded like his parents now. While going down the kitchen my husband asking me, "You know do you?" "Yes and i'm sorry, I want to help him." I told him with a smile he smiled back as we made a plan to help our nephew. 

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