Chapter Twenty Eight: Part Two: Summer Time Depression

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(A quote and song on Jorden's feelings during that summer. P.S.Trigger Warning)

Jorden's POV

That summer I was had the worst depression since she was killed. I stayed in my room laying in my bed, drinking fire whiskey and dying inside. My aunt and uncle made move in with them in order to try to help me but right now i'm be on help. I failed Tiger, I failed Phoebe hell, I even failed myself. I know I'm just a giant failure and I hate myself for it I could never do anything right, I failed on protecting my sister, I joined Voldemort for fun and now I couldn't have saved my cousin from him. Why am I so useless?

Harry's POV

Mr. and Mrs. Hohnsen had invited me to stay at their house and surprisingly my aunt had agree to it, probably because she liked Jorden, I hope I don't see him though, I know that I saw him at that cemetery. I don't know why but I still don't trust him. Tiger's family were very nice and warming. Her father even showed me his invention room, well until her mom got upset and worried that I could get hurt, to be honest it as nice but Jorden never came down when I asked about it, they told me that Jorden was depressed and it was best to let him be. I shrugged not believing that he was but I still left him alone after walking by his room to hear him banging around and the sound of broken glass. Afterwards I only stayed maybe two more times until I felt uncomfortable because it was odd not having Tiger there. I lie, telling them that my aunt and uncle need me or something, I didn't want to hurt there feelings after being so nice.

Erika's POV

I was worried for Jorden and so was my husband, he hadn't act this way since he first moved in and that was about fourteen years ago. To be honest I was scared for my nephew, it was Tiger that got him out of that funk but now that she's gone who's going to save him?

Jorden's POV

I laid on my bed as empty and broken bottles surrounded me, I just stared at the ceiling feeling empty and sad. I hated myself, I hate how I became this again and worst of all I hated the fact that there is no way back from this. I felt tears slide down my face while thinking this. Suddenly I got up from my bed then headed into the bathroom, I started filling the tub with water then I placed my head in. I closed my eyes hoping that my death would be swiftly and not as painful as I feared. After awhile I started to lose consciousness I smiled with joy then I only saw darkness.

Allen's POV

As I walked by my nephews room I heard water running so I knocked on the door bathroom saying, Jorden, make sure to lay some towels on floor. Your aunt says its easier to clean up afterwards. I heard nothing so I knocked again asking, Jorden, Are you okay? I waited there was no answer so I opened the door only to find my nephew, his face was in the tub I quickly called for my wife while taking him out of the tub. I laid him on the floor then I heard my wife ask, What happened? It's Jorden, I told her, I found him laying face down I the tub. She quickly faced him then started doing CPR. I watched scared of losing him. Suddenly Jorden shot up coughing up water, I sighed in relief as Erika hugged him but he started yelling saying that he wanted to die. I was extremely heart broken by this but to my surprise my wife slapped him across the cheek hard, before I could say anything she started saying, You're an idiot! Why did you try that? Why did you-Do you really think it would a good idea! That would it bring her back or you could be with her? Jorden your a-your stupid. What would she think? What would Tiger do if she saw you this way? As she yelled at him I could see tears falling down her face I was about to intervene when I heard my nephew say, Tiger-Tiger would be mad and I don't blame her. Erika hugged him I then thought it would be best to leave them be and let her handle him.

Jorden's POV

My aunt hugged me as I started to cry she held me as I cried for my cousin. I woke up to her petting my hair I looked up at her then she told, Jorden, I'm sorry for hitting you but I was scared. I looked at her curiously as she continued, I was scared that you were dead but what really scared me was you telling me that you wanted to die. I started to feel guilty then she said, I was worried, What happened if you succeed? I don't want to lose you, I've already lost enough of this family too early. You're like a son to me,Jorden and I never want to hear you say that again. She finished I saw her tears fall. I hugged her apologizing, I'm so sorry, Auntie. I didn't mean hurt you or uncle. I know, hunny, I know. After our tearful apologies I told her, I miss her. So do I love, but at least we know that she's watching over her. I gave her a soft grin, Thanks auntie and i'm sorry. She gave me a small smile then said, I'm just glad you're feeling better. It took me that whole summer to get over my depression but with auntie Erika and uncle Allen's support I was finally able to go back to work. Of course they were worried but I promised to sent letters home and I made my way to the Hogwarts express I made a vow right there on the train and that vow was to keep the kids at Hogwarts safe from that bastard.

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