Chapter Sixteen-Part One: Who's the Blame

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(A quote on how Phoebe's feeling on her death and a song to match how she feels about her death towards her brother.)

                                                        Jorden's POV

It all began with a stupid fight, a fucking dumbass fight, is the reason she's not here today. I remember it like it just happened, we met up like usual and did our thing except about half an hour later she brought up Dumbledore into our conversation when I asked why she suggested that I could switch sides. She frowned telling me that Voldemort's not to be trusted and bla bla bla to which I got mad and told her, "You don't know what your talking about!" She got mad telling me, You should trust me more. I yelled at her, "Mind own business!" She then ran out to the woods. It took me a few minutes to calm down then search for but when I did I hear a scream. I ran towards it while feeling sick to my stomach. When I got there I found my baby sister with cuts all over her body bleeding out fast, "Phoebe!" I yelled when I saw her so I quickly picked her up running toward the forest at top speed. I soon saw some bright lights, I hoped that we made it to civilization. I suddenly fell, I hit my face and head on a few small rocks. I quickly went to my sister's side, "Phoebe?" I called, I notice her eyes were blinking kinda oddly like she was fighting then it hit me, My sister was dying. "Phoebe? Phoebe no! No! No! No! No! Please don't go. Come on Phoebe, please!" I begged as her eyes kept going finally she whispered to me. "J-Jorden?" "Yes?" "I-I'm sorry." "W-What?" I said in shock then she said, "I-I love you." Then nothing more. "Phoebe? Phoebe!?! Phoebe wake up! Please Phoebe, this isn't funny! Phoebe!" Just then I heard a twig snap I look up to see half of group of idiots. I glared at them mostly toward Black. "What do you want?" I asked. "What did you do!?!" demanded Black. "Me? This is your fault you're were suppose to there for her!" "My fault? My fault?! This is all your fault,Hohnsen!" I got mad at what he was saying but I decided to leave since the whole situation was starting to get to me. Once I was out of there and alone I started to cry, What happened to the future? Why did you leave me? 

                                                         Remus's POV

As Sirius "talked" to Phoebe's brother while I made sure that she was alright. I knelt next to her to check her pulse but I didn't feel anything, I then place my head on her chest, still nothing, I looked up to see Sirius going after Jorden, "Sirius!" I called him. "What?" he said as I gave him a sad look then said, "It's Phoebe." His eyes widen as he asked me desperately, "What's wrong her?" I sighed the told him, "Sirius, Phoebe, S-She's dead." He then knelled next to her his hands were shaking, "Phoebe?" I heard him whisper as tears started falling down his face. I was across from him patting him on the shoulder but I was crying too and nobody could blame us, Sirius lost the woman he loved and I lost my best friend. When we could finally stop it was sunrise. We both got up from where we were, at first we didn't know what to do with Phoebe but we ended taking her body to the funeral home. I decided to have them to do nothing until we told her family. They agreed and Sirius and I left to tell everyone the bad news.

                                                                                Sirius's POV

"Hey Phoebe, Where are you going?" I asked her while following her out of the waiting room, "Oh I thought I saw something out there. Do you want come with you?" I asked her but she replied with, "No, i'll be just fine. She gave me a smile, I'll be right back,Sirius." I kissed her then said, "Well, maybe when you get back we could have our own kids." She started to bush, "Sirius! That's not funny!" I smirked a bit, "Who says i'm joking?" She says my name embarrassed then I heard Remus say, "Come on mate, At least wait for wedding first." I laughed then Phoebe said, "Well i'll be right back." I smiled as I saw her leave the room. A while later we were told that Lily was going to have the baby I raced to see my god son. At least I hope so, and I was right, there was a little baby boy and my best mate looking proud. As we congratulated them and the baby was sleeping Lily started yelling in pain I was given the baby to hold then she gave birth to another baby this time, it was a girl. I smiled she looked so precise. After the doctors made sure that Lily wasn't going to have triplets they named the first born, Harry James Potter and the girl who was born about ten minutes after him, Tigerlilly Destiny Potter. I thought it was a great name for her, suddenly I realized that Phoebe wasn't here. I turned to Remus and Peter, "Hey have you two seen Phoebe anywhere? They shooked their heads I started to get a bad feeling so I set out to find her Remus came along to help. We walked for a bit until we heard someone yell out her name, I ran to the sound only to find Phoebe laying on the forest floor with that monster of a brother of hers covered in blood, my eyes widen in horror but he snapped me out of my thoughts by demanding why we were there, I glared at him asking, "What did you do?" He gave me a look of surprise but said, "Me? This is your fault you were suppose to there for her." I was angry and surprised, "My fault? My fault? This is all your fault,Hohnsen!" I yelled at him he then got up and ran off yelling me, "Go to hell!" I was about to run after him but Moony called me then told me the worst news of my life, Phoebe was dead. I knelt by her side muttering her name, then I started to cry, I couldn't help it I loved-No! I still love her, she's the only woman that I would ever love and now she-she's gone. I cried for the longest time then I carried her body to a funeral home. Remus talked to them while I tried to get my bearings. Once that was over we told James and Lily what that basturd did. 

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