Chapter 11

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I ran through the forest and to the shoreline. Cole was pulling the canoe down by the lake, the canoe stuck on a rock.

" Need some help?" I said, startling Cole. He yelped and lost grip of the canoe. He flew backwards and landed in the sand with a thud. I covered my mouth to try to conceal the fact that I was laughing, but it didn't work too well. He sat up and glared at me angrily.

" Don't startle someone when they are tugging on an oversized log." He said, standing up.

" Sorry, Cole. It looked like you were having some trouble with the canoe." I said, laying my life-vest in the sand.

" Thanks, Lloyd, but I got this." He said, pulling harder on the canoe. I sighed and gently pushed him aside. I lifted up the front of the canoe and turned it. Next I pulled the canoe away from the rock and into the water. Cole rolled his eyes and crossed his arms.

" I knew that." He said, grabbing the oars.

" Take this oar."

" Take this or what?" I asked, raising a sarcastic eyebrow.

" Take this oar"

" Take this or what!"

" Take this oar!!"

" Take this or what!!"

He sighed and said calmly.

" Take the stinkin' paddle." He said, thrusting the paddle into my hand. I shrugged and grabbed my life-vest. I put my arms through the armholes and buckled the buckles. Cole hopped into the canoe, one of the paddles in hand.

" Cole, aren't you going to put on a life-vest?" I asked, picking up the black life-vest that was thrown carlessly to the side.

" I don't need a life-vest." He said. I shrugged and put it next to a tree. Kai, Jay, and Zane walked through the trees, carrying their own canoe. My Dad walked quietly behind them.

" Dad, are you coming out onto the lake?" I asked excitedly.

He smiled and replied. " Maybe I will, any room in your canoe?" He asked, leaning his staff against a tree.

" Yes!" I shouted, handing him Cole's life-vest. He put it on and followed me down to the canoe

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