chapter two - Third Wheel.

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"Yay, Minnie. You got ranked number one again." My friend Jisoo said. I shrug nonchalantly, leaving the gym.

"What about you." I ask.

"I got ranked number 28. At least it was better then last year." She said and walked towards her locker, which was coincidently two lockers away from mine. I open my neatly organized locker and a few notes fell down.

"Love notes.. again," Jisoo chuckled taking her school books out.

I don't even take a look at the notes. I just crumble them up and shot them towards the nearest trashcan. These love notes have been happening since grade nine. I have been ranked number one and everyone praised me for that and I don't understand why. Anyone can be at the top If they just study, but the only thing they care about is what kind of feed they should have on instagram.

"Did you hear Kim Taehyung got ranked number 200... again."

"Who?" I said in confusion.

Jisoo shakes her head and laughs at my ignorance. We walk out of school and start walking towards the direction of our apartments. We lived right around in the same neighborhood for 3 years, she has always been my morning walking buddy.

"Why'd you blow at Hyomi today during P.E? She looked really sad once she came back." She asks and I sigh.

"I don't know. Maybe T.O.M. I'm gonna give her a warm long apology tomorrow." I said.

"Is Seokjin home by any chance." Jisoo asks leaning in towards the side of me. I raise my eyebrows at her curiosity.

"Yes. Today is Tuesday so he's with my sister remember." Jisoo huffs because she knows her chances with Jin will never happen due to my older sisters over taken love. And also there 8 year age gap.

"Your sister is so lucky. Finding such a good looking man."

"Wish I can find someone like that.." I mutter so that Jisoo won't hear.

"Well this is my destination, let's meet here at 7:30am just like everyday, kay, bye." She said as she rushes home spinning and dancing.. the usual Jisoo. I laugh and head towards my apartment I shared with my older sister, Minna, and her longtime fiance Seokjin, but he prefers to be called Jin at home. We live in the 2nd story of a five story apartment and its a pretty big. I ended living with my sister because the school I'm going to right now is closer to where she lives, so my parents decided it was a better idea for me to stay with her.

I jab my keys into the apartment door and rub my eyes. I instantly get tired when I go home and right now the feeling is happening. I sigh and kick of my shoes and once I started to walk towards my room a pair of arms grab me and pull me back into a killer hug, I instantly know who this is.

"Minjae your home!" My sister yelled as she pulled me into a big hug.

"I can't breath." I say breathless due to the impact of the hug.

"Sorry." She laughs. "Jinnie. Minjae is home.." My sister sung. We walked towards the kitchen where Jin must have been, obviously cooking.

"Minjae, I hear you got ranked number one in school again." Jin said turning around with his pan in his hands.

"Her 2nd time in a row," My sister cheers, jumping up and down.

"That's great! You know let's just go out and celebrate right now." Jin said as he turned the stove off and placed the food he cooked in container, placing it inside the refrigerator.

"Oppa, please no. I have to study for a test-"

"You'll pass it anyways, come on." My sister said and drags me to my room. "Now change," she said after she shoved me and closed the door for me to change. Sisters..

"MINJAE HURRY UP!" Jin said for the 4th time sounding impatient. I sigh and head out of the room after I changed and walked towards where they were. We decided to eat at a small restaurant that was just down the street. It was a small shop, not that many people go there, but the food there is cooked amazing.

"Let's eat somewhere.. expensive." Jin whine.

"Boo, this is Minjaes' choice remember." My sister negotiated.

"But, ..fine." Jin said sounding like a little kid. My sister back hugs him and we walk into the restaurant.

"Welcome to the Love Kim restaurant," An elderly lady said cheerfully which made me smile a bit. We bowed politely as she sat us at a table.

"My grandson will take your older in a bit," The elder said, walking back to the kitchen.

"What should I eat," Jin said taking a look through the menu.


I look up with disgust by my sisters inappropriate comment, but they didn't even spare one glance at me. They were looking at each other strait in the eyes. I clear my throat and they turn there attention back on me and pretend like nothing happened.

"So what are you gonna order," My sister asks.

"I don't know, uh, maybe crab cakes or Pad Thai." I said and close the menu.

"Where is the waiter?" Jin asks, looking around.

"Coming Sir," I hear a familiar voice yell from inside the kitchen. I turn around and see the same boy who got in trouble with Mr. Song today. He's wearing a black apron with stains on it and a red bandana on his head. I quickly turn around and cover up my face with my hair.

"My name is Kim Taehyung your waiter slash server for today." He said but I ignore.

"What would you like today?" He asks.

"We'll have the Pan Thai," Jin said, I'm still turned around and ignoring him.

"And you Minjae." Damn it. .  .

"Minjae." Taehyung repeats. I remove my hair and give an awkward smile.

"Do you guys know each other." Jin asks curious.


We both look at each other and I glare at him. I don't associate myself with idiots.

"I would like the chicken please." I said and hand him my menu. He quickly writes it down not saying a word and goes back in the kitchen.

"Are you sure you both don't know each other?" My sister asks.

"No, I only seen him around school okay. Please just drop the topic." I said and message my temples. I hear my sister mumble some 'okays' and we wait patiently for the food arrive, except Jin.

Will update soon (:

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