chapter eighteen - Party.

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Authors note; their are 2 Seokjins.
One is Minjaes' sister's fiance
& the other is Taehyung's old friend.
The one that is Taehyung's friend is the actual  Seokjin, but to make it less confusing we'll call him Jin through out the whole story.


[point of view]

It was Saturday morning meaning Hoseoks party is today! I hear it's gonna be a laid back party with people just chilling and being cool and especially no alcohol, since I will never drink that again.

I walk downstairs and see my mom putting on her shoes.

"Mom? Where are you going?" I ask.

She stands up and grabs her purse.

"I'm going to hang with my girlfriends all day till night okay, since your gonna be at your friend Hoseok's house later tonight? Right? For his party?" My mom asks and I nod. 

"Is it gonna be a big party?" She asks and I shook my head.

"No just a hang out," She nods.

"Taehyung, are you sure you want to go." She asks, rubbing my shoulders. "Are you sure you can even handle a small get together."

"Mom, relax. I got this. I'm a big boy now." I said and smile and she ruffles my hair. 

"Aish, well, have fun and call me if you don't feel like you wanna stay. I'll come pick you up as soon as you ask, okay." She said and walks straight out, waving a goodbye. 

I shut the door and lean against the it. What should I do on a Saturday morning? The only things I do on Saturday is watch anime and play some video games.

I sigh and head towards the bathroom to take a shower, stripping my clothes of. I take a hot shower and think of what I should avoid at the party. Dancing... 

After the shower I rap my towel around my nude body and head towards my room. I take another towel and dry my hair. I noticed my phone buzz and pick it up and see it's a message from Hoseok. 

Hobie-hyung(: - Hey man remember the video I was suppose to send you. I totally forgot so here is the link to it. Enjoy (;   [link inserted] 

I sat on my bed, laying down and stared at the message.

Should I open it?  kept running through my head. 

I click on it and it sends me to a website and the video was loading. Then suddenly a girl pops up to the front. She was wearing something mature and she was laying down on a bed. I don't know what happened but i instantly got hard. I lay bare on my bed and grab my member and start to slowly go up and down, but stop when I hear a voice shout from down stairs. 

"TAEHYUNG! WHERE ARE YOU??" Jungkooks voice echos from downstairs. 

I rush to my front door of my bedroom and lock it before Jungkook can enter. 

"I'm in my room!" I shout back, hoping he could hear me. 

I quickly put on my clothes and through the process I did trip causing a slight bruise on my arm. I groan in pain but, still manage to put my clothes on. 

"Taehyung?" I hear Jungkook's voice out the door. He tried to open my door, but I locked it. "Taehyung, why is the door locked?" He asks. 

I unlock and open the door and see funny looking Jungkook. I start to laugh because Jungkook is trying to resemble that one meme. 

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