chapter nine - Confession.

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"Leave him alone," I see Hyomi breath out from the door. She looked like she ran a mile since she was breathing in and out. I felt a little awkward since half the class was staring at me and her, but also knowing that a I have a friend that stood up for me made me smile inside.

"Who the hell are you?" Jaeho exclaimed and turned to her.

Hyomi walked towards where we were. My breath was suddenly caught in my throat when Hyomi square up punched Jaeho right in the jaw, making everyone gasp. Jaeho yelled in pain while he clutched his bleeding nose.

"You bitch!" Jaeho yelled and was about to attack, but his friends held him back saying that he can't hurt a girl and all those stuff. Finally they ended up leaving the class, probably ditching, but Jaeho gave me me one last death glare before he left.

I understand why he hates me, but I still understand why he couldn't get over the incident that happened long.

I mean no one can forget.

"Oppa, you okay?" She asks.

"Oh- um, yeah." I reply, since everything occurred literary 2 minutes ago. After that, everyone went back to minding their own business not caring about us anymore.

"Are you free after school? Wanna get some ice cream?" She asks and smiled.

"Sure," I reply with a smile back.

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We ended up not getting ice cream, but cotton candy at the festival since it was close by our school. Many students have arrived and the air was filled with different smells of food, making my mouth almost water.

"Oppa look!" Hyomi said and pointed towards the Ferris wheel. The line was pretty long and it makes it the perfect time to stand in line. Hyomi wrapped her arms around mine and dragged me there quickly.

"How do you like the festival so far?" She asks, while the line moved forward slowly.

"It's fun," I reply, lieing a little too. I want to eat food, but all we have been doing is going on rides so far.

"When will we eat food?" I ask and scratch the back off my neck.

"When we go on all the rides."

But I'm hungry now.

I groan on the inside while my stomach rumbled. I stood in line patiently while trying to listen to Hyomi talk about her friends upcoming party.

"So yeah, it's gonna be amazing, I hear she will bring either Big Bang or EXO to preform! How exciting." She said while jumping up and down.

"Can you, uh, save my spot. I'm gonna go to the restroom my stomach hurts," I lie and she nods in understanding. I walk out of line and head towards the food court, my mouth watering at the sight.

I walk towards the chicken on a stick booth and buy two of them on a stick, just for me.

I quickly devour it, so that Hyomi doesn't notice I ate food instead of going to the restroom. I walk around so that Hyomi sees I came from the direction of the restroom, but while I passed. I bumped into someone.

"Yah! Watch where your're going!" A younger boy at the age of 14 or 15 yelled in my face, making me stumble back a bit. I look up and see that he was standing in a line of a booth the read '1 dollar, 1 kiss,'

My eyes widened when I saw Minjae sitting there reading a book silently, while their was a line of about 5 guys waiting and in front of the line was Jaeho and his friends right beside him.

My eyes narrowed and I observed at they were doing.

"One kiss please." Jaeho said and placed a dollar bill and Minjae looked up from her book and glared.

"Go away." She said, ignoring him and continued reading her book in her hands.

He scoffs and puts his money back in his wallet, "Fine. I'll just come back for Jisoo."

Everyone in the line agrees and walk away from the booth leaving her alone to read her book.

Moments later I take a deep breath and start to walk towards her, but out of know where Yoongi comes and I turn around.

"What the hell are you doing?" Yoongi asks and I hear him chuckle.

"My friend, Jisoo, asked me to watch her booth for her." She replied.

"Mhm," Yoongi hummed, "Are you still tutoring Taehyung?" Yoongi asks, making my heart beat increase.

"Yup," She said in english and popped the 'p'

I take my phone out and check the time and see that I killed 15 minutes of time to go to the bathroom. I place my phone back and ran towards where the Ferris wheel was and try to find Hyomi through the crowded lines.

After a while of observing, I spot her almost towards the front of the line already. I make my way past the people around and head towards where she is, earning a lot of glares and shouts from people.

"Finally. What took you so long?" She asks and I shrug.

"The line was long," I lied.

We got onto the Ferris wheel and it wasn't one of those big ones, but it was a decent size. We sat side by side. I was on the right and she was on the left. I look down and see how small some people looked from above and I smile a bit.

"Look how pretty the view is! We can see the school." Hyomi pointed towards our school which was like 2 blocks away.

"Yeah and look at everyone down at the bottle." I pointed out and her eyes went wide.

"Woah.. we're really high up. Oppa can I hold onto you?" She asks and before I can answer she clung onto my arm.

"Uh, sure?" I said, since she already clung on. Once we reached the top of the Ferris wheel. The view was amazing. The sun was shining and you can see tress everywhere. My mouth dropped at the glory city.

"Oppa.. I have confession." Hyomi said and let go off my arm and turned to look at me.

"Huh," I said, still hypnotized by the beautiful view.

"Oppa... I think I'm in love with you?" She confessed and it took moments to realize what she said.

"Wait, what?"

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