chapter eleven - Sick.

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"Mom! I'm home." I yell, while running in. I place my hand on my knees and bend down to catch my breath. My mom walks in a scolds be because I was apparently being 'to loud' and she didn't want dad to wake up. I walk upstairs and head towards my room, walking in and setting all my stuff down.

I take my shirt off and lay down with my eyes watching the ceiling.

"Oppa, I think I'm in love with you."

Kept repeating in my mind. I mean isn't Hyomi like 14? I'm like 18. That's too weird.

I shake my head in frustration and growl a little. I tend to do that a lot when I'm confused and frustrated. I place my pillow over my head and close my eyes, until my phone beeps from my pocket.

Jungkookie; I didn't know you &
Hyomi went on a date?

Taehummie; what? We didn't exactly
go on a date, who told u?

Jungkookie; she posted a
video on her snapchat.

Taehummie; ohhhhhhh. ok.
Goodnight kookie:)))

Jungkookie; night hyung !

[point of view]

Once I arrived to the apartment, no one was home, like always. I take off my shoes and jacket and head towards my room. I gently lay on my bed with my eyes looking directly at the ceiling.

"Damn you, Kim Taehyung." I mumble and if Jin was here, he would have scolded me because of my inappropriate language.

I don't know why but when I saw Taehyung with Hyomi, I felt this weird feeling liked it crawled up on me out of know where.

He should be studying right now and not be hanging out with younger--- woah! Minjae! What is wrong with you? Snap out of it.

I place my hand on my forehead and realize that I'm lightly sweating.

"What the," I mumble and stood up, but quickly lay down again because a sudden hit of pain hit my head. I take my cell phone out and quickly text Jisoo.

mxnjae; I don't think I'm going
to school tomorrow. Can you please
send me the homework assignments.

Jisoochrist; awe, are u ok?? And sure.

mxnjae; yeah, I think I have a fever.
I'll just stay home.

Jisoochrist; feel better my love. <3 Night

mxnjae; night.

I shut my phone off and close my eyes, taking deep breaths. My head is feeling really dizzy right now and I'm too lazy to get back up again, so I just let the slumber take over me.

[] [] []

My body right now is feeling cold, but at the same time it feels hot. I start to clutch my pillow tighter and snuggle deep in. My head again feels like yesterday, but much more worse.

"I regret not taking medicine," I mumble, still with my eyes closed.

"Oh, good morning milady." I hear a familiar voice.

I fluttered my eyes quickly and see that the pillow isn't my pillow, but it's Kim Taehyung.

I quickly shove him off my bed and try to cover up with my blankets.

"Ouchie! Why did you push me off?" Taehyung groaned and pouted once he landed on the floor.

"What the hell are you doing here?!" I yell at him once he stands up and sits on the edge of my bed.

"I'm here to take care of you," Taehyung stated, proudly with a smile.

"How do you know where I live?"

"Your friend Jisoo texted me it and told me you were sick,"

Curse you Jisoo.

"And .. How the hell did you end in my bed?!" I yell again, throwing one of my pillows at him, which hit his head.

"Ouch." He groaned and rubbed his head. "When I read the message this morning, I quickly made some chicken soup for you and once I arrived, your beautiful sister and some handsome guy were in a hurry to go to work and I told them you were sick," he said and from the side of the bed he held a bag.

"So they gave me these medical things to take care of you!!" He said and gave me a box smile.

My heart was now beating at a rapid pace and my forehead started to sweat again.

"Wait, you still didn't tell me how we were in bed together!"

"Oh yeah! When your beautiful sister and that handsome guy left, they told me I should check up on you and I went to your room and saw you were turning a lot. When I placed my hand on your forehead.. it was burning up, but then you grabbed my arm and held it really tight and you started to toss and turn again so then you pulled me into the bed with you and you started to hug me.. I'm sorry." He rambled and held his head low.

I didn't even know what to say, since it was my fault.

"How do I not know your not lying? How do I know you didn't do anything?" I question and he shot his head back up.

"Because, I would never touch a girl with out their permission."
I stay silent for a bit, but my stomach starts to grumble.

"Are you hungry? You are gonna be the first to try my world famous chicken soup!" He said and gave me a box smile.


Hehehehe Taejae moments.
- summer

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