chapter sixteen - Crush.

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[point of view]

My eyes opened slowly because my head was throbbing with unbeatable pain. I groan and rub my head, then my eyes winded.

I'm not in my bed, but on a mattress.

In a tree house!?

"Oh, you're finally up." Someone spoke, making me turn my head in panic. It was Kim Taehyung and he was leaning against the wall across from me with his school uniform on.

"Here some water and pain killers," He said and threw a water bottle and little box of pill towards me.

"Why am I here?" I angrily ask before I lean my head back from the pain.

"Where am I?" I said while taking the pills and swallowing it.

"Drink the water with it," Taehyung orders and I obey.

"What time is it?" I ask and start to panic. I grab my bag, which was next to the mattress and ramble the phone out.

7:38 a.m

"We only have 22 minutes left," I said and stand up, ignoring the pain and head out of the tree house, forgetting that it's high up.

A pair of arms grab me and pull me back.

Now I'm backed into Taehyung's chest because I almost killed myself falling from the tree.

"You have to be more careful." He said and I push him off, not wanting his touch on me.

"Don't touch me." I said, before exiting the tree house and heading down the ladder.

I made it to the ground and Taehyung follows behind.

"Wait, want some breakfast?" He asks and tries to grab my hand again so I can stop.

"No thank you." I said and walked to the side of the house to exit.

"Please. If it wasn't for me, you would be at that bar place still drunk." He said and I stop and turn to him.

"Wait, how did you know I was there?" I question, since the only thing I remember was taking shots of anger.

"I had to carry you on my back all the way to my house because you kept on saying you didn't want to go home," He said and guilt now spread over me.

I bow my head, "Thank you for not taking me home and I'm sorry you had to carry me all the way to your house and carry me up to your tree house."

He pats my head, "it's alright, you kept saying funny stuff." He said and started to giggle. My face starts to flush in embarrassment since it's a fact I do and say funny stuff when I'm drunk.

"What stuff did I say?" I ask, not looking at him.

"Stuff like you saying you loved your bed and other stuff like that. You also kept touching me." He laughs and sigh.

"We don't say a word about this to anyone, okay."

"Don't say a word about what?"

Both our heads turn to see a woman standing with her arms folded across her chest with a smirk.

"Mom! What are you doing outside?" Taehyung questions as he tries to push his mom away.

"I should say the same thing to you young man. Who's your friend?" His mom asks and I politely bow.

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