Original Sin

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The Salvatore Boarding House

After Damon, Natalie and Elena found the safe Stefan had been trapped in, the two of them who actually were in a relationship had decided that they could try to get some sleep and be focused and try to get some in tell through Elena's weird connection to Stefan as they were avoiding a currently residing in the Boarding House Katherine.

But that didn't seem to work out so well as Katherine and Elena had dreams that were the exact same, both of them seeing Stefan all alone in a bar, called Joe's Bar. And as Elena stared at the unlit fireplace as Damon did his best to figure things out, Natalie was looking through her school books, trying her best to learn as much as possible when she could.

But she then glanced at the ring on the table. His daylight ring. They found it, meaning that Stefan had been walking around without it, quite possibly burning up. She reached out for it, watching Elena look at her in confusion as she fumbled with it, remembering those times her fingers would come in contact with it through their intertwined hands.

Damon then entered the parlor, seeing Natalie lying on the couch with some books and his brother's ring as Elena wrote in her notebook by the fireplace, but he had decided to speak up about his findings. "So I've found 9 bars along Route 29, and none of them are called Joe's."

Elena sighed as she turned to look at him with a guilty expression on her face, placing her notebook on the table. "I had a feeling that there was something wrong all summer, and I ignored it. But I was right, Stefan was in a safe, and probably killed whoever it was that found him...I know it sounds crazy, that I'm following some psychic dream, but it's the only lead that we have."

Natalie shrugged, looking up from her books, placing the ring on them. "It's not weird that it sounds crazy if it actually is crazy. But after everything that's happened, I'm surprisingly okay with the thought of you having a weird psychic connection to our ex-boyfriend."

But then another person joined the conversation, being the only human one in the house, Katherine Pierce. "Shotgun. What? I get carsick in the back seat. Another charming, human side effect you stuck me with."

Natalie frowned, pushing her feet away from the sofa as she made sure none of her books nor Stefan's ring would fall to the floor so she'd awkwardly pick them up at a moment where she shouldn't pick anything up awkwardly. "Wait, she's coming?"

Damon didn't seem to fond of the idea himself, but he was the one who actually did say yes, basically. "Trust me, I have no interest in Katherine's well-being, but for some reason Silas wants her real bad, and if Silas wants her, I want her more."

"Can't we just stash her in the cellar? Or maybe a deep, dark well with a pair of water wings?" Elena suggested, willing to do anything to her doppelganger to keep her from going with them to find Stefan.

"Do you really think that I wanna take a road trip with you, America's most boring, self-righteous vampire? And you know what, I'm not even gonna get started on you," Katherine started talking to Elena before looking at Natalie, who tilted her head as if it was a good idea. "Just remember, Damon wouldn't have to play bodyguard if you hadn't shoved that cure down my throat."

Elena's eyes widened at her acting like she just casually walked over to her doppelganger and shoved the cure down her throat just for the hell of it. "You were trying to kill me!"

Katherine simply smirked. "I will admit, though, I take great pleasure knowing that you wasted your one shot at a human life on me."

Damon rolled his eyes at their usual fighting that always ends up happening whenever they were around each other, but he just wanted to stop it before someone got killed. Someone meaning Katherine. "Alright, play nice, or I'm gonna revisit the deep dark well idea."

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