I Never Could Love Like That

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The Salvatore Boarding House

Natalie hated to admit it, because she wasn't sure how to feel about her yet, but Lily Salvatore could make one hell of a breakfast. She was sitting with Damon, Elena and Lily and ate what she had prepared as she tried to ignore the stench of sex reeking from Damon and Elena. 

"This is amazing, Lily. Thank you," Natalie complimented the older vampire's cooking. The Salvatore mother smiled at the girl politely, having found her to be a very nice girl. She was happy that she was the kind of girl who was with her son, no matter how hard it was for her to remember how it was to feel unconditional love for them. 

Lily looked at the food she prepared, and her gaze traveled to where Damon was staring at it blankly. She couldn't help but smile at the memories of every time he had eaten that exact meal. "This was always Damon's favorite- Eggie in baskie."

Damon grabbed his fork and picked up a piece with it. He then pushed it into his mouth, chewing it up and swallowing. He only sent his mother a distasteful look. "Doesn't taste like I remember."

"Well, you were human the last time you tasted it! Our tastes change over time," she dismissed it, not seeming hurt at all when it came to what he had said. "But, Elena, Natalie, you two are fairly new at this, aren't you?"

"We turned a few years ago," Elena confirmed with a nod after she had finished swallowing her piece of the so-called eggie in baskie that Damon had once loved oh so much. 

Natalie, on the other hand, didn't completely finish her bite before speaking up, remains of her food still in her mouth making her speak a bit unclear. "Yeah, with just a few months between us."

Lily crinkled her nose up at Natalie's current lack of table manners for the moment but shook it off. She was a nice girl and table manners could be taught later. "You ever miss it? Being human?"

"Not as much as I thought I would," the younger of the twins answered honestly. She thought that without being human she would never feel alive again. Yet, here she was. She was still Natalie, alive and kicking. She remembered humanity, but feeling the way she did as a vampire. Knowing that she had the strength to kick the ass of most creatures on the planet, even if she chose not to, was a pretty nice feeling. 

Elena just shrugged, not seeing Damon send Lily a warning look, telling her to shut up and not say anything about something he didn't even know she knew anything about. He just wondered if she just asked a simple question or if she knew something. "Sometimes."

Lily looked down a bit as she tried to change the subject so her son would stop sending her that look. "So, if I understood correctly, um, in order to free my companions from that place where I was trapped, we'll need the magical device."

"The Ascendant?" Natalie asked, raising an eyebrow at her as if asking for confirmation of her being correct in her assumption of what she was talking about. 

"Yes. The Ascendant," Lily smiled gratefully at Natalie for reminding her of what the naem of the mysterious magical device. She turned to the older of her sons with a questioning look, knowing he was the only one who knew the whereabouts of it. "Where is that?"

Damon looked awkward for a moment, as if he wasn't sure what he was supposed to answer. "Safe. Very safe!" 

Lily didn't seem to notice his awkwardness and simply nodded, remembering the other things they needed to go back and free her companions from that wretched prison world. "And we'll also need a celestial event."

"We'll have to do some digging, yeah. Be patient, they take time. They're very rare," Damon dismissed it, hoping that it would keep her on track when it came to getting his brother's humanity back. 

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