Handle With Care

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The Salvatore Boarding House

Natalie had her fair share of fun at the costume party at Whitmore, but then it turned out that Damon had just been an asshole and kept snapping Stefan's neck continuously during their night at the Whitmore college costume ball, which meant that Natalie had basically rambled about her love for Stefan to her previous love of her life. Maybe she wasn't so very fond of Silas in her current life, she still knew what it felt like. She could remember talking to both Stefan and Elena about the two's relationship and the feeling it gave her, which she wasn't fond of.

But it turned out that with two millenniums of misery under his belt, Silas was pretty done with this whole eternal life thing, maybe it had become too mainstream. But Elena and Damon had basically thrown Katherine at him, and she was supposedly the new cure, because the cure was running through her veins. It didn't really make sense with her having had the cure in her system for months but Natalie just ran with it.

And seeing as Silas was once again mortal, he decided to continue on with his plan of ending his eternity of misery by walking into the Salvatore Boarding house, interrupting Damon and Elena's couple time and making the couple call Natalie just because.

Natalie and Elena sat together on a couch in the parlor as Damon looked at the original Stefan doppelganger with narrowed eyes, but Silas simply talked to Elena. "We all know that Tessa was a real vengeful bitch. Your doppelgänger, Amara died at her hands, but now, after two thousand years, I will finally get to end my misery."

Damon rolled his eyes at his need to talk about the emotional parts of their plan. "Alright. Skip the mushy parts. Look. My girl here is just trying to have a good day, and there are promises that she's expecting you to keep."

"Oh, you don't think that I keep my promises?" he tilted his head at her before turning to Natalie with disbelief. "Can you believe this?"

"Well, I don't exactly blame her." the previous huntress smiled back at him sarcastically with the tilt of her head, making his smile back teasingly at her. 

Elena decided to ignore the exchange of words and rather continued on with proofing their plan with the current bad guy. "You said that now that you're a witch again, you would bring Bonnie back from the other side."

"I did and I can." Silas confirmed with a nod.

"And you promised Damon you would do that if he helped you," Elena continued, glancing back at the 2000-year-old skeptically as he nodded at her, once again answering her questions. "But you're kind of evil. No offense."

Silas simply shrugged it off, grimacing as if he actually agreed with the doppelganger's statement. "None taken."

Him actually seeming to agree with him basically just being evil did not calm the brunette at all as she kept finding reasons in her mind as to why she shouldn't trust him. "So I'm just trying to figure out how I can trust that one of your last acts in the world will be to bring my best friend back."

"Did you want me to pinky swear?" Silas spoke sarcastically, holding his pinky out to complete the incredibly sarcastic offer.

Damon rolled his eyes at Silas basically stealing his game, which was to throw in sarcastic comments and seem like an asshole most of the time. "She's trying to have a good day. Just tell her how it's going to go down."

Silas sighed, doing his best to suppress the urge to be overbearingly sarcastic. "I just want to destroy the other side so I don't get stuck in that pit of a purgatory when I finally do kill myself. Before I do that, I'll bring Bonnie back. And being the amazing and incredible and all-powerful witch I am, I can totally do both things. I just have to find the anchor first and destroy it. And unfortunately, the anchor is in New Jersey, so it'll be a drive."

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