Don't Get Dirty

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"You know Friar, you look good with brown hair." Josh said, and looked at himself in the mirror. "Meanwhile I'm stuck with red hair like a brillo pad and Zay has an afro."

"I look good." Zay said, straightening his wig and fixing his suit coat.

"Shut up boys. You know I get the most background and best alias because I will be the only one infiltrating the group. If too many of us get involved with the thieves, they will be suspicious and because I am team leader, I go in and get involved because if anything were to happen to you boys..." Lucas trailed off and the other boys looked at him.

"We know you love us." Josh said, and the two boys jokingly hugged Lucas like they were teenage girls. They all started laughing and for a moment, they forgot their mission.

"So, Gavin." Zay began, stepping towards Lucas. "How do you feel about all this?"

"What are you talking about?" Lucas said, adjusting the glasses on his face. He couldn't wear fake contacts all the time, they bothered his eyes too much.

"Well, you are going undercover with the mission to kill. It usually takes a lot out of people." Josh teased, and Lucas looked at him, curious.

"I've shot and killed people before."

"Yeah, but this is different man. You shot those people because it was spur of the moment and they were firing back at you. But this girl--Riley Matthews and her team--she hasn't shot at you. She hasn't done anything to hurt you. No one has gotten terribly hurt due to her. And yet, you still have to kill her." Zay said, and Lucas grabbed his carry-on bag.

"I'm not talking about this." Lucas said, walking out of the bathroom and to the terminal gate to wait for the plane, leaving his friends behind him.


"Do you think this will draw too much attention?" Maya asked Riley, stepping out of the small bathroom in a silver ball gown that went all the way down to her ankles, a slit up the leg, and silver high heels. Riley gave her the once over, and Farkle stood next to Maya, in a suit and tie.

"It's a little much for a regular day at the museum. However, it's not just an average day. We just happen to be breaking in on the newest collection, and robbing the whole collection."

"On opening night Riley? Are you crazy? The security is going to be amped up like crazy." Sarah said.

"I'm not crazy. But I know we can do it guys. Remember the Tower of London. It was a large risk, and we made three million dollars, our third largest sale." Riley said. "We have to do this. I know we can do this. We just have to believe."

"Just try on your gown." Maya said, and Riley walked into the bathroom, shutting the door. She stripped out of her clothes and slipped on a purple gown that had a a lace covering over it, and black high heels. She stepped out of the bathroom.

"How do I look?"

"Like a million bucks." Maya said, smiling at her, and the two friends intertwined their fingers together. "Just don't ruin the dress in the hour we have of waiting."

"I'm not going to ruin my dress in an hour Maya."

"Remember our sixth grade semiformal?"

"Riley. What happened to your dress?" Topanga said, walking into her daughter's bedroom. The last time Topanga had checked in, just five minutes prior, both Riley and Maya were beautiful. And now, they were covered in soot.

"It's all Farkle's fault." Maya said, blaming their other friend, who was straightening his tie in the mirror. He looked over to them.

"Mrs. Matthews, do you believe I'd ever let either of them get dirty on one of the best nights of their lives." Farkle said, and Topanga shook her head no. Riley and Maya glared at Farkle.

"Your mother is still pissed at me for that day you know." Farkle said.

"Well good. You made us try to crawl through the chimney because you thought it would be better than going out the fire escape." Maya said.

"So how about no fire escapes, and no chimneys. And hopefully, we won't get dirty." Riley said, sitting down on the couch. "And besides, we couldn't do that, we draw suspicion to ourselves. It's in, and out." Riley finished, taking a sip of her coffee.

"Don't drink in that dress." Maya said, taking the cup from Riley's hands. "If you want to drink anything, drink water. And once we get there, have some champagne. Look a part of the party. Remember, Farkle and I will enter together, but you have to go in alone. Is that okay team leader?" She asked, jokingly. Riley shot her a look.

"I don't need a partner going in. And besides, you and Farkle are actually doing the robbery while I distract everybody and Sarah gets rid of the cameras. And don't worry, I'll get guards too."

"We are awesome at this. Cheers guys. To three wonderful years of successfully robbing and scamming the world out of their money." Sarah said, raising her glass of water. The others joined in, raising their cups.

"To us." Riley whispered, swallowing her water like a shot.

"Let's get out of here. The museum is a half an hour away, and opening night is always the biggest at these galleries, especially since the artist is going to be there. I kind of feel bad for the guy."

"The museum paid half a million dollars per painting. Imagine what they'll pay to get the paintings back." Riley said, grabbing her matching clutch and jacket. "I'm going to catch a cab., You guys follow in a couple minutes. Sarah, you take the van."

"Okay. Good luck guys." Sarah said, and Riley took off, going down the elevator and into the hotel lobby. She hailed a cabin and gave directions in perfect Russian, just the way Farkle taught her.

"This is going to be fun." Riley whispered in the taxi.


Hey Guys. I know you've been waiting a while for an update, I've just been so busy recently.

Song of the Day: Great Big Storm, Nate Ruess

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