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Song of the Day: Never Say Never, by The Fray


"Okay, it took a little convincing from the librarian, but I finally got the building plans of the building. Did you know that librarians could be loud middle-aged women. I thought they were all quiet old ladies who enjoyed shushing everybody." Maya said, plopping down the construction plans on the table of the library. "Oh by the way, I stole these plans, so...Gavin can return them."

"Why me?" Lucas asked, crossing his arms, and the rest of the group began to laugh. "What are you all laughing at?" Lucas said, looking up and down to see what they thought was funny.

"Well, I'm sure that the rest of our colleagues had the same thoughts in their imaginations as I did. A lot of librarians can be well...cougars. And well, you're young, and attractive, and I think that maybe..." He paused.

"Maybe what?" Lucas demanded.

"Maybe that one of them might hit on you." Sarah blurted out, and everyone burst out laughing, including Lucas, who was just shaking his head and going along with it.

"Laugh all you want." He said.

"Oh, we will." Maya replied, and Riley banged the mallet on the table. "Order, order in the court." Maya joked, and the laughter restarted, causing Riley to frown.

"Maya, this is not a courtroom, this is the planning meeting for our next heist, which, by the way, is tomorrow. So I suggest we focus and get a plan down. So, as I'm sure you guys have looked at the plans, we are breaking into the Seattle Asian Art Museum. Why not the regular one? Because the Japanese buyers said they will pay top dollar if we do their dirty work for them."

"I thought the Japanese said that they weren't going to buy from us anymore." Sarah said, looking up from her laptop. "Oh, the Chinese finally bid on those clay soldiers in those tombs. It's not as much as we've hoped for, but it's the highest bid we've gotten on them so far."

"Tell them that they have already been sold. That we'll only change our minds if the double their offer." Riley said, and Lucas looked at her.

"They're not going to buy it then. I saw the offer Riley."

"This is a business Gavin. They bid, you tell them what you want, you settle for the in between point. The say a million dollars, I say two million, and then we agree on one point five." She said, smiling. "And I still get plenty of money."

The rest of the team coughed.

"We still get plenty of money." Riley said, adjusting her statement.

"Let's just spread out the plans." Maya said, laying out the blueprints.

"Okay, two of us should enter through the front door, the other two through the side entrance. Gavin, are you okay being in the van this time, I think Sarah is going to go stir crazy if she sits this next one out." Riley said, pointing to the doors with a stick.

"Now, in the email, they said they only want one thing, and just that one thing. They said we can't steal any more on this trip with on their dime unless we have specific instructions." Sarah said.

"The two going in the side door can take out the cameras easily, so we can get out of there. The ones that go through the front door will have to go through the roof." Farkle said. "I think Riley and I should go on the roof. I'm great at jumping, and Riley doesn't cry when she jumps across buildings." Farkle said, directing the insult to Maya and Sarah.

"I do not cry when jumping off of a building." Maya defended herself.

"Yes you did." Sarah said.

"I twisted my ankle and it really hurt." Maya shot back.

"Okay, stop arguing. It's an in and out mission. We go, we grab, and we get out. I'm sure you all remember the routine." Riley said, and she turned to Lucas. "Gavin, you need to park a few streets away. Sarah and Maya will probably get to the van first. If Farkle and I don't make it to the van within ten minutes of them getting there, you need to leave, we will catch up to you."

"I'm not just going to leave without you." Lucas said, and Farkle shrugged.

"It's the way it has to be. Besides, we can meet up with you. Maya and Sarah will show you to my dad's private airport, and we'd meet you there. It's not that big of a deal."

"I'm not going to leave without you. We're a team." Lucas said.

"Maya." Riley said.

"I'll do what I have to do." Maya replied.

"The Japanese are willing to pay four million dollars. We need to do this. All in." Riley said, putting her hand in the center of the table. The other put their hands in. Finally Lucas gave in, and put his hand in too. Riley looked up and smiled at him when he did this.

"We've got one shot, because after tomorrow, they're moving the vase to another museum, halfway across the country, and we won't get another chance, because if we fail, they're not going to let that be security free for a few years. So we have one shot, and our odds are already 50 to 1, with all of the other teams they offered this job to, as well as security. So let's do this."

"We'll do it." Sarah said, and she grabbed the ice cream out of the fridge. "We never got to have dessert in Scotland, because someone had to get to Canada immediately, so let's have some dessert. I mean, we deserve a treat every once in awhile."

Farkle grabbed five spoons, and handed one to each person. "To us."

"To us." The rest of the group said in unison.

"You all are masterminds." Lucas said, and Riley wrapped her arm around his neck.

"You'll get there sometime too." Riley said, pecking him on the lips and shoving a spoon of ice cream into his mouth.

Let's just say an ice cream war broke out.


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