Riley's Confessions

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Song of the Day: Fortunate Son, by Creedence Clearwater Revival

//////Riley's Story/////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////

"Love you. Got to go. I promise I'll be home soon." Riley said, whispering into her phone. She walked out of her bedroom and pulled the door, revealing Lucas, who looked like he had just knocked.

"I was just coming in to check on you." Lucas said.

"I'm okay Gavin. Do you want to come in?" Riley said, gesturing Lucas to enter her bedroom. Lucas walked forward and sat on her bed, and Riley shut the door behind him.

"What do you want to talk about?" Lucas asked.

"Gavin, I want to tell you everything. I trust you now, and I think you deserve to know everything." Riley said. "So I guess I should start at the beginning. I assume the only thing you figured out is that me and my friends have been friends for life, and that we all grew up in New York?"

"Yes, that's all Maya told me." Lucas said, inhaling sharply while he spoke, and luckily, Riley didn't notice. Even if she had, she ignored it and just left it alone.

"Well, when I was sixteen, I made a mistake. There was this party and I had a one night stand. I don't even know the guy's name. He didn't even go to my school, he was up on vacation with his family and broke into the party. Well, when I woke up the next morning, the guy was gone. I never saw him again. All I have is a picture." Riley paused, looking up at Lucas.

"I'm so sorry Riley." Lucas said simply.

"When I got home my parents yelled at me. They had never been more furious with me. Three weeks later I found out I was pregnant. My parents kicked me out when they found the pregnancy test. Maya and I got jobs and we got a small apartment together. Eventually my parents apologized, and let Maya and myself move into my bedroom. Once Alice was born, it was a little tricky."

"Where is Alice now?" Lucas asked Riley, and she sighed.

"Alice is in second grade now. When she was old enough for kindergarten, we sent her to a boarding school in Canada. I was just on the phone with her. We talk every night. We are close, but at the same time we're not. I started stealing when she went away. My parents couldn't afford to help me, and we were living on our own. So Farkle, Sarah, and I started stealing. Maya joined a few months later. I wanted to stop once we had enough money for her tuition for until she graduated. I wanted to be with my daughter. But stealing, it's addicting, like my personal drug."

"So you kept stealing because you got addicted to it. Did you try going for help?" Lucas asked.

"I would've been arrested. I would have lost everything. I needed to make sure my daughter had everything she needed and more. Alice means the world to me."

"Do you have a picture?" Lucas asked, and Riley got up, and took her wallet out of her purse. She took out a picture and handed it to Lucas. She smiled when she saw her daughter. "She's beautiful."

"She looks almost identical to me. Her father, I don't want to sound racist here, but he was black, so she is on the darker side, like him. And she has a mix of our eyes." She said, pulling out another picture of her purse. "This is her father. I printed it off my phone."

When Lucas saw the picture, he knew he couldn't gasp, no matter how much he wanted to. Riley would get suspicious, it would cause problems. But Lucas knew Alice's father.

Alice's father was Zay Babineaux.

"Wow." Lucas said, looking at more pictures of Alice. "When was the last time you've seen her?"

"Christmas. So almost a year. But we talk every night. I know its not the same, but at least I get to hear my daughter's voice. It's the most angelic thing I've ever heard."

"Are you going to visit her soon?" Lucas asked.

"Yeah, I was thinking I could see her this week, that's where we're headed next. I would like it if you wanted to meet her. Maya won't be happy, since she's only allowed two visitors at a time, but she'll get over it. Will you come with me?" Riley asked.

"Sure." Lucas replied, and Riley leaned in and kissed him on the lips. Lucas was surprised at first, but finally melted into the kiss. After a minute, Riley broke away for air. She took a deep breath, and her lips pressed up against Lucas's yet again.

This time, Lucas broke away. "Riley." He moaned. " We've been in here a long time. Maybe we should go out and get some food." He said. Riley rolled her eyes.

"Boys and their food." Riley muttered. "By the way, your lips taste like pork fried rice. Kind of unpleasant for a kiss, but it was so good I'll let it slide."

"Do you rate kisses or something?" Lucas asked.

"Only yours Gavin." Riley said. That's when Lucas remembered. She didn't know who he really was. And he could never tell her. He was going to break her heart once again.

Once Riley left the room, he slipped his earwig into his ear. "Josh. Josh, do you hear me." Lucas whispered, trying not to wake up Zay, which he knew he would be asleep.

"Yeah, I'm awake. You want me to get Zay up?" Josh replied.

"No, don't wake him up, he can't know. What was the last thing you heard about your niece, who I know you lied to the director about, I lied about never knowing her either."

"Last I was in New York, and that I heard about Riley from Topanga and Cory, she was 17. They didn't say anything, they just said she was good. I never heard from any of them again, and my parents wouldn't tell me anything." Josh answered.

"Riley got pregnant at sixteen. She steals to have money for her daughter. Run the name Alice Matthews for me." Lucas said.

"Nothing." Josh replied.

"Try Alice Hart."

"Still nothing."




"Nothing bro. I don't think she's in the system."

"Try my last name, Friar." Lucas said.

"Got something. Alice Friar, age 7, attending a boarding school in Canada. Mother, Riley Matthews. I wonder why she wasn't in Riley's file. It doesn't say who her father is though."

"All Riley had was a picture, and I was able to identify who it was."

"Who?" Josh asked.

"Zay." Lucas said, and Josh gasped.

"Do you want me to delete the search?" Josh asked.

"Yes." Lucas said, taking his earwig out and left the bedroom, to see the rest of the team eating at the table. Lucas thought in his head. How could everything be linked so perfectly? Unless the director knew all of the connections they had to Riley...


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