Chapter 5

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Chapter: F I V E

You continued to stare at your phone, waiting impatiently for the bespectacled man to call. It had been three days since the ordeal, and he still had yet to make plans. You knew he wouldn't call you at this exact moment, especially since he was sitting not far from you.

You were in class, the same class as him, listening to the professor drone on about the seriousness of external investments. You had forgone taking notes, opting to record the professor's voice as you stared at your phone, waiting for the Ootori kid. Meanwhile, you didn't want to get caught by the professor since he enjoyed torturing his students and your eyes were on anything but him; it could lead to a potential display of embarrassment in front of the whole class, and that wasn't what you needed at the moment.

Midterms were thankfully over, but that just meant one week of freedom. After that one week, the final research papers will be assigned which would be then due during finals week. You could feel the amount of burdens you would carry the following weeks. If you thought Spring Break would be great, you were gravely mistaken.

Spring Break meant hours of working out in the gym, spending hours on interviews, and acting on set. No sleep, no food, no family. You were subjected to the actor's life once you were away from school. Your manager did warn you not to enter Harvard, one of the most prestigious universities in the world, since you had a demanding career. You just needed that money, and once acting was over, you were going to run from the glamorous lifestyle.

"Excuse me," someone whispered into your ear.

You jumped in your chair as you glanced over at the girl beside you. The amount of makeup she wore was nauseating, especially this early in the morning. You were dressed in sweats and a hoodie which contrasted her trendy outfit that showed off her assets. You frowned, not at all amused to be spoken to by a sorority girl. You knew she was one, it wasn't hard to catch that.

"I was wondering if you could send me your recordings of the lecture," she asked with a small smile. She looked nervous to ask, but you couldn't blame her. You looked terrible, like a monster that crawled out of the dumpster.

"I..," you coughed into your hand as you changed your voice, "Don't you have the notes?"

She smiled sheepishly, "He's talking so fast that I can't keep up." She showed you her notebook and how each bullet point wasn't even finished. Her handwriting was neat and cute with the 'i' bubbled with hearts.

"If you didn't make hearts on your 'i's, you wouldn't have a problem," you mumbled.

She heard you and let out an airy laugh, "I know, but I'm so accustomed to my third grade handwriting, it's embarrassing."

You cracked a smile, "Same here, but mine is the ugly kind." She laughed at your joke, though she was quiet about it as she didn't want to get the professor's attention. "I suppose I can send you it," you shrugged.

The girl sighed with relief, "Thank you so much."

Maybe this sorority girl wasn't all that bad.. You returned to glancing at your phone, and when the lecture finally finished, you felt the girl tap your shoulder. "Sorry I bothered you during class! I was panicking since I was so behind on the notes, and then I saw you recording, so I just had to ask."

You mostly heard the noise of people shuffling out the classroom. Some stayed to suck up to the professor while others talked to their friends. You noticed Kyoya packing up his laptop at turtle speed. You made sure to pay attention to him while you spoke to the girl.

"It's fine." You stated as you returned to your tablet. You tapped against the screen as you began to email the audio clip. "What's your email?"

While she recited her college email address, you pressed against the keyboard as you watched Kyoya begin to sling the computer case over his shoulder. "Are you checking him out?"

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