Chapter 14

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"How did it go with my father?"

As you walked down the corridors of his mansion, neither of you have said a word. Your head was still dizzy with questions, and Kyoya showed no interest in explaining his feelings of genuine worry for you. He wouldn't even be walking beside you if it weren't for the fact that his sister urged him to show you around. Declining wasn't an option, given that everyone believed the whole 'we are so in love' story.

You eyed the man, but he just looked forward. He was avoiding eye contact, and you decided to do the same. "It was interesting."

"That isn't a word most people use when they come in contact with him," he tried to joke, though he was still on edge.

"... Well, he told me how he knows about my situation."

Kyoya stopped in his tracks and let out a sigh. "I had a feeling."

"I was wondering--"

"Why don't we continue this in my room?" He sent you a polite smile.

You nodded tentatively and continued to follow him through the hallways. When you finally made it to a room that was far from the rest, your lips curled into a smile. "Double doors for your room? How fancy."

"This room is far larger than your apartment. I believe the double doors are necessary," he rebutted as he opened the doors for you.

Once the both of you were inside, he locked the doors to ensure privacy. Hearing the click of the lock made your heart stop. Of course, nothing was going to happen, but your heart had been betraying you for a while now.

"What did my father speak to you about?" Kyoya motioned you to sit in one of the chairs, and you did.

"This and that," you shrugged. You weren't sure how to start, and the bespectacled man noticed.

"How long has he known about your situation?"

"Since yesterday," you replied immediately. "He hadn't read the information he uncovered until yesterday. His people discovered me around the same time you did."

"Rightfully so. You made a mistake, and fate just happened to put us on the same path."

You laughed softly. "It's odd that you believe in fate."

He quirked an eyebrow. "I started to believe in fate once I began to meet interesting people. When I think of them, the word 'coincidence' is inadequate of a word. There is simply no way I met that childish group and became friends with them by coincidence."

"I see what you mean."

Kyoya cleared his throat. "Returning to the subject... It appeared that you have questions that need answers to."

You quirked an eyebrow at how compliant he was being. "Are you willing to give answers?"

"I will try my best," he smiled.

You took a deep breath, "I was wondering why your father or you haven't done anything about my brother. I know you said that you are afraid of what the doctor or Gray will do to my brother, but there are many precautions we can take. We can lock them up when they least expect it. Or, or..."

Kyoya raised his hand to stop your tirade. "If you weren't blinded by desperation, you would think clearly and know the answer."

You rolled your eyes. "For once, Kyoya, can you please just give me a direct answer?"

His eyes narrowed as he locked his fingers together. "It will be a gamble if I tell you."

"Let's face it. You've already made a huge gamble with me. I'm jeopardizing everything you are working towards. You might as well give up with the secrets since you already know mine," you scoffed.

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