Chapter Two

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A/N: I really hope you enjoy this chapter, any feedback on my writing would be greatly appreciated. I've already started writing more so keep your eyes peeled for more chapters. :) - Dauntingly

Isaac walked the whole way home. When he arrived, his father was waiting on the porch for him. "Took your time Isaac, I told you to be in and out. You know we have to work tonight" Mr Lahey groaned. "Sorry, I got held up" Isaac apologized. Isaac walked past his father and into the house, putting the envelope on the bench before heading to his room to change for work.

Isaac and his father reached the cemetery and immediately Mr Lahey walks into his office and sits down booting up his computer. "What are you doing Isaac? Go start the excavator. You know what to do. You shouldn't need to be told" he growled. Isaac dragged his feet over to the large pine coloured shed and opened the latch, pulling the door fully open to reveal the excavator. Mr Lahey had only ever bought one excavator. He didn't see the need for anymore since nobody would want to work at the cemetery. He had his son and that's all that was needed. Isaac climbed into the cab, started up the excavator, and drove it out onto a winding dirt path that lead around the perimeter of the forest edged cemetery.

The land itself was merely the size of half of a soccer field, so having one man for the job seemed fitting, although Isaac was getting tired of it. Isaac parked the excavator outside his father's office and walked in to grab the schedule. "Now Isaac, I noticed your last few efforts were a bit scrubby, we can't have that. You don't want to end up in the freezer again do you?" Mr Lahey threatened. A shiver ran down Isaac's back as he gulped "N-no Dad". Isaac took the schedule off his father and walked out to the excavator. His eyes skimmed over it as he noticed he would be on the furthest side of the land with little to no lighting. "Perfect, out in the middle of nowhere" he scoffed.

By the time Isaac was done with the first grave, the sky had become blacker than ink and he had to switch on the fog light on the side of the excavator. It flickered every now and again causing Isaac to lean over and hit it with an open palm, this time a little too hard as the light went completely out. Isaac shut off the engine. "Fuck" he swore. Isaac never usually swore. He preferred to blend into the shadows. He liked being a loner, a wallflower. Isaac could barely see his hand in front of him as he searched frantically for the torch under the steering wheel. His hand found the torch as he switched it on. "I knew I was right to bring this" he sighed with relief.

Starting up the motor again, with the flashlight in one hand, he continued digging the second grave. His phone buzzed, causing him to jump out of his skin. "H-hello" he muttered. "Isaac, if that graves not dug in the next ten minutes, I'm leaving without you." His father yelled through the line before hanging up. Isaac tried to get it done quickly, but after driving back to the pine shed and locking it up, he could see his father had left without him.

Isaac grabbed at his phone and unlocked it to use the torch feature. He began walking down the main highway and through the back streets to shortcut home. After making it half way there, he checked the time - almost midnight. It seemed like Isaac had been walking forever. His feet shooting pains up through his legs. He checked his phone battery. "Shit, five percent" he whined. He tucked his phone back in his pocket and picked up the pace. The highway was so quiet, that he could hear his own footsteps and the stirring wildlife around him. Isaac stopped for a moment as he heard a distant whirring sound. It was coming closer and closer with every second. Isaac turned his head to see a car coming down the highway. Headlights lit bright, the car pulled up next to him as the power window sank into the door. "Isaac, is that you?" a familiar voice found his ears. "Y-yeah" he said as his eyes became focused to the figure in the car. It was Allison. "What are you doing out here this late? It's freezing and really dark." she questioned. "Oh, um, I was just finishing up at work" Isaac said. "You don't own a car?" she joked playfully. "Nope, just my own two feet unless I get a lift with my Dad" he said embarrassed. "Do you want a lift home?" she offered. "If you don't mind" he said quietly.

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