Chapter Nine

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A/N: Hey all, I'm glad you liked the most recent chapter. I couldn't stop writing this next chapter after I had published the last. I know it's a filler-ish sort of one but I hope you enjoy it none the less. If you have any suggestions on where you'd like to see the fic go next or constructive criticism, please comment below. Thank you again for all the views and likes, it makes my day!

Allison pulled into Beacon Hills High's car park and shut off the engine. Isaac unbuckled himself grabbed for his bag as he opened the door stepping out onto the asphalt closing the door behind him. Allison grabbed her leather satchel from the back seat and went to open her car door when Isaac opened it for her. "Thank you" Allison smiled. "No, thank you for the ride and again for everything last night" Isaac grinned. "You're welcome" Allison breathed as she stepped out as Isaac closed the car door behind her. Allison ruffled around in her satchel for her keys, finding them she locked the car as the pair walked towards the entrance. "Chemistry right?" Isaac asked as he pushed the double doors open for Allison. "Yeah, a double" Allison responded as they walked towards the lab. Isaac held the door open for Allison as they walked to the back of the room to find an empty lab bench, Scott and Stiles eyes followed the pair as they took their seats. "Nice to see you actually bothered to show today Mr. Lahey" Mr Harris scolded. Harris never mentioned Allison's tardiness and continued on, "Turn to page 396" Mr Harris informed. Allison pulled out her Chemistry book and notepad as Isaac did the same. 

After what seemed like an eternity, Chemistry was finally over as the bell sounded for the next lesson to begin. "I've got to rush to the Library" Allison said as she packed away her textbook and notepad. "I'll see you at break" she called as she left the lab. Isaac packed up his things and headed for the door when Mr Harris stopped him. "Lahey, don't be late again or we'll be spending Thursday afternoons together in detention". "Sorry, it won't happen again" Isaac smirked as he left the lab and headed towards the locker rooms for Lacrosse practice. Inside the locker room Coach Finstock was writing the roster out as Isaac entered "Mr Lahey, finally showing up" Coach boomed so the whole locker room could hear. "Sorry I'm late Coach" Isaac apologized genuinely. "Alright ladies, gear up and I'll see you out on the field, we've got a lot to do today" Coach announced before slamming the locker room door behind him. Isaac headed straight to his locker and began putting his gear on as Scott and Stiles waited for Isaac beside his locker. "Gear up and get out on the field we've got a game to prepare for" Scott said heading for the door with Stiles following behind him. "If first lines mess up today you'll be benched for Saturday" Stiles joked. "Mess up, I never mess up" Isaac laughed putting the rest of his kit on and grabbing his lacrosse stick before running out of the locker room towards the field.

Allison had situated herself on the second level of the Library near the window as she knew the Lacrosse team was practicing. Scanning the team she found Isaac standing next to Stiles and Scott before the team broke into formation. Allison reached for her earphones and put them in, blocking out any outside noise while she continued to study, occasionally she'd look through the window and smile as she watched Isaac run up and down the field with Scott and Stiles in tow. It wasn't long before she had finished writing her notes when a familiar scent of vanilla caught her by surprise, Lydia. Lydia sat down in the seat in front of her as Allison pulled out her earphones to catch the end of Lydia's sentence. "Now I know why you sit up here, look at all this eye candy" Lydia laughed as her eye caught Stiles. "You know, I bet they don't even know we're watching" Lydia joked as her eyes flickered to see Stiles score. Lydia jumped from her seat in excitement. "Yes!" she whispered before looking to Allison who had been staring at Isaac the whole time. "You fancy Isaac don't you?" Lydia mocked turning as she sat back down in her chair looking Allison directly in the eye. Embarrassed Allison looked away as she blushed and muttered "No, I don't know what you're talking about". "You so do!" Lydia exclaimed. "Shhh" Allison hushed reaching for her text books. "You know, I've been meaning to throw a party, it's been a while since the last one" Lydia smiled. "Maybe you could bring Isaac" she teased before picking up her designer handbag and walking off. Allison smiled to herself as the bell sounded for lunch. "Now to get through lunch without embarrassing myself" she breathed.

As the lunch bell sounded Coach Finstock called for the team to huddle in the middle of the field as he flipped the pages on his clipboard. "Great practice everyone, Stilinski! Nice shot today" Coach applauded followed by the team joining in. "Now, down to business, Saturday's game against Devenford Prep" Coach announced. "McCall, Stilinksi, Lahey, first line" Coach trailed as he rattled off the rest of the team who had made Saturday's game. Picking up their lacrosse sticks and sprinting to the locker room the trio freshened up and changed before heading to their usual table at the cafeteria. Allison and Lydia were already sitting and chatting when Isaac, Scott and Stiles walked over and joined them. As the trio sat down Scott announced "So we're all playing first line on Saturday". "Oh my god, Congratulations" Lydia beamed. "Well done everyone" Allison congratulated. Isaac met Allison's eyes for a moment and smiled before pulling his wallet out and excusing himself to the cafeteria. "I'm feeling like a nice chicken and lettuce sandwich" a familiar voice spoke behind him. Lydia. "I've never really been a fan of sandwiches" Isaac laughed. The cafeteria lunch woman yelled "Next" as Isaac walked up to the cashier. "I'll have the lasagna today, thank you" he said handing over his ATM card. "Pasta's full of carbs, you know" Lydia mocked. "Just the way I like it" Isaac laughed. "You know, I'm thinking of having a party at my place this weekend after the game. Are you interested?" Lydia asked. "Sure, if everyone's coming?" Isaac questioned. "By everyone, you mean Allison?" Lydia teased. A blush flushed Isaac's cheeks his eyes rolling as he replied "I guess you could say that". "Good, I'll get organizing it then" Lydia smiled ordering her lunch. 

After lunch was over Isaac and Allison had another class of Chemistry before the day was done. Mr Harris out of spite partnered them separately for a project. Allison packed up her text book and notepad mouthing "Sorry" in Isaac's direction as she took a seat at Scott's table. Stiles dragged his bag over to Isaac's table and sat down. "This is going to be great fun" Stiles spat sarcastically. "Tell me about it" Isaac laughed as Mr Harris wrote the experiment up on the board. Fishing his phone out of his pocket Isaac opened a new text to Allison. "I heard Lydia's throwing a party soon, are you going?" hitting send as he listened for Allison's phone to vibrate. Allison picked up her phone and smiled before looking over to catch Isaac already looking at her smiling. "I think so, are you going?" she responded. Isaac looked over at her and nodded in her direction, her smile widening. Scott nudged Allison's rib with his elbow, "So you and Isaac seem to be getting along?" he questioned. "Yeah, he's nice" Allison smiled. "Lydia seems pretty set on having this party" Scott laughed. "Well you know Lydia" Allison giggled. Just then both Allison and Scott's phone vibrated, opening their texts to find it had been a mass text from Lydia. "Pre drinks on Saturday at my house – dress nicely we're going out later! Don't be late." Looking up from her phone Allison looked over to find Stiles and Isaac holding their phones up with the same text before setting them down on the table to finish their experiment. Scott had already completed it and began writing out notes as Allison cleaned up. The last bell of the day alarmed and Mr Harris dismissed the class, Allison headed straight for her locker where she found Isaac already waiting for her. "Could I please get a lift?" he asked politely flashing his pearly whites. "Sure" Allison said putting her text books and notepad in her locker. The pair walked out into the car park where they met with the rest of the group. Stiles had his arm around Lydia and Scott was sitting on his motorbike as Allison and Isaac arrived. "So you all got my text then?" Lydia questioned. "Yeah, sounds like fun we'll see you there" Allison smiled before looking at Isaac. "Yeah, see you tomorrow night" Isaac confirmed. "Alright, I've gotta go to the clinic to see Deaton, I'll see you all tomorrow" Scott waved as he reached for his helmet. Stiles walked Lydia to her car and said goodbye to her as Allison and Isaac walked towards her car, Isaac rushing to open her door for her. "Thank you" she smiled. "You're welcome" he grinned before walking over to climb into the passenger seat. A band Isaac recognized was playing on Allison's iPod. "You like The Neighbourhood?" Isaac smiled. "Yeah, they're pretty awesome" Allison grinned. The pair pulled up to Isaac's place shortly after, "I'd invite you inside but it's kind of a mess" Isaac sighed. "It's okay, I'll grab a rain check" Allison smiled. "I'd like that" Isaac blushed. "Me too, I'll see you tomorrow!" Allison smiled a blush starting to spread across her cheeks. "See you tomorrow, drive safe" Isaac said as he waved. Isaac waited a moment as he watched Allison drive off, his smile growing wider the further away she drove as he walked inside.

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