Chapter Eleven

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A/N: I don't exactly know how I feel about this next installment but I hope it's suitable to tie you guys over until I can write better. Let me know your thoughts in the comments below and if you have any suggestions, directions or prompts - send them my way. Thank you again for all the positive feedback. 

Isaac turned on his heels and walked up the wooden steps that lead to the demountable office, picking up the only pot plant around he picked up the key and opened the door. "Obviously not a good place to hide a key" Isaac mumbled to himself as he made his way into the office to pick up the charter that his father had drafted. Isaac let out another sigh as he read the charter. "Three jobs to do before the morning, ugh I'm going to be here all night" he thought. Isaac picked up the charter and made his way to the storage shed. After starting up the excavator and letting it idle Isaac pulled out of the shed and drove off into the direction of the first dig site.

Isaac heard his phone buzzing on the dashboard of the excavator; sprinting over from a plot he answered his phone. "Hello" Isaac greeted, "Isaac Lahey, where the hell are you?" Lydia scolded from the other end of the line. "Didn't Allison tell you I got caught up with work?" Isaac questioned, "Yes, but still why are you not here, you've left Allison all alone" Lydia slurred. Isaac could tell Lydia had had a few too many drinks and decided to just let her ramble. "Allison really likes you, you know?" Lydia giggled, "I hope so," Isaac laughed. "Hurry up and finish work, we all miss you" Lydia cheered before hanging up the phone. Isaac smiled and turned to return to plot.

Isaac finally finished the last plot, starting up the excavator he made his way back to the shed and locked up. Isaac walked into the office and placed the charter on the table, locking the door and replacing the key under the pot plant he walked towards home. When he arrived home his father was passed out in the same position on the couch as always, Isaac quietly snuck into his room and closed the door. Checking the time he realised it was far too late to even try to venture going out, exhausted Isaac changed into a pair of sweats and flopped onto his bed falling into unconsciousness.

When Isaac woke up he checked his phone for messages and found a text from Lydia from the gang. "Sorry you missed out last night, we had fun. Maybe next time then" Isaac knew Lydia would of understood, he had Allison to thank for that. Isaac opened a blank message and typed out an apology text to Allison. "I feel terrible about leaving you alone last night with the group. Are you free tonight?" After hitting send Isaac decided it was time for a shower, rolling out of bed he padded his way to the bathroom.

Mr Lahey was still passed out on the couch when Isaac emerged from the bathroom. Isaac made his way to the kitchen and saw the pile of dishes in the sink. "Disgusting" he thought as he began washing up and clearing away the mess his father had left behind. After the kitchen was clean Isaac decided to make a start on his room. Mr Lahey woke up mid afternoon, barely saying a word to his son he left for work. Isaac checked his phone; Allison had agreed to hang out. Isaac dialled her number. "Hey Allison, I was wondering if maybe you wanted to come to my place?" Isaac smiled. "Sure, I'll make my way over now" Allison grinned hanging up the phone.

When Allison finally arrived Isaac waited for her on the porch. Walking down to her car he opened the door for her and kissed her cheek. "Hey" he grinned wide. "Hello to you too" Allison blushed as she wrapped her arms around him. The pair walked inside the house. "I'm sorry it's taken this long to actually invite you over, I don't have many guests as you can tell" Isaac said shyly. "It's okay Isaac, I understand" Allison assured as they made their way to Isaac's room. Isaac took the desk chair as Allison sat on his bed. "So, where's your dad?' Allison asked, "Work, thankfully" Isaac smiled. Allison held out her hand reaching for Isaac's who entwined his fingers with hers. Allison pulled him towards her as she cupped his face in her hands, "Isaac, I want you to know if you ever need me I'm here for you," she whispered looking into his bright blue eyes. "Thank you" Isaac blushed as Allison pulled him in for a kiss.

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