Chapter Thirteen

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A/N: I think I've finally started to get back into the swing of writing again, I'm hoping I can keep creating chapters for you all at this rate. I'm really enjoying every piece I've written these past couple of days, although I am starting to think it's getting a little repetitive in some aspects so I'm going to try and switch it up a bit in the coming chapters. I hope you enjoy this next installment, and thank you to the lovely people who have been commenting their thoughts, it makes my day to read and reply to them. 

Allison must have asked Isaac at least a dozen times if he was okay before she pulled up into the car park of Beacon Hills High. "Allison, really I'm fine" Isaac insisted, "What are you going to say if someone asks?" Allison questioned. Isaac opened the car door and stepped out onto the asphalt closing the door before walking around to Allison's side and sticking his head through the window. "I play Lacrosse Allison, I'll say the ball hit me" Isaac joked as he kissed her cheek before opening her door for her.

Allison stepped out of the car as Isaac closed the door behind her; Lydia and Stiles greeted them. Stiles had his arm wrapped around the strawberry blondes waist as they walked over to meet Isaac and Allison. "Jesus Isaac, what happened?" Lydia asked. "Lacrosse accident" Isaac laughed. Stiles looked at Isaac for a second and laughed going along with the lie. "Hope you heal up soon" Lydia smiled as she turned to walk up the stairs and into the hallway. Stiles followed behind, catching up with Lydia snaking his hands around her waist, kissing her cheek as they walked towards class. Allison looked at Isaac and smiled, reaching for his hand Isaac entwined his fingers with Allison's as they followed behind.

The first two classes went by quickly and finally everyone's timetables linked up, the whole group sat in the top tier of the library overlooking the lacrosse field, books were scattered all over the table as Scott, Stiles, Isaac, Allison and Lydia crammed. "I'm never going to be able to memorise all of these chemical formulas," Scott groaned as he let his head fall onto the open book, "You'd know all of this if you actually wrote notes," Lydia mocked. Stiles had somehow managed to fall asleep with his head on the desk next to Allison who sat across from Isaac. "How he manages to sleep so much astounds me" Lydia whispered looking over at Allison, "You wear him out too much" Allison giggled looking in Lydia's direction before continuing with her notes. Lydia carefully ripped out a blank page from her book and wrote in her perfect cursive handwriting "So you and Isaac huh?" before scrunching it up and tossing it at Allison. The note completely missed and landed in front of Isaac; taking his earphones out of his ears he looked up at Allison tossing the note to her. "Lydia?" he mouthed as the note landed in Allison's lap. Allison nodded as she unravelled the note and read it. Allison scrawled her reply across the page and tossed it back at Lydia, Lydia looked up and smiled at Allison before turning her head to wink at Isaac smiling wide. Isaac blushed and put his earphones back in and continued writing his notes.

The bell sounded as the group packed up, Lydia gently tapped on Stiles' shoulder "Wake up sleepy, we're going to the cafeteria", Stiles shot up from his chair and wobbled as he steadied his balance, "Sweet, last one to the cafeteria is a rotten egg" he joked as he picked up his bag and sprinted down the stairs out the door. Scott laughed picking up his bag and chased after him. Lydia, Allison and Isaac walked down the library stairs before breaking off. "You go with Lydia, I'll catch up with you" Isaac smiled pulling Allison in as he kissed her forehead. Allison smiled as she pulled away and walked with Lydia towards the girls' bathroom.

Isaac headed in the opposite direction towards the gym. Isaac dumped his bag in the locker room and stripped off and changed into his lacrosse shorts. Isaac walked over to the punching bags and took a deep breath in and exhaled. Picking up the gloves that were tied to the top of the bag he slipped them on and began punching the bag until his hands hurt. Isaac kept punching, imagining his father's face was stuck to the bag he swung and punched until he ran out of energy and sat against the wall. Wiping sweat from his eyes he began deep breathing, trying to calm himself down. It wasn't long before the bell sounded again, and Isaac had realised he completely missed lunch, tying the gloves back around the bag he walked over to the showers and quickly washed up before slipping his clothes back on, tossing his lacrosse shorts in his bag before walking out of the gym.

The hallway was like a sea of students, pushing and shoving between one another to get to class. Isaac pushed through the crowd and found his locker; opening it he grabbed out some paper and headed to chemistry. As he entered the classroom Mr Harris had just passed out the curriculum for the lesson. "Nice of you to show up Lahey" he mocked as Isaac took his seat next to Allison. "I missed you at lunch" she whispered rubbing her thumb over his slightly bruised knuckles. "Sorry, I got caught up in the gym" Isaac breathed pulling his cardigan sleeves over his knuckles. Allison pulled her hand away and took out her notepad and began writing the questions on the sheet into her book. Isaac looked over at the opposite table and saw Scott, Stiles and Lydia messing about. Stiles was balancing a pen on his upper lip, Lydia was filing her nails and Scott had his head in his chemistry book eagerly taking notes.

When the final bell sounded for the day Isaac took his time packing away the scrap bits of paper into his bag before watching Lydia, Stiles and Scott walk out into the corridor along with the other classmates. Allison stayed back until the classroom was empty all except for Isaac. "Is everything okay?" she asked, "I don't know" Isaac exhaled. "I know things aren't okay Isaac, you don't need to hide it from me. It's not going to scare me away, it's not going to make me think any less of you" she smiled, "You say that now, but everyone always leaves me. It may not be today, tomorrow or a month's time. But somewhere down the line everyone leaves" Isaac doubted, "Hey, listen to me" Allison paused. "I am here for you, always, whenever you need me, and I am certainly not going anywhere Isaac" Allison corrected. Isaac cracked a faint smile before putting his bag on and reaching for Allison's hand. The pair walked out of Mr Harris' lab and out into the hallway. Lydia and Stiles were waiting by their lockers as Allison and Isaac walked up to them. "So, I was thinking, how about a double date?" Allison suggested. Isaac wrapped his arm around Allison's shoulders and nodded his approval before Lydia chimed in. "Of course, why don't we go bowling?" Stiles cheered, "It's been so long since I've bowled, let's do it". The group walked out into the car park and split ways. "See you guys later" Lydia yelled from the passenger seat of Stiles' jeep as they drove past Isaac and Allison.

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