Chapter Seven

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A/N: Hey everyone, thank you so much for your continuous support with this fic and all my other fics. If you haven't read them please go check them out. I've kinda had a touch of writers block lately, so until I get unblocked this might be the last piece for a while.  If you have any suggestions or comments please don't be shy, I reply to everyone who comments/inboxes. But nonetheless, thank you everyone. 

Isaac decided to take the long way home as he knew his father would be on the porch waiting to drag him to another nights work at the cemetery. Walking through backstreets and through a small field Isaac found an old wooden playground that looked like it was abandoned a long time ago. Isaac began to explore the wooden structure. There was a sheltered fort area in the middle of the framework big enough to fit four people, an old swing set scrawled with graffiti and what looked to be the remnants of a sandpit. Isaac climbed into the fort area dumping his bag in one of the corners before remembering the slip of paper in his back pocket. Isaac pulled it out and opened it, and in perfect cursive a number was scrawled across the slip of paper. Pulling out his phone Isaac typed the number into his phone and pressed save. A smile sprawled across his face as he opened up a new message and began to type.

"Hi Allison, its Isaac. What are you up too?" he keyed in before backspacing it all. Isaac tucked his phone away in his back pocket deciding not to text her. Leaning his head against the wooden beams as he tucked himself into a ball he fell asleep briefly. When Isaac awoke it had started raining and the wood had become damp from the downpour. Isaac grabbed his backpack and started to sprint home. When he arrived his father wasn't home and must have already left for work. Isaac took the opportunity to take a long hot shower and prepare himself dinner before heading to the cemetery. Pulling a packet of pasta out of the pantry he searched for a pot to boil some water in. After a few minutes of searching he gave up placing the pasta in the cupboard and pulled out a microwavable dinner, placing it in the microwave and setting the timer he sat on a kitchen chair. Vibrations sent shivers up his thigh as he dug his phone out of his pocket pressing the answer button. "Isaac where the hell are you, you're late" Mr Lahey boomed through the static. Isaac hung up the phone immediately cutting his father off as the microwave bell. One half cooked microwave dinner later Isaac rushed to put his windbreaker and work boots on before making his way to the cemetery. Mr Lahey stood waiting impatiently at the front gate while his son came running down the highway now over an hour late. When Isaac reached the gate he was greeted by a punch to the face sending him tumbling backwards on the gravel nose dripping with blood. "That's for being late, you'll get worse when we get home. Now get off your arse and get the excavator out" his father threatened. Isaac wiped the blood from his nose with the sleeve of his windcheater while walking towards the wooden deck where the schedule was pinned to the newly assembled corkboard his father must have put up. Hurrying towards the excavator avoiding all eye contact with his father Isaac opened the shed and drove out to the plot of land.

The night air became colder as Isaac finished up the plot of land as he began to drive the excavator back to the shed before locking it securely in the shed. In the main office his father was reclined in the office chair with his feet on the desk. "Took your time Isaac, I'm going to miss the sports re-runs" Mr Lahey groaned. Mr Lahey pushed past Isaac heading towards his beat up pick-up truck as Isaac followed and climbed into the backseat. Not a word was spoken on the short drive back to the Lahey residence. Stepping out of the pick-up Isaac pulled out his phone and checked the time, midnight. Isaac entered the house and walked out into the backyard to sit on the back steps, he unlocked his phone and rang Allison. "Hello?" she answered. "Allison, hi it's Isaac" he replied. "I was wondering when you'd call" Allison smiled. "So um, I was wondering are you free?" he whispered. "What, right now Isaac, its midnight?" Allison laughed. "Yeah, I could use a friend" he confessed. "Sure, do you want to go for a drive?" she asked. "Alright" Isaac breathed. Within minutes Allison pulled up in the street behind Isaac's giving Isaac the perfect escape route over the back fence. Isaac jumped the back fence and quickly scrambled into her car. A worried frown sprawled across Allison's face as she pulled away driving towards the town centre.

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