Chapter Fourteen

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A/N: Hey all, thank you for being so patient. My holiday in New Zealand was amazing, although it did end a couple of months ago. I have been swamped with family commitments since my return so I haven't had time to write, so I'm extremely sorry! I know I have a lot of writing to catch up on and I intend to fulfill my intended goal of having at least seventeen chapters done by Christmas. Hopefully you enjoy the coming installments. 

It wasn't long before the pair arrived at Isaac's house, Allison pulled up to the curb and turned the engine off. "Is your Dad home?" Allison asked. Isaac looked down the drive and saw his Dad's truck parked, "Yeah unfortunately" Isaac sighed. "It doesn't matter, I'll come in. He can't hurt you while I'm there" Allison smiled. Isaac tightened his grip on Allison's hand and brought it to his lips, kissing her hand softly. "Are you sure you want to come inside?" Isaac frowned. "Mhmm" Allison agreed as she let go of his hand to let herself out of the car. Isaac let out a long sigh as he stepped out of the car and met with Allison on the footpath. "Alright, let's do this" Isaac said walking to the porch steps. Allison linked arms with Isaac as they walked up the porch to the front door, Isaac turned the key and opened the door to be greeted by his father. "Ah, I was wondering when I was going to meet you" Mr Lahey paused. "Allison Argent, if I'm not mistaken?" he said flatly. "Yes, It's nice to meet you Mr Lahey" Allison smiled escorting Isaac to his bedroom. Mr Lahey watched the pair like a hawk moving past him and down the hallway to Isaac's room as he closed the front door and made his way into the living room. Isaac exhaled a long breath as Allison closed his bedroom door after herself. "You alright?" Allison asked as she pulled Isaac into a tight hug. "Yeah, I'm fine, I can just tell he's going to be so mad tonight" Isaac sighed. "Tonight? Don't worry about tonight, we'll face it together" Allison smiled kissing his cheek. "Now go get in the shower, I'll amuse myself looking around your room" she laughed pushing Isaac to his door. Isaac reluctantly made his way to the shower, looking over his shoulder marveling Allison as she stood by his bedside looking at the few photos that were framed.

After exiting what would have been the world's fastest shower Isaac padded towards his bedroom to find Allison flipping through a sketchbook placed in her lap as she sat on his bed. "You know it's rude to pry" Isaac joked. "Isaac these are really good, why aren't you taking art?" Allison gawked. "Maybe next year" Isaac smiled as he turned his back to Allison and ruffled through his drawers looking for something decent to wear. A few moments passed and Isaac was still rummaging, Allison stood up and wrapped her arms around Isaac's waist and kissed his neck softly. "Go with the beige skinny jeans, the white tee draped over your chair and that thing you call a cardigan". The pair burst out into laughter as Isaac picked up the clothes Allison suggested and walked back into the bathroom. Allison's phone buzzed a few times before she fished it out of her bag; it was a bunch of texts from Lydia. "How long are you two going to be?" "Should we grab food beforehand or after?" "Allison?" With a few swift presses of her fingertips Allison replied "We'll just eat while we're there, leaving shortly". Isaac walked into his room as Allison held her phone up to him to read as laughter erupted from his mouth. "Impatient much?" he joked as Allison tugged on the hem of his white tee pulling her into him before she kissed him. "Just a little, but we better go, I want to stop by my place and grab a few things before we meet them" Allison smiled walking towards his door.

The pair pulled up outside Allison's house a short time after, leaving the radio and ignition running she closed her door and ran up to her house. Isaac's eyes followed Allison as she stepped inside. The radio display flickered as the song title changed "The Neighbourhood – The Beach". Isaac let out a small laugh as he admired their shared taste in music as his eyes flickered to Allison's front door, her father stood behind her as Allison left carrying an over sized satchel, smiling as she made her way to the car Isaac lent over and opened the driver's side door for her. "That was quick" Isaac laughed as Allison tossed her bag into the backseat. "Yeah, we don't want to keep Lydia and Stiles waiting" Allison laughed as the pair buckled themselves and Allison started the car before pulling away waving to her father who was still in the doorway watching the pair pull away. 

Allison flicked the forward button on the radio and a new title flickered onto the screen. Isaac smiled as he rested his hand on Allison's thigh, Allison dropped her hand into her lap and entwined her fingers with Isaac's as she drove towards the bowling center. Before long Allison and Isaac pulled into the bowling centers car park and their eyes met the familiar blue Jeep. "I hope we're not late" Allison stressed. "I don't think we are, they never really gave us a time" Isaac smiled reassuringly. Allison turned the key in the ignition and the car rumbled to a stop as Isaac opened his door and stepped out, Allison following suit. The pair walked towards the double doors with the glowing LED sign that said "Beacon Hills Bowls & Pool Hall". Isaac wrapped his arm around Allison's shoulder as the pair entered to find Lydia and Stiles at the cashier counter. "See I told you we weren't late" Isaac whispered into Allison's ear as he kissed her head. "Hey you two!" Lydia smiled as the pair approached. "Hey, hope we didn't keep you" Allison apologized. "No, not at all, perfect timing" Lydia smiled as Stiles mimicked Isaac and wrapped his arm around Lydia's shoulder. "How many games should we play?" Stiles asked pulling out his leather wallet. "Hmm, how about three to start off with, first to two?" Allison suggested. "That sounds great, bragging rights to the best couple" Stiles joked. Allison blushed as her eyes met Isaac's for a brief moment before the cashier motioned them to their bay.

The four of them sat in their allocated bay and waited as a team member walked over and asked for their shoe sizes before walking away to fetch them. "Does anyone want any food?" Isaac asked before standing to his feet. "We might as well all order at once?" Lydia suggested. "Sure, what should we get?" Allison asked flicking through the menu as Isaac took his seat again. "Why don't we get a large fries to split and two mini burgers?" Lydia suggested to Stiles who was salivating over how amazing the food looked in the menu. "Yeah, sounds good" he smiled. "Isaac?" Allison asked. "Mm, I could go for a chocolate milkshake and fries" he smiled. "Make that two!" Allison grinned handing the menu to Isaac. "Stiles,go help Isaac with the food, he won't be able to carry it all" Lydia suggested as Stiles stood to his feet and walked over to the bar with Isaac, leaving Lydia and Allison to chat. "So, how's Isaac?" Lydia gossiped. "He's really sweet" Allison smiled. "That's it? He's sweet" Lydia giggled. "Come on Allison,you know there's more to it than that" Lydia smiled. "Okay, okay yeah, he's sweet but he's so thoughtful and caring and he understands me" Allison gushed. "I'm really glad he makes you happy" Lydia grinned as the raised her eyebrows to the two tall boys walking over with their food. "Let's eat, I'm starving" Stiles rushed as they both placed the food on the table.

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