Chapter Eight

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A/N: Hey everyone, I am so so sorry this has taken ages to come around I know a majority of you have been eagerly and patiently waiting for the next chapter. As I mentioned in a post, I have been going through quite a rough patch since September last year. I've made a lot of progress since then and I finally decided to try writing again. I'm sorry in advance if this isn't exactly what you were expecting but it's here and I hope you enjoy it. I promise i'm going to work harder with my writing and to keep a steady upload of new parts for you all. Thank you all again for being so patient. 

The car rolled to a stop outside Beacon Hills High School as Allison turned the keys to turn the ignition off. "Is everything okay, Isaac?" Allison asked shifting in her seat to face him. "I just needed to get away" Isaac mumbled. Allison sat there watching Isaac's expression change from at ease to uncomfortable. "Is there anything I can do to help?" Allison asked moments later. "You've already helped, I just don't know how I'm going to go back there" Isaac shuddered. "Maybe you don't have too" Allison smiled. "Where else do I have to go?" Isaac murmured. Allison turned to face the steering wheel and started up the car before driving towards the only place she knew would take him in.

It wasn't long before they pulled up at a two-story grey house, accented with white pillars and eaves. Allison turned the car engine off and turned to face Isaac. "Isn't this Scott's house?" Isaac questioned. "He's the only person I can think of who could help" Allison smiled. Digging through her bag Allison pulled out her phone and with a quick press of a few buttons Scott was at her window. "Oh hey Isaac" Scott said surprised as he looked in through her driver's side window. "Hey" Isaac mumbled to reply. Allison and Isaac simultaneously opened their car doors and stepped out onto the road before closing them and walking around to meet Scott. "Your text sounded urgent, what's going on?" Scott queried. "I, um, need a place to stay. My home situation isn't working for me" Isaac stuttered. "Oh, I guess you could crash at mine for the night" Scott gestured. "Thank you Scott, I didn't know who else to turn too" Allison smiled flashing her pearly whites.

Scott lead Isaac inside as Allison climbed into her car and waved from her window as she drove away. Inside Isaac was standing awkwardly in the hallway. "I didn't think she was going to bring me here, I'm sorry if I'm intruding" Isaac sighed embarrassed. "It's okay Isaac, you can sleep in the spare room until we sort everything out" Scott smiled. "So what's been going on?" Scott questioned. "Oh, you know, just family stuff" Isaac deterred. "Allison seemed really worried, I don't think she would have brought you here if it wasn't serious" Scott worried. "I'm just having some difficulties with my Dad, I just needed to get out of the house for a while" Isaac sighed. Scott sensed that Isaac wanted to be alone, half smiling Scott replied "Everyone needs an escape every once and a while, make yourself at home. I'll see you in the morning". Isaac pulled out his phone and opened Allison's contact and texted "Thank you for tonight" his thumb pressed the send button as he locked his phone and closed his eyes feeling safe, at least for the time being.

In the morning Scott knocked on the door as he opened it to find Isaac sitting in the arm chair reading a book. "Morning" Scott groaned groggily. "Morning" Isaac said before placing the book on the side table next to him. "So I guess we have school huh?" Isaac groaned. "Yeah, I called Allison. She'll be leaving in half an hour to pick you up to take you home to get some clothes, you're welcome to use the shower" Scott laughed. Pulling his shirt to his nose Isaac definitely knew he could use one as he sprung from the bed and headed to the shower. Fifteen minutes had passed before Isaac emerged from the shower as he rushed to get ready before Allison arrived. Before long Allison pulled up at Scott's curb and saw Isaac sitting on the front steps. Isaac called out to Scott as he walked towards Allison's car "See you later". Allison opened the car door from the inside as Isaac walked closer to her car. "Good morning!" she beamed. "Good morning" Isaac smiled as he climbed inside and buckled up. "I know you're hesitant to go home so I'll come with you" Allison smiled as she pulled away from Scott's house. Fidgeting with the radio dial she heard the familiar sound of The Kooks playing and decided to leave it on while they drove to Isaac's house. "The Kooks, really?" Isaac questioned. "What's wrong with The Kooks?" Allison laughed. "Nothing, they're pretty good. I just wouldn't have picked you as an indie girl" Isaac smiled. "What, you think I like all that alternative stuff Stiles likes or something?" she laughed. "No, no, I picked you as a pop lover like Lydia" Isaac laughed. "No, never.. I prefer acoustic and indie stuff, it's relaxing" Allison grinned. "I'll remember that" Isaac smiled.

It wasn't long before they pulled up at Isaac's place, his Dad's truck no longer in the driveway. "He's at work so I shouldn't be too long" Isaac said before hurrying inside pulling the key out from under a plant. Unlocking the door he called out to see if his father was home, he wasn't. Isaac entered his bedroom and rustled around his wardrobe and picked out a pair of jeans, a white t-shirt and a dark grey sweater. Just before leaving the house he grabbed his bag and rustled his hair in the mirror before locking the door and heading out to Allison's car. "You didn't take long" she smiled as he climbed into the passenger seat. Isaac went to buckle up as Allison went to change gear and their hands briefly brushed sending a spark along Isaac's skin as they both pulled away. They simultaneously looked up at each other as a shade of red flashed across Allison's cheeks. "Um, we better get going we're late for class" Allison said quietly. "Yeah" Isaac breathed before they pulled away and headed in the direction of Beacon Hills High.

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