Chapter Six

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Isaac came out from hiding behind one of the locker clusters after he saw Allison walk away, he walked towards the doors that lead out onto the field. Coach Finstock was already there prepping the Lacrosse team tryouts. Isaac hurried over dumping his bag as he met with the group. "Mr Lahey, nice of you to show up" Finstock yelled causing the whole team to focus their attention on Isaac. "So as I was saying since tryouts were yesterday and they were absolutely terrible, I've decided to open them up again today which is why you're all here" he shouted. A tanned average height brunette walked up next to coach holding a lacrosse stick. "My name is Scott McCall, I'm the captain of the lacrosse team, if you want to be successful in joining my team you must have an athletic background, good hand eye co-ordination and be able to attend regular team meetings and every game whether it be home or away" he announced. "You heard your captain, if anyone here already knows they can't commit or doesn't have the skills please leave so you don't waste our time" Coach bellowed. Isaac contemplated whether he was good enough, sure he'd played briefly at his old school and knew the rules, but was that really enough to score him a spot on the team. Scott stood on the first bleacher "Alright listen up, I'm going to split you into two teams, shirts and no shirts" he announced. "If you're a shirt, I think you have potential, if you're a no shirt you need to prove me wrong".

The teams were divided in a matter of minutes and Isaac had landed himself a shirt position, was this because Allison had told Scott about his previous time playing, or was he picking out of random, whatever the reason Isaac didn't care, he knew he had to make the team. Coach Finstock carried out the two huge kit bags and slumped them down next to the bleachers. "Alright ladies, gear up and let's get this show on the road" he shouted. Isaac picked up his lacrosse stick and gear and got organized. Moments later the teams were on the field all geared and ready with the howl of Coach Finstock's whistle the game was on. Isaac was first to scoop up the small rubber ball into the mesh lacrosse pocket at the top of the stick, immediately he started running dodging and swerving the other team members and scored the first points of the tryout game.

It wasn't long before the tryout game was over when Isaac noticed Allison watching from the bleachers with Lydia and Stiles. Coach Finstock wrapped up the tryout match and sent the team to the showers. Isaac waited back still in his lacrosse gear as Allison rushed over. "This is where you rushed off too huh?" she smiled. Isaac nodded out of breath from the game. "Can I just say that number fourteen jersey really suits you Lahey" she laughed. "Thanks, I'm going to go hit the showers" he huffed jogging towards the main building. "Isaac wait" she called out chasing after him. Isaac stopped as he watched the brunette rush over "Here, you forgot this" handing Isaac a slip of paper before jogging back to Lydia and Stiles. Isaac slipped the paper in his back pocket and continued to the showers.

Coach Finstock debriefed the tryouts and told them results would be up in the coming days outside the sports office. Scott mentioned a few words about not making the cut, then to tryout next season and the team was dismissed. Isaac picked up his bag slugging it over his shoulder and proceeded to walk out into the corridor. "You're Isaac right?" a voice acknowledged from behind. Isaac turned to see Scott finishing up packing the lacrosse kits. "Yeah" Isaac replied. "You made first line" Scott cheered. "I did?" Isaac replied. "Yeah, you were great out there, I'll see you around" Scott congratulated. Isaac continued to walk out into the corridor and out onto the field. The last bell of the day sounded as he reached the doors leading out into the carpark.

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